Stoica Doru

A big slap to all self-deceivers

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1 hour ago, aurum said:

I wouldn't go that far. She's still human and prone to mistakes, don't idealize her.

Exactly. Never worship pu...girls :D

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@aurum  @Joseph Maynor Guys I researched more information about her. It is very mysterious. Seems like there is lot of controversy around her. Maybe I was too quick to make conclusions. I suggest you to research on your own and make conclusions by yourself.

The thing is so far I have watched only couple of her videos where she made perfect sense. However when researching more and more about her - I am not sure anymore. 

Wanted to just warn you about different perspectives. Peace! 

P.S. one which is apparent to me - she is extremely charismatic and intelligent... These gifts could be used both ways - so I am not sure about anything.

Edited by egoless

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Just investigate fragmentation and don’t get caught up in what anohter says. She didn’t invent that sharing of fragmentation. You can see it in yourself. Also you can do research on that without accepting an authority. 

Your the explorer, explore?

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2 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Just investigate fragmentation and don’t get caught up in what anohter says. She didn’t invent that sharing of fragmentation. You can see it in yourself. Also you can do research on that without accepting an authority. 

Your the explorer, explore?

As I already mentioned what she is talking in the video makes perfect sense to me. However, what I am discussing here I am not sure whether it is worth for some people to follow her as a spiritual teacher. Me myself I don't follow any spiritual teachers but here are many beginners who could need some guidance. I am just raising awareness to do a lot of research before you make a decision.

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3 minutes ago, egoless said:

As I already mentioned what she is talking in the video makes perfect sense to me. However, what I am discussing here I am not sure whether it is worth for some people to follow her as a spiritual teacher. Me myself I don't follow any spiritual teachers but here are many beginners who could need some guidance. I am just raising awareness to do a lot of research before you make a decision.

Yes research ?. Not on her but fragmentation. 

never follow anyone.



Edited by Faceless

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OK, I've watched the whole video.

Things I'm not quite clear on:

1) What does she mean by "11 dimensional consciousness"?

(I assume it's something like awareness of all levels of the experience of non-duality or something like that but not sure.)

2) Why does she say that "spiritual" and "human" parts are opposites?

(I can only assume she's referring to a state of detachment typical of the 600s/no-self stage which may close off feelings.)

3) What exactly is Integration?

(I can only assume it is Integration in the classical Jungian sense, Shadow integration.  I'm fairly confident she means this.)


So, let's say I've intrepreted her terminology correctly.


I would rate this video as Mostly True but missing very important context which may distort the conclusions a viewer may reach.

Things that are definitely true:

1) Many gurus in the 600s exhibit the behavior and tend to present with the psychological profile she describes.

2) Integration needs to be an essential part of the spiritual experience at every level of awakening.

Things that she may not know or understand, or simply left out of the video (which may confuse people):

1) You can't get there from here.

There's a limited amount of integration that is possible without going all the way to 1000, i.e. the end of I-thought.

The process is spiral in nature.

E.g. while in gross ego state (roughly 580 and down) there is only so much integration you can do.  You're going to hit a roadblock, which is an excellent opportunity to transcend to a higher state.

Now, at 600 and even 700s it is indeed dangerous to become a guru for the reasons she and others before her have described.   You're not done, but you may think you're done.

The problem is, again, you can only do so much integration without going through this stage!

So the danger is in lack of awareness of where you are.  No-self is just the beginning, not the end.  One is not ready to teach, although many will anyway.

2) To elaborate on 1) - having an I-thought is what prevents full integration.

You may be well-acquainted with your shadow parts - certain entheogens will show them to you in technicolor and dolby surround (and you don't need to be enlightened or even a serious spiritual seeker), but as long as the I-thought pops up, it will identify with your ego parts.  You will simultaneously experience no-self and a subtle ego/shadow split. There will be no sahaja, i.e. co-emerging of what was an ego/shadow split.

So unless she understands all this, she will not be successful in helping a student to integrate. Is there any evidence she is? I don't feel like researching it, you tell me. ;)


(Sorry for the obnoxious bolding, I felt those were important points to stress.) :D


Edited by Haumea

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Great video. I think this can go well with Leo’s zen devil video where he talks about big and small nonduality. 

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She’s sexy, mysterious, and knowledgeable. My first thoughts exactly.

However as you began pointing out, there’s a lot of controversy surrounding her background and relationships... And there are claims that some of the ideas/techniques used during her paid workshops are not her own / blatantly plagiarized. Haven’t really had the time or interest to confirm this for myself though.

It’s easy to idolize her if you see only a few of her best videos... 

That said, wisdom can still come from any mouth—listen to the words and minimize any personal projections onto the teacher.

We can still potentially learn some things from her, even if her reputation isn’t perfect.

Edited by ppfeiff

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7 minutes ago, ppfeiff said:

And there are claims that some of the ideas/techniques used during her paid workshops are not her own

 I’ve only seen this video so I don’t know to much about her either. Personaly I would learn about this on your own but seems a lot of people like to learn from others. 

In this video she is only explaining on fragmentation. It is not Not her invention. Thank heavens. 

What she said about fragmentation is correct and important. Do you guys see the implications of fragmented thought and how it leads to such illusion/delusion? 

This applies to all that use thought. Especially the ones who are “most advanced” or supposed “masters” 

If fragmentation is not understood one is lost in there own inventions/creations. To understand fragmentation is to understand yourself....That’s what’s important ?

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@Faceless @ppfeiff really? are we going to make a teacher pay for teachings she learned from another teacher?

if so, we would all have to pay buddha!

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@Ether You’re not understanding, at least with regards to the statement I posted.

It’s about giving credit where credit is due. 

Nothing wrong per say with making money.

Do you think it would be better if Leo didn’t credit the thinkers/authors when he shared or used their ideas/techniques in his work?

Edited by ppfeiff

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@Ether Tell that to the IRS :P

Remember: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.


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11 minutes ago, ppfeiff said:

Do you think it would be better if Leo never credited the thinkers/authors when he shared or used their ideas/techniques in his work?

If you understand fragmentation you see these techniques and ideas are not going to work and you see why. 

To understsnd fragmentation you can act as your own trouble shooter and avoid all ‘designated paths’ claimed to lead to liberation. 

There is no pre manufactured path. By learning about one self you clear your own path. 

Edited by Faceless

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@ppfeiff Eckhart Tolle: Thats why people have been studying zen for so many years and havent awakened!

Laws are just somebody's opinions.

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1 minute ago, Ether said:

Thats why people have been studying zen for so many years and havent awakene

That’s right. 

To study zen as a means to liberation is depending on thought ‘time’ to move to no thought ‘the timeless’ 

If thought, and it’s mechanical/fragmented nature is understood this wouldn’t happen. 

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@Faceless I just know im aware more eacch day B|


its a slow process but its working

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