
Subconsciousness & Sunlight - [WARNING] Deep Wisdom

8 posts in this topic

I have held back from posting these videos for a while but i think its time to share a Master of earth video and i believe many are starting to become ready for this type of deep wisdom. This may push you to your limits if you are not already familiar with these ancient teachings but please do not judge or comment unless you have watched the whole thing as it can take time to process and connect the dots especially if this is new to you although if you are awake it should make sense now at least for the most part.

Master of Earth aka Jayluvsu2 was one of the wisest beings i ever knew, his wisdom and ancient yogic teachings and through the videos he uploaded were far beyond anyone else uploading on youtube at the time besides a very few. I was going through my awakening on par with his videos and they helped me tremendously harmonize and synchronize with what was happening to me at the time and through his teachings and a hand full of others i found and met through my travels my Enlightenment which only so confirmed everything that he was speaking was of divine wisdom and divine alignment with the the absolute truth that has been hidden from us for over roughly 15000 years due to alien technology.

I chose this video because i believe it is the most important one that covers many of the key factors to why we are the way we are today although he has many others and to understand what he means by "alien consciousness controlling our reality" because i know this will be the biggest challenge for the ego you would have to watch the few videos before this one where he goes into detail about what he means by it. Its not what you think.

I believe this is the video where he goes into detail about stated above and why we are naturally water beings.

Many beings today we call the "lightworkers" or "starseeds" have incarnated on earth from higher dimensional realities and or higher category planets in this specific time-frame especially in the last 3 decades in aid to spread the truth and expand the light among the masses because where earth was heading was a 3rd and possibly final self destruction that our ancestors had failed (study Lemuria & Atlantis, Ancient Egypt and the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and Thiaoouba Prophecy and The Law of One) are good examples so they created a system so we come back when it is near the "age of ascension" and the evolution of consciousness from 3D reality to 5D reality.

Many incarnates that have been assisting are from neighboring starsystems like Vega, Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, Maldeck ect... and many more you would be surprised how many young people today are not originally from Earth or shall we say Gaia. This is why many of you never felt like home here, always felt more intelligent than others around you, always rebellious to the system as it never made logical sense to your inner-wisdom and understanding, always felt betrayed, targeted for being difference, for knowing things no one else knows even from a young age..

Now people, before you start to judge and attack remember that is the ego and remember you could be one of the assisting collectives and it would be a shame to blindly attack what you may not understand yet and what could be something you unlock in the near future.

We have a choice now to transcend with the planet or remain in 3D and destroy ourselves. The cosmic window opened on December 21st 2012 and no one knows exactly what happened after this thus why the Mayan Calendar ended. They could not "think" or predict past this point as it was the next phase in evolution. All that 'end of the world' bullshit was to keep people in fear from the truth. This is also why exactly at around late 2012 and early 2013 and so on more people on the planet awakened on a collective level than ever before in history of human kind in such a rapid time-frame.

This is also why many children today being born with advanced wisdom and psychic abilities far surpassing children of the previous years and naturally have significantly more DNA activated in order for this collective pursuit to save humanity once and for all. This knowledge has been hidden from us for thousands of years and we are hard-wired to completely reject, ignore and distort from the actual truth. This is not fantasy this will seen and understood by all in the natural evolution-ally process.

I suggest meditation on connecting with your higher self to confirm all of what i have said if you want to know for yourself and if you are ready. This is not from too much sci-fi or star-trek this is channeled messages from higher intelligence whether you believe it or not is not my concern i will not argue but i will present what i know to be truth as it may liberate or or it may do the opposite. To each to their own.

Now Master of Earth does not specifically talk about these things i have stated above that i am aware of although i believe it was important to add to harmonize more with the wisdom he presents and and where it originally stems from whether he was aware of it or not. I say was because no one knows where he has gone or what happened to him and if he never returns i thought its important to share at least one of his videos to spark some ancient memory complex in many of you i believe are part of and have not realized yet.

Jesus was sent 2000 years ago for the same reason as was Buddha and a few others from superior/higher category planets to spread this truth to hopefully save us destroying ourselves for the 3rd time. The other two times technology surpassed spiritual evolution which lead to the cataclysms and nuclear wars. Look where we are today.

This may seem like mumbo jumbo for many even among self-actualized individuals but i know there are many that know the truth within and will resonate one way or another and to those who can benefit from the wisdom shared. Its time to Wake Up

Peace & Love




Edited by pluto


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what exactly people are going to do in heavenly earth without all the drama?

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42 minutes in. Its already explaining a lot. Thanks for sharing btw. 

Edited by Rinne

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13 hours ago, molosku said:


If enlightenment equal infinity, there is no reason this couldn't be real.

Sounds stupid af.

Enlightenment too sounds stupid af when you first heard about itmet :)

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I suspect that I'm one of these so called "lightworkers", other times I think I'm just full of shit. I take all that stuff with a grain of salt but very open minded about it. I'll have to watch that video tonight, good share man.

Edited by nightrider1435

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I don't know anything about an alien agenda but my experience concurs with his knowledge of life. A prime example of not judging a book by it's cover. Big up!

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22 hours ago, molosku said:


@Shin you speaking chinese? "itme, itmet, itmet, CHING CHONG"

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