
I miss the old Leo

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Projection and opinion alert!

New videos are way deeper and more interesting, but i feel He has become harsher also, maybe because he whips himself so much. Theres also a very subtle putdown tone in some of his videos, I quite honestly sometimes feel a bit bad about myself after watching his videos, where he talks about how much effort should be put into things. Feels like im lacking so so much in many aspects of life, eventhough Im constantly doing my best. 

He did address this in the critique video though. We'll see. If you're reading this @Leo Gura, you are allright mong, remember to relax every once in a while if you feel beat up :)

Edited by molosku

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4 hours ago, molosku said:

Projection and opinion alert!

New videos are way deeper and more interesting, but i feel He has become harsher also, maybe because he whips himself so much. Theres also a very subtle putdown tone in some of his videos, I quite honestly sometimes feel a bit bad about myself after watching his videos, where he talks about how much effort should be put into things. Feels like im lacking so so much in many aspects of life, eventhough Im constantly doing my best. 

He did address this in the critique video though. We'll see. If you're reading this @Leo Gura, you are allright mong, remember to relax every once in a while if you feel beat up :)

If thats the effort that is required too see results then thats just how it is and outside of Leos control. Other teachers just wont tell you because you wouldnt start with any of this. But dont think that this is a black and white matter, if you put in just half the work Leo suggests I think you will still see benefits.

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I absolutely love the new leo over the old and looking forward to a few years in the future. Considering he says he's still getting a solid understanding of psychedelics and wanting to become an authority of it. Cannot wait. 

Not that i hated "the old"  him or anything. 

Edited by MisterMan

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I don't watch Leo's videos anymore, but when i was completely unconscious and just starting my self-development his straightforward way of saying things really made me stop and see that i'm fucked up. Atm. i'm learning to love myself fully and Leo's style of teaching is not really helpful for that.


I'd like some new Leo's vids about fingering girls though.

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I like @Michael569's point. His old videos are still up, and we can easily be inspired by them again, perhaps even find new insight we've overlooked. 


I slowly try to accumulate a bookmarks library of videos worth revisiting, tho right now I'm doing that from Tai's channel. 



2 hours ago, ADD said:

his straightforward way of saying things really made me stop and see that i'm fucked up

yeah! same! Leo was pretty important in my self-awakening to really getting on the right path. 

Edited by alyra

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I do miss the old leo, but I think this is better for all of us. Typical personal development is a lot more easily accessible. When we grow, the content Leo releases now, we will be grateful for. 

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22 hours ago, Arman said:

OP, this is a safe space, you can be honest with us... 

do you want him to make another video on how to finger girls? 


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How interesting, ever since his rock bottom video I feel like his quality has skyrocketed. I go back and watch old 2014 videos where he's making videos outside and he looks like an RSD parody of himself it's hilarious.

God and I worked things out

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On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 11:34 AM, John Lula said:

@mp22 People change. If you cannot accept it, that's your problem.

It's interesting how we gossip whenever someone say or do something out of the ordinary. Leo is doing personal devlopment, that is a process of change. If you don't like that, go watch The Simpsons, little change to find there.

Well said. My own feelings as well. 

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On 3/6/2018 at 8:10 AM, PT89 said:

I HATE hearing all the negativity around psychedelics.  It's the most culturally constructed crap I'm aware of and it's to the detriment of anyone seeking something beyond our mundane experienced reality.

That being said, I don't actively try to do psychedelics anymore.  I've had a few great experiences with them opening me up to the spiritual world and helping guide my path of personal development; it's incredible seeing how much more there is to consciousness and reality- they really help expedite you into seeing the potential that living a spiritual life can have.

The reason I've stopped doing them is because I've come to recognize that these miraculous experiences are very temporary, and create craving (yes, vipassana), and I'm tired of living my life fueled by craving.  Once you've realized even a small facet of truth using psychedelics, or had some glimpse of an enlightenment experience, hopefully it gets you motivated to walk the right path. 

Why get mad at Leo for being a guinea pig and trying these psychedelics though? Him posting that last experience live was the most authentic thing he's done IMO.  It bothers me that just because you've been indoctrinated to an "anti-drug" mentality, that you would be so close-minded to the potential that psychedelics might actually be beneficial in some way. I'd recommend looking up the research/literature on the effects of psychedelics on things like depression, and other psychological health issues.  You might be surprised that these drugs actually have many POSITIVE benefits for people, including also literally making people more open-minded, one of the qualities Leo stressed is of utmost importance in this work.



