
A Thought Does Exist For A Moment In Time

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The thought for me, empirically, seems to exist for a moment, based on how I feel when I think about it, and that it has "content" but than it fades it away and dies. 

So a thought exists, than it dies<--- my truth

Any arguments against my truth vs your truth about arguments?


Edited by DizIzMikey

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Empirically, I do not exist because I cannot be a thought, if you notice each thought fades into the oblivion, than another thought pops up, and than another, but at no time do all the thoughts exist at the same time, just a thought after another thought, so where am I? Am I a thought? I cannot be a thought because it fades away, anything that fades empirically cannot exist, because I am looking at the evidence at hand from within, nothing else nothing more. What I'm wondering is if a thought exists for a moment because it does appear, but than does it die? Yes.. I have concluded that a thought exists, than it dies, but it does not mean it has to poise truth, because it doesn't,  the foundation empirically from within, when a thought fades is... nothingness, now to only stay with the nothingness. 

Edited by DizIzMikey

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This sounds very philosophical, not my strong spot but this is interesting.

A thought is energy, its energy in your mind and body that you put into language and becomes a thought. If you hold a certain type of energy for long you will have thoughts that come one after the other that are on the same energy level.

Just now, DizIzMikey said:

When a thought fades is... nothingness, now to only stay with the nothingness. 

I like what you said. From my perspective - if thoughts are energy (like anything else that is physical) then when it fades (or there isnt too much energy to distract you from who you really are) then there is nothingness.

But then again, energy never really dies, it just takes on another form. So are we energy or nothingness? I'm confusing myself now

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