Can Marijuana be Used for Spiritual Development?

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In your opinion, is marijuana of any use for spiritual development, or self help in general?

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Word around town weeds a medicine. Some use it to connect with their highest source, some use it to disconnect 

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I have smoked cannabis most of my life as have most of my peers and the community and towns i grew up in and i honestly believe besides its medicinal purposes it manifested or was planted here by the ancient people to create a more spiritual connection for the collective or we would of destroyed ourselves for the 3rd time. Where it can be used as a tool from time to time for spiritual development under the correct methods of use and adequate breaks in-between, like all other psychedelics. Although once you become spiritually developed and continue to use is when you will deplete spiritual awareness and development.

See you only suffer when you "know better" and continue to do things which no longer serve you. When you are still asleep, you are in some sort of Universal protection but when you Awaken and continue to play with fire and levels that you have already mastered and no longer serve you, you get pulled back into that dimension (so to speak).




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Marijuana can help you to activate your kundalini, the thing is it has certain level of vibration so you have to use it in the right circunstancess and the right mindset if you are under this level yes, it will help you to slow down your mind and so on to be quite present, but if you are up the vibrational level like anxious or already had an active kundalini it will just trick your mind or even warp it all.



Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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Cannabis use has been linked to depersonalization and is what unwittingly set me on the spiritual path many years ago.  Unfortunately, according to society this "depersonalization" is a mental health disease and has been used in the past to create cringy anti-marijuana ads like this one -

But there is something else that smoking weed does for me as an extreme introvert that is hard to explain.  Introverts have a very bright and colorful inner-world which makes them seem quiet, uninterested, or even detached on the outside.  If we receive too much stimulation from the outside we become overwhelmed and expend energy very quickly which makes us feel stressed out.  Extroverts on the other hand are very quiet on the inside and need lots of outside stimulation in order to feel awake and alert which is why they appear more lively, engaged, and talkative.  So whereas an extremely introverted person needs to bring their levels of stimulation down in order to function properly, an extreme extrovert needs to bring their levels of stimulation up in order to function.  


According to 'The Introvert Advantage' by Marti Olsen Laney, introverts have a longer neural pathway for processing stimuli.  The introvert’s brain treats interactions with people at the same intensity level that it treats encounters with inanimate objects. Introverts process everything in their surroundings and pay attention to all the sensory details in the environment, not just the people.  So you can see how this over-processing combined with hyper-observation can be overwhelming.

So in review I would say yes to both spiritual development and to self help.  But using it for self help I think really depends on the type of person you are.  For most people I know, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of coffee helps stimulate them and get their mind right.  But for me smoking a bowl seems to suppress the analytical part of my mind that inhibits me from thinking clearly.

Edited by Reflection

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The biggest problem would be getting addicted to it (as many people do) and turning it into a daily habit or a crutch for mood enhancement.

I would draw a sharp distinction between taking a substance for mood enhancement vs taking a serious trip.

Edibles probably have more spiritual growth potential, although I have not tried weed at all. It never really caught my interest.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The Sadhus smoke alot, only you can know for sure, just try it, I smoke weed very rarely but when I do it gives my ego a kick in the a** but maybe I'm a bit sensitive.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Leo Gura You should try it with 5-meo

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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It is all about how you use it. If you do it everyday, your tolerance is up and the intention can be quite different than spiritual exploration.

If you use it once a month, tolerance is reset, in a dark room by yourself, I do not see it as any different than taking psychedelics. Terence McKenna also advocated it to be used this way I believe. Not to mention the multiple cultures who have used it for spiritual purposes. 

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I don't enjoy meditating while high 

but , weed and yoga is an unbelievable combination 

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I recommend Marijuana only to the Awakened one.


Namaste, mfks!

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@Leo Gura You talk about radical open mindedness, but haven't even tried weed. Despite many others and i myself either would say it is a great tool to raise my consciousness since i'm in this work.

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Eckhart Tolle said he tried weed in amsterdam. He described it as "jelly for the mind" or something, and that he could see how that would bring ordinary people moments of stillness. 


The only spiritual thing weed can do for you is it can offer you a radical shift in perspective. But for me it was never a positive one, my problems seemed bigger than they are and at times it has brought me close to an existential crisis when I was completely stoned. I only smoke rarely nowadays and with doses that are barely on the threshhold of effects just to get a background calmness.


@Leo Gura The problem of addiction you regulary bring up with weed isnt as big as you think it is, Ive only seen it happen  to a certain type of person that is lazy and demotivated to begin with. For these people weed is like their coffee, tv shows or video games. Its not really the substance itself that makes them that way but it makes it worse. I would advise you give it a try sometime just so you can contribute something to the weed threads that pop up here regulary.


Edited by MM1988

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Some people say it's good and others say it can be harmful.

I believe that true honesty will reveal if it's a problem for you or not. 

Good now doesn't mean good in the future and the other way around. This is completely up to the current user. 

Weed is very soft(!) and that's why it can be dangerous at the same time!

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9 hours ago, herghly said:


I don't enjoy meditating while high 

but , weed and yoga is an unbelievable combination 

Yes! that is so true! 

also, meditating while high is not a good combo, but self exploration and sub conscious work is great with marijuana. It's kind of like meditating, except you aren't trying to clear your mind, you just sit or lay still and let your subconscious bubble up to the surface... and oh boy will it..... 

@2000 I have used marijuana for spiritual development. I get so many insights with it that I wouldn't normally while sober, things like how to improve my life, my relationships, and my business. That being said, it can also be a trap. You can't let yourself depend on it's help too often. It is addicting, like Leo said. Best used once a week to once a month, or less. It's a great teacher plant, but it will abuse you if you abuse it..



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My biggest awakening experience was on weed  !  After finish my exams and dissertation  Me and my friend  Smoked one  and went to a club  ,  it felt so surreal  , it looked like everyone was playing roles just like in the movies  ! Me and my friend just stood there in shock  , like ohh shit  ! We couldn't believe it  ! 

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