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Fundamenals: balancing between Micro/Macro

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If we ought to empregnent  our aproaches to enything, in both macro and micro in balanced way , things will unfold more harmoniosly.. 

For example when labling while meditating i find my self pinbaling in between four main macro fields: preparing(waiting) for... , reasoning... ,  trying... , worry... .

So i labling those until they evantualy weakend and when im done with those main boulders i am out to dig the smal ones, gradualy for smaller and smaler, rather then just randomly diging stuff.

Like dealing with micro particles without acknowlaging the influence of the macro influence. If your fixing something it would be usful to know clearly what are you fixing on the bigger scale.  If il give you to fix a micro particle without telling you what it serves on macro for it would be hard for you to satisfy my order.

I think that we need to be remainded to do the fandamental cuts/steps and the INTEGRATION  BETWEEN them in proper aproach otherwise implamanting randomly makes sence of disorder  thet wories our heart (safty reasons) which leads to procrastination and more trouble. So balancing the micro/macro is one of the fundamentals that without them our creation/doing would be falling apart.

Edited by Shu

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