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Shaktipat on camera

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A little background,

I was surfing until I found this, my mind was blown. 

From what I know and listened, He was a pretty legit teacher with some paranormal powers. 

He's giving his lecture and this girl calls him out on all his metaphysical bullshit. (  23:23 )

The girl is only 20 and she says she's been to many "gurus" who've claimed to have powers and that could transform her life. 

She denies to move until the teacher proves his teachings about past lives, and other phenomenons.

She spends 20 minutes arguing and the teacher keeps his calm through out. 

After some minutes of intensity and stubbornness on what she wanted, the teacher acted. MIND FUCKING BLOWN. See it for yourself. (36:25 )

The girl fell down in perfect symmetry and starts speaking about what she is seeing. She explains her past life with perfect knowledge of past. She knew the date, name, age, religion. She describes the events she is seeing. She says she is getting married at the age of 12, she is scared shitless because they're gonna beat her and rape her. As she grows older she generates alot of negativity towards her husband and after she has an awakening she classifies her husband as one of her big brother and starts fucking her guru. which is same as the guru who showed her this. LOLOL MINDFUCK YO 



( 36:25 )

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