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[EDU] What do you all think about online university-acredited degrees?

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I was thinking - what do people think about online acredited degrees? I was searching and I found couple of good ones - Universities of Florida, Ohio, Utah, Phoenix and many more are offering actual degrees for online courses.
Granted - those are not actually free, but I am sure with little bit luck and effort, you can find some good tuition-free university online degrees.

You can work, be entrepreneur or mother with child. Just find some time per day to study, safe and sound at home, with no stress.
After all - you'd still be studying about 6 semesters, but without that money and time consuming monster.

It looks 100 times better in CV than just "high school" or so and when it comes to it and they ask you on interview, you can tell them that you really like education, but none of the universities actually offered what you wanted - study all disciplines of human research (physics, chemistry, psyhology, history, ...), while working and becoming expert in one of them (coding / software / game design / ...) - that would be for me at least.

If you can also get some big company acredited courses (google, nasa - any company like that) - oh lala.

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