
blissful dreams

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to me, what I define here as "blissful" is a nice atmosphere, not too intensely joyous but not stale too.

I dont know if this is how everyone dreams, but since i was a kid I remember that many my dreams were very blissful. its not that the dreams themselves were good or anything, its just that the overall feeling was interesting and nice. usually when i woke up from such dreams for the first few moments after waking up i kept having that blissful atmosphere but then after those few moments, it went away into the stale usual world. I remember I even have fallen in love because a random girl from my class was in such a dream, and just because of the beauty of the dream i associated her with that blissfulness.

I think most if not all of my blissful life aspirations in my adult and teen life came at their source from a dream or a movie (I also experience blissful atmospheres during some movies). what I mean by that is when I think what I want to achieve in life it all comes to that blissful state. 

The sad thing, however, is that all of my aspirations in life came from dreams and fantasies, and not from my real life, where all of that supposedly has to happen. When I think about my life all i can feel is dullness, I havent experienced anything really in my life yet. This makes for example the value section in the life purpose course extremely hard for me, because it seems almost nothing is important to me because i havent known any of that, theyre almost all equal in my eyes. and in the values i did choose, most of my congruence ratings are between 1 and 3. (that is, how much i embody the value from 1-10)

What do you think is the reason behind dreams having such an interesting and blissful atmosphere? why isnt it like that in my daily life, or at least sometimes in my daily life? it saddens me that when i ask myself what would i rather do, live my life or watch a movie, i am genuinely answering to watch a movie.

Edited by Viking

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Bliss is when you don't have a dog in the fight in the Dream.  You can stand back and watch the magic show all the time, rain or shine.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Notice how the bliss lasts a little bit after you wake up. Keep extending the bliss, a little bit longer each morning, hold on to it, how would you do that? Practice. That bliss is a message.

57% paranoid

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One thing you should remember is that whether it's a dream or waking life, all experiences are real, and have happened. So if you had a night full of blissful dreams, that's 8 hours of being in that state, (of course you aren't dreaming the whole time). What you are wanting is to experience this feeling all day... that's going to take a lot of work rewiring your brain and self development, which I'm sure you know. Also the whole fake it till you make it thing works. When you wake up from one of those dreams, recall the feeling of blissfulness and force it upon yourself throughout the day. Force a smile, which helps sends bliss chemicals to your brain.  

To answer your question, it is most likely this way a lot in your dreams because it doesn't surface enough in your walking life. Dreams are a reflection of your psyche, but also express things that are suppressed during the day. It almost seems that the hardwiring of the mind that we deal with in waking life is completely bypassed in dreams, allowing  us to experience heightened emotions, and even sometimes be a completely different person, forgetting who we are in waking life. That kind of thing has always fascinated me, the false memories that can get implanted in the little pocket universe that is a dream. 



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17 hours ago, Viking said:

What do you think is the reason behind dreams having such an interesting and blissful atmosphere?

why isnt it like that in my daily life, or at least sometimes in my daily life?

it saddens me that when i ask myself what would i rather do,
live my life or watch a movie,
i am genuinely answering to watch a movie.



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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