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No more ego jerking, no more reputation collecting. It seems like this forum is buzzing afer Leo removed the reputations.

Keep it up folks, so much amazing stuff being discussed around here lately!

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Yay! :)

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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When consciousness rise, it usually do this. :)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

No more ego jerking, no more reputation collecting. It seems like this forum is buzzing afer Leo removed the reputations.

Keep it up folks, so much amazing stuff being discussed around here lately!

Nothing is more amazing than you sir:D

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality


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On 2/24/2018 at 10:48 AM, Saumaya said:

Nothing is more amazing than you sir:D

Says you :D


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Some posts here are real gems, I love real story's of comebacks and people solving their problems and explaining how and why.

But i find it a pity that there is too much talk about enlightenment i know that is a thing on Leo's channel and amazing that people go after it but maybe they do it too prematurely, maybe as an escape from the pain of solving their problems the way they know it can be solved by taking more concrete action. 

I admit i'm probably not enlightened and i have a hard time grasping non duality but i'm not sure you want to tackle those things first while you're broke and deprived of intimacy and out of shape it feels like the wrong order of doing things and that should be done when you have overcome things the way you know, when you are honest and dig deep enough.

I would love slightly more real story's and less spiritual platitudes i know i'm not going to bother with enlightenment however interesting it is until i accomplished my goals the proven way by taking more concrete action.

Its just the feeling that some people might preach spirituality sometimes before they completely understand it (although i guess that should be allowed of course because you learn through writing)

Maybe i'm wrong and both can be done easily at the same time but i'm just thinking out loud i don't feel like ranting here and i still like the forum overall.

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@Steph1988 I agree... I came here originally looking for self improvement, (there are really no good forums for that besides this that I have found) but the enlightenment and non-duality does get a little screeching. I comprehend intellectually what they are talking about, and have a few times felt it myself with LSA (related to LSD) and marijuana, but sometimes I just want to improve my life and feel better, and not be told that there is no point because I don't exist anyway :S



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1 minute ago, starsofclay said:

I just want to improve my life and feel better, and not be told that there is no point because I don't exist anyway

People who tell you this misunderstand, absence of meaning of life doesn't mean you dont take action

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality


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@Saumaya Yeah I know, it's sad.

 *oh wait, sad is an illusionary emotion, my bad. Don't call the non-dual police on meO.o

Edited by starsofclay



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9 minutes ago, starsofclay said:

@Saumaya Yeah I know, it's sad.

 *oh wait, sad is an illusionary emotion, my bad. Don't call the non-dual police on meO.o

Too late, you're going to pick up the soap shortly ;)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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IDK I don't see ego as bad nor as something that leaves. it's still here. 

everything in moderation.


also, a community is an average of those that are within it, and their actions and concerns imfluence the others as well. They sync up. I never saw the "ego" that the community was obsessed with as bad - I may have been irritated by the constant discussion of ego, and when people got arrogant and blind to what others are - that was irritating too. But it is what it is, and it is necessary to be broken if you are going to fix what's broken :P


I don't think my words are expressing my thoughts on the matter very well. 


I just - oh, I get it. I know that I move towards self-actualization via the ego, embracing what is dual. Whereas most the forums, in following leo's path, are doing the opposite - removing themselves from the dual in pursuit of absolute existence. 


either path is just as reasonable as the other ;) for many of this forum, they were troubled by the way their ego affected themselves. And on average they faced that, and found growth. I am certain that leo's actions to assist have helped - but don't denounce your own effort too! in fact it is loving ego where the belief that change has happened comes from ;) by celebrating the steps you've made recently in "ego death" you only embrace and cherish ego ;)


PS. nonetheless, I miss the value that liking a post has xD 



Edited by alyra
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5 hours ago, Steph1988 said:


But i find it a pity that there is too much talk about enlightenment i know that is a thing on Leo's channel and amazing that people go after it but maybe they do it too prematurely, maybe as an escape from the pain of solving their problems the way they know it can be solved by taking more concrete action.

Yeah there is so much speculation about enlightenement is gets annoying. I mean you can't escape keyboard jokeying in any community but still it remains quite sad. Like go out there and do the work - you won't feel the need to speculate so much then.

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On 2/26/2018 at 9:38 AM, Lynnel said:

Yeah there is so much speculation about enlightenement is gets annoying. I mean you can't escape keyboard jokeying in any community but still it remains quite sad. Like go out there and do the work - you won't feel the need to speculate so much then.

Who is doing the work?  I never understood this kind of criticism.  There is no Ego.

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On 26/02/2018 at 1:03 PM, Steph1988 said:

Some posts here are real gems, I love real story's of comebacks and people solving their problems and explaining how and why.

But i find it a pity that there is too much talk about enlightenment i know that is a thing on Leo's channel and amazing that people go after it but maybe they do it too prematurely, maybe as an escape from the pain of solving their problems the way they know it can be solved by taking more concrete action. 

I admit i'm probably not enlightened and i have a hard time grasping non duality but i'm not sure you want to tackle those things first while you're broke and deprived of intimacy and out of shape it feels like the wrong order of doing things and that should be done when you have overcome things the way you know, when you are honest and dig deep enough.

I would love slightly more real story's and less spiritual platitudes i know i'm not going to bother with enlightenment however interesting it is until i accomplished my goals the proven way by taking more concrete action.

Its just the feeling that some people might preach spirituality sometimes before they completely understand it (although i guess that should be allowed of course because you learn through writing)

Maybe i'm wrong and both can be done easily at the same time but i'm just thinking out loud i don't feel like ranting here and i still like the forum overall.

Yeah like being virgin, fearing social interaction, no discipline whatsoever, lots of self-esteem issues etc. ...

Technically it's possible, but yeah it's just chasing something out of fear to confront your problems.

From experience, it doesn't work.

You need to have a mind more or less stable, above the norm (which is neurotic af), then you can start to do the real work.

Cause the real work is to deconstruct and debunk any beliefs you have, ALL of them (even the belief «I was born» for example).

How can you do that if you struggle to look a person in the eye and think everyone is judging you and all the other bullshit like that ?


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 26-2-2018 at 1:03 PM, Steph1988 said:

Leo's channel and amazing that people go after it but maybe they do it too prematurely, maybe as an escape from the pain of solving their problems the way they know it can be solved by taking more concrete action. 

I can relate to that. For a while last year I had the feeling that I should just get enelightened and all my problems would get solved, including financial problems.... :D Doesn't work that way I guess hahaha.

Now I'm focussing on building a cool career first, getting some material success, and on building a stronger and healthier ego. First things first.

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@Joseph Maynor Yeah you're like another extreme of this neo avaita : don't do the work, nothing exists already, oh this is all an illusion so there is no ego anyway, no one is doing anything, nothing is happening, etc. It's just mental masturbation !

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3 minutes ago, Lynnel said:

@Joseph Maynor Yeah you're like another extreme of this neo avaita : don't do the work, nothing exists already, oh this is all an illusion so there is no ego anyway, no one is doing anything, nothing is happening, etc. It's just mental masturbation !


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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