
Buddism and suffering!

105 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Shroomdoctor said:



Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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@Saumaya fucking drama queen.

You know you're worst than an average woman, right ?



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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7 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

Yes... that is why stories, jokes, and analogies take main part in non-dual teachings..

Imagine a fiction story that takes place in some distant future, let's say a few thousand years from now. Humans are still around, but this time around the entire human spices is fully enlightened. They know everything about destructive power, in fact power the way we know it hasn't been around for many hundreds of years. Only natural leadership is happening. 

The culture in this distant future is so strongly enlightened that psychedelic programs are no longer needed, children adopt without exceptions, whereas before, when the worldwide enlightened culture wasn't as mature as it is when the story take place, humans had Psychedelic programs in schools, optional of course, but no one really wanted to missing out on them. It was almost like losing virginity or something, everyone know that psychedelics was a highly positive experience since they grown up in a society/culture they love and respected so much. When the story take place the love and compassion among humans are almost unbearable, the psychedelic programs are no longer needed. 

That's the context, would it be possible to make a story of it? An interesting one that is. :) 

What do they do, how do they love/play/enjoy themselves in that distant future. 

Or do we need drama in a more dark way to catch our attention for a story?

Also, would it be a plausible future, or is it a highly naive scenario you think. Pure fiction so to speak, or do we look into the future when we write the story.? :) 

Ah, crappy thoughts I guess. My mind just pick up on stories and start spinning. :)

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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3 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

Imagine a fiction story that takes place in some distant future, let's say a few thousand years from now. Humans are still around, but this time around the entire human spices is fully enlightened. They know everything about destructive power, in fact power the way we know it hasn't been around for many hundreds of years. Only natural leadership is happening. 

The culture in this distant future is so strongly enlightened that psychedelic programs are no longer needed, children adopt without exceptions, whereas before, when the worldwide enlightened culture wasn't as mature as it is when the story take place, humans had Psychedelic programs in schools, optional of course, but no one really wanted to missing out on them. It was almost like losing virginity or something, everyone know that psychedelics was a highly positive experience since they grown up in a society/culture they love and respected so much. When the story take place the love and compassion among humans are almost unbearable, the psychedelic programs are no longer needed. 

That's the context, would it be possible to make a story of it? An interesting one that is. :) 

What do they do, how do they love/play/enjoy themselves in that distant future. 

Or do we need drama in a more dark way to catch our attention for a story?

Also, would it be a plausible future, or is it a highly naive scenario you think. Pure fiction so to speak, or do we look into the future when we write the story.? :) 

Ah, crappy thoughts I guess. My mind just pick up on stories and start spinning. :)

 We can't say about it now.. I have no idea how the world is going to be if everyone is enlightened..:) .. But this is too far away really.. Are you aware of what is happening in Syria in the last one week? 

There are countries where you can’t even speak about enlightenment in public. It will be considered as blasphemy and you may get killed. : Blasphemy law in Afghanistan - Wikipedia


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"In October 2005, Ali Mohaqiq Nasab, a journalist and an editor of a women's rights magazine, was sentenced by a tribunal to two years in prison for blasphemy because he questioned the harsh punishments imposed on women under Sharia, and because he said conversion from Islam should not be a crime. Nasab was released in December 2005 after his sentence was reduced on appeal"

We are really fortunate, aren't we?


Subscribe to my Youtube channel for videos regarding spiritual path, psychology, meditation, poetry and more: 

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19 minutes ago, Shroomdoctor said:



There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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4 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

 We can't say about it now.. I have no idea how the world is going to be if everyone is enlightened..:) .. But this is too far away really.. Are you aware of what is happening in Syria in the last one week? 

There are countries where you can’t even speak about enlightenment in public. It will be considered as blasphemy and you may get killed. : Blasphemy law in Afghanistan - Wikipedia

of course, but I'm taking about thousands of years from now. 

Also, it will be a fiction story, like star wars. Only a bonus if reality will have similarities if humans even live then. 

Haha, probably not a good idea. It would be cool thing to read that book if a good writer with good imagination and creativity write it. Interesting to imagine what people spend their life doing. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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4 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

"In October 2005, Ali Mohaqiq Nasab, a journalist and an editor of a women's rights magazine, was sentenced by a tribunal to two years in prison for blasphemy because he questioned the harsh punishments imposed on women under Sharia, and because he said conversion from Islam should not be a crime. Nasab was released in December 2005 after his sentence was reduced on appeal"

We are really fortunate, aren't we?

Thats so sick! I feel angry just because total free speech is kind of threaten here in Sweden, but still we could say pretty much everything.

Free speech and freedom in general is huge is huge is HUGE. 

Without Freedom of thoughts and speech, life is not worth living. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@Shanmugamsame i learned most by studying\thinking what my mentor said (which happens to be that the vast majority is true!)

and also forums

i also watch a lot of spiritual teachers videos, i dont make an effort but uncounsciously you learn a lot

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The goal was to never be born again in order to reach nirvana, then you end the circle of life (and suffering). 

I never understood this concept.  Maybe someone here can help me understand?  

How can 'you' end the circle of life if you are life itself?  Seems a huge contradiction to me.  You would have to destroy the entire Universe to stop your cycle of life and death.  Or is this suggesting that we all have some kind of 'individual' soul?  But if that's the case then its not an enlightened teaching but rather another attempt at preserving the ego by separating yourself from others.

Also, why is suffering something to be avoided?  Is it not a requirement for growth?  Wouldn't you rather suffer than experience absolutely nothing at all?  Isn't that why we're here in the first place?  To exist as many forms as possible and to experience all there is... white, black, up, down, and everything in between?  What else could you possibly do with an eternity?

If the goal of life is to stop living, why did we start in the first place?

Edited by Reflection

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The Buddha was right.  Attachment to the dream is the cause of suffering.  Awakening is the first step to detachment from Ego.  Liberation is realizing there is no little you in there!  But all of this awakening business is part of the dream too.  So, don’t take any of this too seriously.  Just be the watcher.  Be that pillar that is always there at the center of all these changes.  Start to see the fluxing part of reality as a dream.  Detach from it as reality.  Reality is the Soul or unchanging Awareness that is witnessing all of these changes.  Awareness does not control, do, or conceptually-know — all that sh*t is part of the dream.    The Ego thinks it does those things haha.  That’s a very common trap.  The best thing Awareness can do is detach from taking the dream so seriously.  There is no you driving the dream.  You’re just always aware of it.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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