You're assuming a hell of a lot. Maybe I have tried psychedelics in the past, maybe I have looked into them quite a bit, maybe I have looked into all kinds of drugs including stuff you never heard of.  Maybe I think psychedelics affect your brain rather than something else. 

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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On 3/7/2018 at 3:28 PM, PsiloPutty said:

Well said. My own feelings as well. 

Well I think the change is for the worse and I say it proudly. Good thing there's a diversity of opinions even though I am talking to myself in the dream, right? And since we don't exist there really has been no change has there?  I guess that's what you call guys call growth

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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I think his progression is perfect.  Althooooough, I just watched one of his older videos and had a good laugh. It was how to make a girl squirt, with any luck I'll give it a whirl tonight ;)

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@PrintMan Welcome to the club

@mp22 Its not that deep bro, recognize that everybody has merely dipped their toe in this work, including u and I. A true psychonaut will understand the impermanence of psychedelic trips and non trippers will fail to understand the impermanence of this sober reality. Everything changes and this forum has gone vogue and has started flinging shit at each other.

No wonder leo doesn't get on here as much, We are spreading a disease of delusion. 


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He is going through his own process as we all are, yes it may become disturbing, i even disturb myself sometimes but remember if something can penetrate your field it means you are too attached to something and allowing it to disturb your peace and enter your field.

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Sometimes when you teach something, you do believe in it, but you don't embody it. It's a lifelong journey and a learning experience to try to embody something. It changes you for the better and grows you. I'm going through my life purpose, and I could definitely tell you from my experience that the work is like this. It seems that way for Leo too as he tries to embody what he is saying to everyone on 

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On 3/5/2018 at 0:26 PM, mp22 said:

If by following you mean taking massive amount of psychedelics, yeah some of us got off the train. 

he generally takes low doses

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One of the best reasons to follow Leo’s work is that you can start watching and applying the lessons from any level, to solve a multitude of problems. Different people are looking for different sorts of advice, and different approaches work better for different situations. Some people just need a practical solution to their problems, or a tweaking of perspective to nudge them back on that yellow brick road, and that’ll be enough… for the time being. There comes a time though – after you’ve maybe been to Emerald City, or seen the man behind the curtain, or hell even woken up once or twice and you find yourself back on that road in the dream again – when you need a new kind of mentor that will show you the red gravel path or the blue cobblestone alley, or whisk you off paths altogether, or perhaps give you the tools to make your own kind of path…

Because Leo himself has evolved so much over the years and all his old material is preserved, we can tap into this minefield from any point and get results. (A quick aside – it proves that his old stuff works. The fact that he got from Point A to Point Q shows us that all these steps along the way have helped him get to where he is now. And I think most of us can agree that regardless of whether you resonate more with the newer or older videos, they have certainly become deeper.)

Personally, I find Leo’s newer videos more insightful, with better delivery, sharper eloquence, and yes, I believe they are even more authentic. But there is still great value to be found in the old classics. Leo’s work is like the great glass elevator of personal development. And I’m on board.

Edited by GabrielWallace

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On 3/5/2018 at 11:54 AM, wavydude said:

I miss the old Leo, straight from the Go Leo
Chop up the soul Leo, set on his goals Leo
I hate the new Leo, the "you dont exist" Leo
The always woke Leo, f* the science Leo
I miss the younger Leo, go to the gym Leo
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Leo
See, He invented Leo, it wasn't any Leo
And now I look and look around this forum and there's so many Leos
I used to love Leo, I used to watch Leo
I even had the black t shirt, I thought I was Leo
What if Leo made a video about Leo
Called "you are the old and new Leo"? Man, that'd be so Leo
That's all it was Leo, we still love Leo
And I love you like Leo loves Leo

???Omg. Your creative asf lmao. 

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On 3/9/2018 at 6:00 AM, mp22 said:

You're assuming a hell of a lot. Maybe I have tried psychedelics in the past, maybe I have looked into them quite a bit, maybe I have looked into all kinds of drugs including stuff you never heard of.  Maybe I think psychedelics affect your brain rather than something else. 

everything affects your brain. What is your point?

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