
Cold Hands.

11 posts in this topic

Does anyone have any information on having cold hands? And what does it mean? My hands lately been very cold. Is it anxiety related?

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@Rinne It could be anxiety related. The blood that would normally circulate through your hands might be going to your organs or muscles instead if you’re feeling fear and anxiety. Do you meditate? That might help. Also, being out in the sun a lot seems to help. 

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Do you have any other symptoms? Such as breathlessness, lack of energy, pale skin, low libido etc....

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On 3/1/2018 at 10:06 PM, Slade said:

@Rinne It could be anxiety related. The blood that would normally circulate through your hands might be going to your organs or muscles instead if you’re feeling fear and anxiety. Do you meditate? That might help. Also, being out in the sun a lot seems to help. 



On 3/2/2018 at 4:44 AM, Michael569 said:

Do you have any other symptoms? Such as breathlessness, lack of energy, pale skin, low libido etc....

Nah not really. Its mainly that my hands just feel so cold sometimes it bothers me. Its got to be some kind of anxiety thing i guess. I mean they do get sweaty sometimes which is annoying cause it makes me seem like im nervous sometimes when im not. 


On 3/2/2018 at 11:15 AM, Nahm said:

@Rinne You probably have lower blood pressure than most. A good thing imo. 

Probably. Thanks. 


12 hours ago, Charlotte said:

@Rinne do they turn white? Or like a weird patchy colour?

No not really. I dont think so. 

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Thanks for the help guys i think ill just see a doctor about this. But i feel like this issue is psychologically related for some reason. Mhm whos knows. 

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For me I noticed it to come from anxiousness or fear. Not allowing pleasure joy and peace. Not allowing myself to be content. Of course the reasons for this can vary a ton and they can be deep.

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Very common symptom if you are dealing with anxiety. Excercising will make the blood flow in your hands again. Go for a brisk jog or something. It will also reduce your stress levels.

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I'm quite nervous and I've also have cold hand and feet vs hot face and chest. Maybe anxiety make your hands sweaty and this can refresh them. Alco enxiety makes circulation harder because the muscles are tense.

Chinese culture says that for people with cold hands is good to eat spicy food and drink lots of water.

Edited by Moreira

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There's a ton of things that could be the culprit of cold hands, but several ideas that come to mind are:

Exercise, especially aerobic activity.  Try to be doing something at least as rigorous as a brisk walk for at least 60 minutes a day.  Your hands should at least temporarily become warmer after a good 30 or so minutes of brisk walking.  Try to get at least 60 minutes of similarly rigorous activity in a day.  Weight lifting is great too (deadlifts for example get blood rushing to the hands so you can hold the bar).

Psychological issues as discussed above.  Different emotional states correspond with different blood flow and physiology.  Emotional mastery / self-actualization and all that good stuff can only help.  Sounds like yoga would be extremely beneficial for this as well.  And I highly recommend the book "Emotional Clearing".  Relaxation is crucial.

Diet.  Wouldn't be surprised if food allergies can cause cold hands and feet. Nitrate rich vegetables help a ton with circulation--thing's like beets and leafy greens.  Beet juice, sipped slowly is particularly helpful.

Hypothyroidism.  Make sure you're getting enough iodine, and minerals in general.  A good trace mineral supplement would be a wise investment.  

Don't overdrink water.

Coffee tends to make your hands and feet colder.  If you drink some it's important to do physical activity afterwards.

Smoking tends to make your hands and feet colder.

Spend time outside in nature.  Get comfortable amounts of sunlight.  Sunlight literally warms your body.  Grounding, earthing, nature baths, etc are also important.

Lastly and very importantly, cold hands and feet are a sign of over-breathing.  Look into the Buteyko Method (The Oxygen Advantage is a great book on this but there are others).  Basically the idea is that most people today breathe too much, as a consequence of all sorts of things like being too stressed, sedentary, comfortable, divorced from nature, etc.  This chronic mild hyperventilation causes your body to be less oxygenated.  The remedy for this is breathing less.  See my post from a while back on this, but in summary:  Breathe exclusively through your nose, softly calmly quietly gently and practice breathing a little bit less than you're accustomed to.  Overtime you will naturally breathe less and less, and become more and more oxygenated.  A great exercise is to pretend you're in heavy traffic breathing in car exhaust and want to breathe as little as possible for some time.  Exercises such as these can instantly warm your hands.


Hand warming routine:

Drink beet juice.  Sip slowly, as the bacteria in your mouth turn the nitrates into nitric oxide, which aids in circulation.

Walk 30-60+ minutes, practicing proper breathing.  Breathe softly through the nose.  

Stick your hands down your pants :D or armpits....

This will, at least temporarily, massively warm your hands.



“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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