
Which Religion Resonates With You The Most?

3 posts in this topic

I tend to favor Taoism because of its simplicity and completeness.  By understanding the Tao (nature of reality), you understand how to live life and how to lead others (go with the flow/be flexible).  

Which religion most closely aligns with your current beliefs and understanding of the world?

"You will soon be going about like the converted, and the revivalist, warning people against all the sins of which you have grown tired."- Oscar Wilde

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Religion is Finished. Time to integrate them all :) 

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True Christianity - however I don’t follow religion. True teachings of Jesus and deeper understanding of christian metaphors is what resonates with me the most. Jesus is an example for me. I strongly believe that if someone would follow his true teachings he would fully surrender to the god and would become Enlightened. Jesus taught how to disidentify with ego and become humble. How to attain unity with the god...

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

-Matthew 5:44

People of that time could not understand direct truth. However, we are living in a different period. I chose direct path. But integration of fundamental truth of christianity, buddism and advaita vedanta traditions are very hepful on my path. All of those carry great wisdom and pointers to the Truth.

Edited by egoless

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