
HyperNormalization - How we arrived in a post truth world.

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"Welcome to the post-truth world. You know it's not real. But you accept it as normal." -- Adam Curtis

Hey guys, I want to share some documentaries with you, because I think they are essential to understand the world, we live in.

I like Adam Curtis' films, because they bring together lots of detailed information from mass psychology, history, politics, economy, technology... to draw an extremely high level picture of how the notion of truth looks like in todays society. (Not Absolute Truth though, but relative truth. But I think understanding the mechanims of relative truth is crucial to act in this world.)

I want to especially recommend HyperNormalization and The Century of The Self. These are a must-see for everyone interested in systems thinking, politics, history and understanding the collective ego. I know, a 2.5 to 4 hour watch is a big commitment, but these films literally have the power to shatter your paradigm so much, that you arrive at a place, where the only possible modus oparandi of your thinking is that of spiral dynamics stage yellow.

So prepare for a test in open mindedness (it was one for me :D).

Edited by TimStr

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Truth was never the aim of society. The aim of society has always been inventions to aid survival, and that's what it will continue to be for a long time.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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