
What does it ultimately change?

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3 minutes ago, egoless said:

But Leo will disappear. Leo will not experience it.

That is correct, if Leo is identified with being a human.

But if Leo is identified with being Infinity, Infinity will "experience" all of itself, forever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I mean knowing who you are is better than believing that you are a voice in your head, desires, etc

Your default you is determine by society, family , believes

is garbage,

infinity brings possibilities to the one who is open to his experience, right?

develope tools for unfold yours.


Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That is correct, if Leo is identified with being a human.

But if Leo is identified with being Infinity, Infinity will "experience" all of itself, forever.

I am not sure I understand your point here. Infinity will experience itself nonetheless whether Leo is identified with it or not. In fact that is not Leo who is identified with infinity. It is infinity itself who is identified with leo and egoless and etc.

And when awakening happens infinity knows itself as infinity - in fact it always does because it is self aware. It must include everything even the consciousness.

Consciousness is by product of absolute infinity

Edited by egoless

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@Leo Gura I hope you consider a new juicy video on actualization/passionated life


One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

That is correct, if Leo is identified with being a human.

But if Leo is identified with being Infinity, Infinity will "experience" all of itself, forever.

@Leo Gura Yeah kind of but not really...that's where our bodies come in, since without them there wouldn't be no perception or experience. The sun surely illuminates itself but it could never see itself or experience itself for that matter without some other "separate", "external" observer with a sentient body to do so. The same would go for consciousness or infinity -> if there was no one to "know" or experience infinity then it wouldn't "be there". That's the essential purpose of aware and especially self-aware creatures. But please correct me if I'm wrong here.

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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33 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

@Leo Gura Yeah kind of but not really...that's where our bodies come in, since without them there wouldn't be no perception or experience. The sun surely illuminates itself but it could never see itself or experience itself for that matter without some other "separate", "external" observer with a sentient body to do so. The same would go for consciousness or infinity -> if there was no one to "know" or experience infinity then it wouldn't "be there". That's the essential purpose of aware and especially self-aware creatures. But please correct me if I'm wrong here.

There never was anyone who knows. There are no knowers or perceivers. There is just Infinity BEing itself. And one of the ways it can be, is as a human.

Of course a rock probably cannot self-reflect. But, for example, consider this possibility: that you (as infinity) will go through the experience of every Jew killed by Hitler in the holocaust. And you will also experience being every Nazi who pulled the trigger.

And that's just a tiny tiny fraction of the stuff you'll experience. You will experience EVERYTHING! In fact, you already have. Your present experience just excludes that total perspective.

The whole point is that YES, infinity WOULD "know" itself. That's how you're knowing anything right now! There is nothing but infinity. So if infinity wasn't knowing itself, you wouldn't be here conscious of this sentence. It ain't you who's seeing this sentence. That's just the illusion of perception. It is actually infinity BEING the sentence and your body.

You're still looking at this whole puzzle from inside your self. You need to experience No-self to really crack this open.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There is never anyone who knows. There are no knowers or perceivers. There is just Infinity BEing itself. And one of the ways it can be, is as a human.

Of course a rock probably cannot self-reflect. But, for example, consider this possibility: that you (as infinity) will go through the experience of very Jew kill by Hitler in the holocaust. And you will also experience being every Nazi who pulled the trigger.

But your realization of yourself as absolute infinity does not change anything in that regard. You will still experience everything. But not you as Leo, but you as infinity. After Leo disappears all his understanding and insights will disappear with him. And in next dream when he is a monkey in the jungle he will eat bananas. 

But what about possibility of layers? What if after death you become a soul and end up in the hell or heaven? Infinity should also include this possibility. There should be infinite layers.


So moral of the story - why don't you live your current life and fully enjoy it. You are not getting anywhere. There is no escape from the Matrix. I think that's the ultimate realization one could have. I think most Enlightened gurus don't go there.

