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Attracted to slightly androgynous girls

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I was thinking that the times I fell in love more intensely it was with androgynous looking girls.

Im no talking about girls with dick, or lesbians. Just women that genetically inherited with masculine traits like physically: Wide face, strong jawbone, long neck, fit body... And psychologically: Leader character, stong confidence, easy for sports.

Then in my youth when I was a beta manlet (raised without father) I found a huge source of happiness being around with the androgynous girl's I was into, because they provided me optimism, security, and I admired their qualities.

Now that changed a lot, and I learned to be a real man and I'm in the way to have an alpha personallity. 

When I look at ex-gf that were androgynous type some ended being lesbians, but lot of them ended with skinny femenine-faced guys and I find that curious.

I would like to know if the "what women want" topic in Leo's ideo would work to creat attraction in andro women or just the opposite.

I assume that very femenine women are attracted to manly machos, and andro girls are attracted to more femenine man? Or even more masculine?

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Yes you can be attracted to women that are masculine if you are a feminine kind of guy.

Balanced men will be more attracted to balanced women.

The typical alpha/ultra feminine is the majority though like 75%+


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I wouldn't worry too much about how to attract a certain kind of a girl. I have found just being myself and expressing my passions to lead to best results. I'd think many attractive qualities work for many kinds of people. Being open to humor, expressive and reliable for example. Working on chakras has helped me understand this as well. I often prefer being feminine guy myself so I too like slightly more masculine women. I have found many of them don't mind me acting a bit feminine, but they definitely enjoy it when I'm not boring and bring the expressiveness and joy they might lack. So variety is how I do it and having a balance with myself in general so that I won't try to fit into a role so much. This way you can switch the roles around mid flight as well. If you have to pretend with the person you're with they're not your dream match.

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