How to be wise

Leo’s shopping video is very misleading.

38 posts in this topic

@Slade MAY lack. Of course you can be lacking in nutrients if you eat a bad monotous vegan diet.
Just like you can lack if you eat a bad non-vegan diet. You can fail at any diet. That's why you don't just remove meat/dairy without adding other foods. Unless you already eat a lot of plants and stuff already.

Edited by sgn

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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@Slade Watch Simnett Nutrition on youtube. He is a plantbased athlete. 

You can get all the right Nutritions you need on a plantbased diet. The only thing you might need to supplement is vitamin b12.


In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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38 minutes ago, Max_V said:

Watch Simnett Nutrition on youtube. He is a plantbased athlete. 

You can get all the right Nutritions you need on a plantbased diet. The only thing you might need to supplement is vitamin b12.


I second this, Derek is an amazing evidence of what a cruelty-free lifestyle can achieve. That guy is an incredible inspiration

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40 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

I second this, Derek is an amazing evidence of what a cruelty-free lifestyle can achieve. That guy is an incredible inspiration

Yes he really is, amazing guy. Helped me transition to full vegan and building muscle.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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On 3/2/2018 at 5:54 AM, Slade said:


This is my average morning smoothie or meal 100% plant-based.


Seems very lacking...


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@Slade Mhmm. The person who claims that a plant-based diet cannot provide adequate nutrition is the same person who hasn’t tried a proper plant-based diet me thinks ;)

Preferences aside, please humble yourself. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

Or there’s the possibility that you’re a shill... Could be.


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@Spacious haha! Brilliant.

I always cringe when I read people trying to protect their precious meat diet...

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You guys noticing yet the dogma that pervades all discussions about nutrition?

Wouldn't it be nice to avoid that?

  • Meat vs vegan
  • Conservative vs liberal
  • Science vs religion
  • Christian vs Muslim

It's all the same game.

The fact is: you just don't know what the best nutrition is for every human on the planet. So all you're doing is speculating rather than admitting: I don't know.

Rather than debating, just find what works best for you.

My video focused on giving commonsense advice which will work for 90%+ of people, and it works whether you are vegan or a meat-eater.

We do not know which foods are 100% the best. We only know which food are relatively better than others, and which foods are total garbage.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@How to be wise what do you think fried chicken and burgers are mate hahahahahahahaahah.


How about you actually read the ingredients of fried chicken and burgers first before embarrassing yourself. 

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@Leo Gura the Meat-eater vs vegan is more like:

  • Slave-owning vs freedom 
  • Death vs Life
  • Heart disease vs Cardiovascular health
  • "Personal choice" vs Compassion
  • Knowledge vs Ignorance 
  • Morality vs Tastebuds

With your epistemic foundation, you should be able to see this that veganism is not dogmatic. Dogma is something that doesn't accept refutation and is a belief system without any reasoning behind it, veganism is all about facts. When someone presents evidence against your beloved meat your kneejerk reaction is to call dogma. I don't see any vegan being dogmatic, I only see close minded meat eaters.

Meat eaters that don't want to face the truth that their favorite foods are carcinogenic, cause CVD and ruin the planet. Science is science and facts are facts you can't just dismiss it whenever you disagree with it and accept it whenever you agree with it.

13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Rather than debating, just find what works best for you.

This can be interpreted many ways. On the one hand yes, the best diet is what works best for you but on the other hand, there is no room for "personal preference" when something is proven to not aid your wellbeing. It doesn't matter how well you feel eating meat, it still clogs your arteries whether you like it or not. 

16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The fact is: you just don't know what the best nutrition is for every human on the planet. So all you're doing is speculating rather than admitting: I don't know.

Classic strawman here, none said we know the exact best nutrition for every human on the planet but what we DO know is that a vegan diet is SUPERIOR to any other diet out there and is the only diet that REVERSES heart disease meaning:

The healthiest diet out there is a subset of a vegan diet so being vegan is heading in the right direction.

Also eating corpses but being "spiritual" is another can of worms I won't get into here but surely needs to be addressed.

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1 hour ago, Socrates said:

veganism is not dogmatic.


1 hour ago, Socrates said:

I don't see any vegan being dogmatic


1 hour ago, Socrates said:

Science is science and facts are facts you can't just dismiss it whenever you disagree with it and accept it whenever you agree with it.