Edited by egoless

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8 minutes ago, egoless said:

But your realization of yourself as absolute infinity does not change anything in that regard. You will still experience everything. But not you as Leo, but you as infinity. After Leo disappears all his understanding and insights will disappear with him. And in next dream when he is a monkey in the jungle he will eat bananas. 

Yes, that's seems likely.


But what about possibility of layers? What if after death you become a soul and end up in the hell or heaven? Infinity should also include this possibility. What if there are infinite layers.

Sure, that's also possible. I don't really know what happens after the body dies. I just know that I am Infinity. So if there's a hell or heaven, I am both of those things, and more.

Infinity will go through an infinite number of "experiences": hell, heaven, monkeys, ants, aliens, cyborgs, whatever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Thanks for the reply, I'll contemplate on that for a little bit even though I already know what you're getting at and that it's totally legit :)

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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@Leo Gura If you accept the idea of infinite layers and consecutive lives. What is your opinion on karma and reincarnation then? If there are layers of souls within your body is there a possibility that your "current" life will determine what "you" as the deeper layer (soul) will experience in the next life?

Edited by egoless

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6 minutes ago, egoless said:

@Leo Gura If you accept the idea of infinite layers and consecutive lives. What is your opinion on karma and reincarnation then? If there are layers of souls within your body is there a possibility that your "current" life will determine what "you" as the deeper layer (soul) will experience in the next life?

Sure, that's possible. I just don't know.

It seems consistent with many of the deepest yogic and buddhist scriptures, which I must assume came from certain direct experiences. I doubt people just made that shit up. These scriptures were written by very advanced enlightened masters, whose level I may never reach in my life time.

There is still much about spirituality which I do not understand. Because this field is extremely deep and wide and nuanced, and it can only really be understood only through direct experience.

At the deepest levels, it's very hard to accurately interpret and cross-reference textual sources without massive direct experience of all the various facets of nonduality and the paranormal.

I would suggest you guys just keep your minds open, shoot for No-self and Infinity, and stay humble with your awakenings because there's almost always more to become conscious of.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Sure, that's possible. I just don't know.

It seems consistent with many of the deepest yogic and buddhist scriptures, which I must assume came from certain direct experiences. I doubt people just made that shit up. These scriptures were written by very advanced enlightened masters, whose level I may never reach in my life time.

There is still much about spirituality which I do not understand. Because this field is extremely deep and wide.

Can you mention some of the most notable scriptures on this topic? Which are written by very advanced masters as you say. It would be great to read those.

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@egoless The Tibetan Book Of The Dead comes to mind. It talks about various bardo realms.

The Buddhist scriptures are MASSIVE. They are like 10 times longer than the Bible. It's a very technical topic which I'm no expert in. I'm not a big reader of scriptures.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@egoless The Tibetan Book Of The Dead comes to mind. It talks about various bardo realms.

The Buddhist scriptures are MASSIVE. They are like 10 times longer than the Bible. It's a very technical topic which I'm no expert in. I'm not a big reader of scriptures.

okay ty!

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go eat chocolate

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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1 minute ago, Vingger said:

go eat chocolate

The purpose to life ;) 

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4 minutes ago, egoless said:

The purpose to life ;) 

You're so wrong, I feel sad for you ...


This is life ...


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, Blissout said:

I dont get it what people are doing on a spiritual forum or even taking up a practice if they don't want to end suffering.

Self realization = the end of suffering.


Belief or not belief doesn't matter.

The fact that you see people ended their suffering completely, that is what matters.

@Blissout Was thinking the same. A time will come when they want it to end. Then they will have the "tools" :D

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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why is that the every choice I make is the only choice I have? I can't see the infinite, there. :(

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is only Infinity. So everything is inevitable.

Talking about free will seems silly from this vantage point. Its sort of like asking, Does that rock have free will?

A rock is a rock.

And Infinity is Infinity.

And YET! with all that said, individual choices are as important as ever. But it's not so much that Leo is making the choices, but that Infinity is making the choices.

?for now, I can't see the infinite in every choices I make, it feels like every choice I make, it is the only choice I have ?

Edited by John Iverson

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