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In Practice, what is even the difference to the Materialist Paradigm

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Lets say the nondual metaphysics is true, what is even the practical difference to materialism?

Maybe I am every human that has ever lived, but I just know my perspective. When my perspective ends all my ideas and experience end with me, exactly as if the materialist brain dies. Maybe my conciousness lives on, but what does it help me if I spend the next 1000 years as some worm, rock, or even human that watches TV and eats fast food all day (I know its not sequential but for sake of simplicity I assumed it here). Just if I am a human, the right kind of human in the right part of the world who spends an enourmous amount of work I am able to get a glimpse of the truth. And then this human dies and there is unconciousness again.

I like to think of it as a person drowning in an ocean, maybe you get over sea level a couple times and take a few breaths but in the end you are sucked into unconciousness yet again.

If you have different materialist brains or different perspectives of the same exact conciousness that are deceived to this kind of degree, it may have some big metaphysical ramifications, but in practice there is really no difference about the general ideas a materialist would have about death or separation. Maybe the materialist doesnt have his metaphysics right, but the materialist and the yogi will both get sucked into the void, they just disagree about what the void is, but from a practical perspective they are both right. Eternal nothingsness, eternal unconciousness, whats the difference really?


Leo, you put in all this work, but at the same time you are me who probably wont put in the work and get enlightened in his lifetime. Doesnt that annoy you?

Edited by MM1988

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Materialism means you think objects exist as physical objects. That physical reality is real. In contrast to that nondualism means this:

 Let us define truth.

Truth has to be unchanging, impersonal and omnipresent and everpresent. That means that Truth is contained in everything, everywhere at all times. Therefore it can only be one.

Now comes you, what is your real nature of you?The answer is the That Truth. So the conclusion is you are everything.

As far as your physical reality goes, it subject to continuous change so it is merely a dream. Believing in the dream causes illusion and suffering because anything in the dream cannot be it(Truth).

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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On 25.02.2018 at 1:37 PM, MM1988 said:

Lets say the nondual metaphysics is true, what is even the practical difference to materialism?

It all depends how you understand "practically".
If you mean it as means to manipulate practical, everyday objects - there is none. You can't do anything new once you see the world as non-dual.
If you mean psychologically, there is a vast difference. Once you see everything as part of yourself, you treat the world differently.

Sure, you will die at one point, but you don't need to rely on heaven or hell to justify a "good" life. If you die - so be it. There is no need to fear death, or failure, as you embrace whatever happens.


Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Is not your perspective, is not your ideas, they are only ideas, perspective is only perspective,

conciousness is all that is, means that you are already a worm, that you are already a fat guy watching tv.

conciousness does not ends with the death of a particular body, life will go on living in endless forms,

the difference is the materialist paradigm is attached to his experience, thinking it's personal,

that there is a you in some body which is experiecing life, 

is not, life is experiencing itself

Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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On 2018-02-25 at 1:37 PM, MM1988 said:

but I just know my perspective

So, the job is to get the perspective of the absolute. You are the sun, claiming/pretending to be a separate ray of sunlight.

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The difference is enormous. In one word, the difference is: liberation.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ask yourself this: What is matter?  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I think I just dont get whats calming about nonduality. It seems like its clear to everyone else but to me it isnt. Maybe it has to with my human sense of survival, but even if I would overcome that what would it help me when im an unconcious antelope getting eating alive by a lion too. Why would god make himself suffer like that, why is this not concerning anybody?

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Materialism is a belief system.   Reality is not affected by belief systems.  Belief systems don't get at the essence of reality.

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@MM1988 A practice in revealing the truth of nonduality is to categorize what arises in you as a thought, or an experience. It’s a practice though, so, like meditation & self inquiry, hearing about this is nothing useful, doing it is all the difference in the ‘world’.



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