1 hour ago, Socrates said:

we DO know is that a vegan diet is SUPERIOR to any other diet out there



“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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@Socrates Upvote but :D I think @jjer94 is pointing to something very funny! It is always very easy to make excuses as to why not be vegan but with our current understanding, it seems like the most logical step to take and there are certainly many people here who made the transition though I am a bit surprised that Leo did not.

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I respect vegan's decision, but it seems that a lot if them tend to derive a sense of identify from it, thinking it's morally superior by definition. 

First of all, nature was created this way, and it just is: someone's death is another's bread. And it happens infinitely. Your reason for being a vegan may simply be purely for your own desire to survive, both physically, but especially as a self. For the self to be having a consistent sense of morality, justifying its own survival, it also must begin to justify the survival of other beings as well - because of really a paradigm of morality. You don't want to be mauled by a bear, and having evolved into a secular type of morality, we have to widen our moral definitions, for us to be consistent. Why? Because caring for animals directly affects our selve's survival, because if I say that I can kill and eat a sentient being, then one also has to wonder, why can't I cut @Socrates(don't worry, NOT gonna do it) open and eat him? That's the question we start to ask ourselves once we throw away the Bible, or the Koran - now we believe suffering in a general sense is what matters, which is wonderful, but recognize that it is really selfishness, and adjustment and evolution of an original belief that was more limited to humans, but now we broaden our scope - which of course is fine - I am selfish too. I love animals, and care for their well being. I can't help but despise cruelty against animals. But I also think that fish is great food. Now, I may transform to veganism moving into some future as it becomes easier and more natural by technology, so may society.

But hey. I wanna live in a world where we care for each other. And so do probably you too. We can work towards creating such a world - a world that we wanna live in. Part of that could be stepping into the shoes of other being's suffering, imagining what it would have felt if we were them, because there are still certain things I would not like to happen to me, although it's ultimately meaningless and selfish. That's something we better recognize if we're gonna care about the truth. Recognizing the truth is also the way we do create a world we like to live in, instead of behaving according to a belief or idea confused with the truth - like saying, «veganism = Truth». 

Someone more evolved than me may call me a «truthist» now. So what I'm saying now is still just relative. I just think that humans seem to evolve towards what is true, ultimately. I could always be wrong about that.

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Thanks for sharing this thread. I am totally newbie and I think this would be much helpful for me. :)

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@Edvard well of course it depends on what values you have. Yes suffering is not bad or good and it does not matter if we nuke the whole Earth, for veganism to be the right way you have to share certain values. Also it is not just about morality it is also about ecology which everybody keeps forgetting.

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Leo we are all humans inside.. we're built the same, we thrive on plants better, no human is different that is hard-wired thinking. I can prove this to any human simply by doing a solid food vacation or water fast for 1-2 weeks then start slowly with one food at a time and you will see for yourself what we are designed for and feel and function the best on.

To, many it may be speculation but to some of us its common universal sense that we are designed to be plant-based, we are only here to provide the truth and that is our inner most passion and higher calling. We state the facts and direct experience will give you the most authentic results to see for yourself.

I respect everyone's decision to eat what they want but i also feel like if I'm letting illusion slide what is the point of my being here if i have the truth raging like a exploding sun within me just waiting to burst out ?

All in all we are genuinely trying to help limit suffering as we have already suffered so we want to help others and yes we cannot save them all but the door we shall show, at least that part we will participate in because a little goes a long way and the more we help others find the truth the more we grow ourselves collectively and help ourselves ultimately.

When we know all is one, its pointless to not be unconditionally loving and caring and trying to help others see the truth even though we struggle to be all the time we try our best because we are trying to restore a system that is basically the opposite of unconditional love and connectivity.

Its very challenging for those who know truth because the whole system is backwards from the truth and everyone is hard-wired that way. Why would you want to argue with yourself and cause stress? Being true is helping whichever way it may appear the truth is the truth and the seed will sprout and for the greater good sometimes its worth a bit of self sacrifice to share that truth because within we know its of most importance for today's  day/age.

If i was in a state of "thinking" i wouldn't even bother it defeats the purpose of my presence on this planet in this 3D reality, i only post when i "know", or what's the point?

I may not have my Enlightened understanding as i once did all the time but you still know things from within, maybe not as clearly but its always there and the wisest thing you can do is trust it as it is source, it is you, its our universal self.




Edited by pluto


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Paramahansa Yogananda giving dietary advice? This made my day 

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