
What Does Nothingness Look Like?

14 posts in this topic

For those of you who don't follow Leo's blog posts. 

See the original post here:

Written by -   @Leo Gura 

"When people hear the word “Nothingess”, all too often they get a totally wrong idea about what that word is pointing to. Nothingness is NOT an empty void, a black screen, or a black hole.

Here’s a better approximation of what nothingness looks like:


Now keep in mind, this is just an analogy. A pointer. So don’t start expecting to see the above flashy object in your meditation sessions. That’s never going to happen.

What the object above is showing is the dream-like, immaterial, illusory, quality of consciousness. Consciousness is totally empty, like the above object. It is fluid and can take on an infinite number of shapes, with infinite resolution and zero limitation. It is vibrant, alive, and intelligent.

Can you see why the above object would be called Nothingness? Because it has no substance to it. It’s pure appearance, and it can appear as literally anything. So we call it Nothingness, which is identical to Everythingness. Or, we could call it Infinity. Imagine if the above object was infinite in size and dimension such that it depicted every form imaginable. That would be what reality is, with your present experience being one of those forms.

Try this: Look around the room you’re in right now, and notice that the whole room is Nothingness, just like the object above. Don’t expect the room to disappear! Stop looking for black screen. Instead, notice that the room is pure appearance with no substance behind it. The room is like a hologram. Appearance is none other than Nothingness. The room AS YOU SEE IT RIGHT NOW, is Nothingness!"

“Form is emptiness, and Emptiness is form.”

— The Heart Sutra


Edited by egoless

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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@egoless Great. Post...... Says my closet door knob (God). It’s interesting, how consistent reality appears to be. 

Feeling of consistency is nothing more then our minds getting used to the rules of the game. 

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It all look different, but it's all made of the same substance, somehow.

Can't go further than that apparently.

Plz send 5-meo.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I didn't hit my big breakthru until I stopped using Psychedelics.  You might try that route too.

check my older topic -  "stay human" :)  Haven't touch them since...

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13 minutes ago, egoless said:

check my older topic -  "stay human" :)  Haven't touch them since...

Cool.  That's good.  Unchanging Awareness has nothing to do with state changes.  You can do psychedelics all you want, you're just not gonna become Enlightened solely through their use.  Like I said, they're good on the path, but people get too stuck on them, and miss the point of this work.  You're not gonna find Enlightenment using psychedelics.  They can help you get up under a lot of beliefs though -- they can destabilize a lot of your beliefs.  So, in that sense, psychedelics are more of a tool for self-inquiry than a direct path to Enlightenment.  Enlightenment is simply the death of the Ego.  Enlightenment is permanent.  Once you get that final crack, that's it.  But the Ego has to go piece by piece.  You're not gonna get all of it in one go.  That's why the path to Enlightenment is a path.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Think about a scenario where you were speaking but unaware of what you were saying. Someone asks you to repeat yourself you say "nothing". It wasn't nothing but you forgot so it was nothing. 

Now think of a scenario where you tell your friend you climbed the biggest mountain in Colorado and he tells you thats Nothing compared to his trip to Mt Everest

Nothing is something that is always there, Everything is pointing towards it, like after you're done reading this post, my words will ultimately turn into nothing and you'll focus on some other part of nothing, some other facet of nothing to focus on. 

Nothingness is there between your thoughts, in your deep sleep, and right here in front of your eyes (which is also nothing)

Its the meaninglessness of any meaning we assign

Its not biological, its not physical

What is it? it is nothing

its only itself

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@Joseph Maynor Let me ask you. How do you use word ego? What do you mean by word ego. Seems like you are demonizing it but I want to be sure what do you mean by it. Before I proceed to tell you my opinion.

Edited by egoless

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Nothingness is like space,and in the end you are space going threw space

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Mikael89 Its like empty space...and its like space is going threw space when you are walking :)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@egoless it does not look like anything because it is not visual. I have awaken and I can directly be connected with both - the source and this world. No thingness is rather feeling of real self and it is not located anywhere, nor it has any limitations or boundaries. 

Lol I answered myself accidentally :D 

Edited by egoless

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@Mikael89 @egoless it does not look like anything because it is not visual. I have awaken and I can directly be connected with both - the source and this world. No thingness is rather feeling of real self and it is not located anywhere, nor it has any limitations or boundaries. 

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