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Any techniques to envoke grief?

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Through a lot of my experiences i found myself having emotional turbulence before being able to let go of the fear, grief, shame whatever it is. I have largely had most of my "succesful" experiences through the aid of psychedelics or weed, as it really makes me super aware of what i'm doing to myself in any given moment and affords me the possibility to dig deeper into the cause/meaning and reason behind my surface demeanor. Every time i have had some insights i have had to go through some form or difficult emotion to then begin to be able to disassociate myself with it, not identify with it and stop placing so much value and importance on the very things that hold me back right now, in this moment.

I've recently done some 7 chakra's cleansing on youtube on weed which gave me a peek into what was behind, a small peek and it was only through a heavy emotional process that i was able to partially and temporarily liberate myself from a lot of my attachments. My question is.

 Are there any techniques that i could try without the use of substances to help envoke these perceived difficult emotions so that i can process them? As i have tried both meditation and chakra cleansing sober aswell without the heightened effects.

Edited by MisterMan

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