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Gabriel Antonio

[book] The Subte Art Of Not Giving a Fuck, by Mark Manson [9.5/10]

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This book is really good. Not the typical self-help book... very counter-intutive and you will experience various of moments, "Wow! That is so fucking true!" 

The first half of the book is phenomenal; the second half (which could be a separate book) is okay... Gives good advice, but nowhere near as groundbreaking as the first half, but the second part is also very good. 

Very down-to-earth type of book. Specially useful for chronical people-pleasers. 

There are many insights on this book, and it is definitely worth buying. If you want to know about the book, here' s a pretty good interview about it: 


Some random about this book: 

> We are always suffering, so we might as well pick our suffering. 

> Positive thinking is sometimes nonsense. "Thinking positive? Sometimes life sucks, and the most healthy attitude is to admit that." 

> One of the worst things in the world today is the neurotic need to ALWAYS feel good emotions (he gives a very good examples about this on the video above) 

> When you find your mission, you will stop giving a fuck about all your petty little problems 

> We shouldn't trust our feelings so much. (He explains in great detail in the book) 

> So, the most famous quote on this book is something to the effect of, 



The desire to have more positives experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience. 


One thing that popped in my head was the fact that in Math, when multiplying the rule of signs are: 

- + = -

- - = + 

So: if I have a negative experience and I try to positive, this turns out to be negative.

If I have a negative experience and allow myself to fully feel "negative", this turns out to be positive. 


>>> He provides brilliant real-lifes examples. The Beatles one was my favorite because I got a great mindfuck. 



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I was like: WOW, dude you are right about the analogy with maths!!!!!

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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This book is better than I was expecting it to be

Edited by Colin

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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