
Is there any dark side to beeing awakened?

52 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, MarkusR said:

@Saumaya You make sense. But that irritation and annoyance at Manor you feel may be the opportunity for you to expand your ability to teach and open people up. Right now Manor is being stubborn, but that may be a key part in his journey, at some point we must all become stubborn and disregard outside speculation to continue our very personal search for truth.

With his devotion I am sure more insights will come over and humble him.


Yes I understand. Thanks

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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Ok so the thread went a little of the rail road, but I think I got an understanding of it. I appreciate the in depth reflections.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@cactus Sounds like what she experienced wasn't enlightenment but depersonaliation disorder. This is like a half-baked enlightenment. A sort of negative infinity. It's definitely an incomplete awakening.

A proper enlightenment should still leave you passionate about participating in life.

Of course something like the desire to get a master's degree might completely fall away -- especially if the degree was in a field which wasn't authentic to begin with. But then new motivations arise -- more authentic ones.

Yes, some enlightened people choose to become recluses. There's nothing wrong with that per se, but it has to be done authentically, not out of fear or depression or lack of passion.

True enlightenment should make you MORE capable, not less. Of course inauthentic parts of your life will fall away. This may be painful or scary at first, but ultimately that's what you want: a more authentic life.

I wouldn't worry too much about this. Depersonalization is rare, and I think it mostly happens with people who don't study the theory enough and don't realize what they're getting into so it can blindside them. They somehow misinterpret Emptiness or No-self as a negative thing, which it isn't. I find my awakenings very motivating, and so do most people I think.

Leo always with that solid advice and explanation.

I agree so much with this, I have also experienced depersonalization on the path through psychedelics and attempting to release ego via meditation, but Ultimately, I have learned that one has to integrate both ego and universe as one in order to feel passionate and in your body. We also cannot forget that the means to experience the absolute is within the body aka reality. 

Also I am going to agree with @Saumaya here... He is right, there are two sides to the coin and you cannot ignore the personal/subjective experience of life if you want to feel wholesome. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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"yes" you realize reality is what it is. And you go back to living your life with no more discontent and seeking :)  

Edited by egoless

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13 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You are not the dream nor do you have any control over the dream.  Make sense?  You’re not controlling anything that’s happening in the dream.  It all happens on its own.   Now, you might have the illusion of control, but that’s a belief about reality not reality itself.

Some people while lucid dreaming can control and alter their dream experience. How do you explain this? 

Don't get wrapped up in the belief that you don't have control over anything. You are playing a dangerous game here. Until you fully become non dual the belief that you don't control anything is just a belief which interferes with another belief of separation. Maybe you heard that there is no free will from someone but let me tell you it might not be what you are thinking. 


Edited by egoless

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Of course there is. If you abuse and manipulate others with your newly awakened understanding. It is quite rare, although i have seen it happen because even the awakened can be lured back in illusion and battle it out with the non-awakened only to end up abusing universal laws thus powers and abilities will be removed until pure of heart and alignment is restored.

Edited by pluto


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After you slow down and wake up, people will not understand you, ever, only another awakened human being will do.

The majority of people are interested in "character", "strength", "routine", "stability", "ambition". Once you quit the problems of the world, the world remains stupefied about you. 

If a child is initiated from young age to follow breath and inner self then all will make sense for him. But to a human being preoccupied only with "ambition & money", then enlightenment is hell.


Namaste, mfks!

Edited by Quanty

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@Quanty A small kid won’t give two f-ks about meditation and inner-work :D. They are too busy blissing out being children. What we adopt as falsehood is our entire cultural matrix, the way our culture views life/death, conciousness, materialism, god etc. When a child starts getting curious, we should be in a society where we dont give half-baked answers to deep questions. As a society and culture we should accept, embrace and cultivate our knowledge into deeper aspects of the human experience, our dimension. From our outlook alone the kids will begin to understand, and their journey will become less tedious than the generation before them.  :) I already see it happening, the fall of religious ideology was the first step.

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