
It Goes Deeper Than You Might Think...

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@Shanmugam :)


I understand Osho's love for Buddha but lets not start worshipping anyone haha, lets jsut appreciate them

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18 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Saumaya Access of experience is relative to consciousness, that has never not been the case. What for someone is a known known, and another known unknown, for another is an unknown unknown. What someone is experiencing, communicated to another, is interpreted as impossible - so there is no sense in communicating the specifics, or examples. If there is no relative consciousness, then there is no way to communicate. You can look for it, discover it. Discrepancies and distinctions. This forum presents the opportunity to see this almost daily. With more consciousness, more perspective, more of what is there is seen. “Reality” is not the consistency it appears to be. It is relative to one’s consciousness, because it is literally, that same one. A couple suggestions, notice where individuals end in their conversations, see the patterns, contemplate why, and what would have been next had they not. Look at the justifications and rationality’s, they keep an individual’s consciousness in equanimity, sacrifices continuation of the expansion of their consciousness. 

That went right over my head...

So basically you are saying that individuals stop talking about something when it starts reaching a touchy subject just so they could maintain their sense of equanimity and not evolve?

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Shanmugam Thanks. I agree, I understand what you define as the absolute. This is not my experience. Of course there is no reason to expect they are the same. I enjoy what you share. If you don’t enjoy what I share, if there is no value for you in it, I understand, and there is no obligation for attention to it.  

What exactly is not your experience?

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

@Shanmugam Thanks. I agree, I understand what you define as the absolute. This is not my experience. Of course there is no reason to expect they are the same. I enjoy what you share. If you don’t enjoy what I share, if there is no value for you in it, I understand, and there is no obligation for attention to it.  

The bottom line is this: Are you happy, completely free and fulfilled? :) ... The 'Yes' to this question doesn't mean that there is no further growth. It happens much faster even though there is no craving for growth. The life then happens out of intrinsic motivation...



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@Saumaya Maybe unaware of maintaining complacency is a better way to say it, derived from lack of realization that all is the self, relative to the one communicating. An answer is no past, only aware in the now, when it suits. Then the opposite; an answer is a depiction and justification, by use of referencing the past, when it suits. Sometimes a quote from a mystic is used, when it suits. Sometimes sharing the story of how hard one’s life was before seeking, when it suits. I’m saying look through these justifications. Or don’t of course. 



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@Shanmugam Yes. Thanks. It must appear to you that I am seeking, or ‘craving’, or ‘doing’? If it is enough for you to be understood - I do understand. Again, there is no obligation, no need to express. I appreciate your concern for my happiness. I am happy. I have been researching the body in terms of capacity for love and joy, because my face hurts from laughing, and spontaneous tears of joy are not the easiest thing, socially speaking. I do wish you well, there is no attack on you here. 



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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Saumaya Maybe unaware of maintaining complacency is a better way to say it, derived from lack of realization that all is the self, relative to the one communicating. An answer is no past, only aware in the now, when it suits. Then the opposite; an answer is a depiction and justification, by use of referencing the past, when it suits. Sometimes a quote from a mystic is used, when it suits. Sometimes sharing the story of how hard one’s life was before seeking, when it suits. I’m saying look through these justifications. Or don’t of course. 

Was I not looking past these justifications?What made you say all this?

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

@Shanmugam Yes. Thanks. It must appear to you that I am seeking, or ‘craving’, or ‘doing’? If it is enough for you to be understood - I do understand. Again, there is no obligation, no need to express. 

Sure.. I understand brother.. :)


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@Saumaya Just what I see. I’m not the riddler. Lol. Due to the nature of individually experienced consciousness, there is no way to communicate this.  I’m just a pointer on the buffet. An apostrophe. When we try to make an analogy, or example, the message is so easily lost. To try to do that though....lately on the forum, Sadhguru comes to mind. If one’s consciousness is relative to Sadhguru’s, then they see what he’s expressing, what  he see’s. If one’s consciousness is not relative, in terms of proximity of experiences, they do not see what he see’s, where he is coming from in terms of experience, what he is communicating, and therefore they attempt to reduce Sadhguru to fit their own relativity. This is not a slight, it is how consciousness is. 



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@Nahm Ah okay i get it. So you are basically saying people resonate with other people who have similar experiential consciousness like oneself. The key is to look beyond this even if they fit or do not fit as your experiential consciousness match. Am I right?

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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10 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Very wise advice.  You got it.  You’re gonna avoid a lot of traps with that stance towards history and teachers.  You don’t wanna be too much in love with any culture in this work.

Here he is guys..

The man

The myth


Joseph Maynor Himself!

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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18 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

@Ether Love, respect, and worship are different.. Buddha himself asked to follow your own light! :) 

Did any apprentices of Buddha reached enlightenment in his presence?


1 minute ago, Saumaya said:

Here he is guys..

The man

The myth


Joseph Maynor Himself!


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@Saumaya Yes, but, the thing we are talking about, is at play right now also. Here’s a left field, different approach, might be communicative, might not. 

Google something that you don’t have any experience with, and know literally nothing about. 



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@Saumaya literally just spit out my water. LMAO

@Joseph Maynor Jo we love you! I hope you feel it! ❤️

@Saumaya Do you see it, now, by chance? It seems Jo’s addition here, on this post, right now,  is coincidental with relation to you. It is not. It is completely, wholly, relative to you. If you saw it, now, you’d ‘spit your water out’ too. 



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2 minutes ago, Ether said:

@Joseph Maynor Its ok to be totally in love but worshipping and putting in pedestals? Naaaaah

No worshipping and no putting in pedestal! Not at all! ;) you are right! 

I share Osho's quotes and Buddha's quotes not because  I want to convey that these people have to be worshipped.. I am just sharing things which are insightful and valuable, thats it! Don't worship or follow anyone! This is the reason why I criticize Sadhguru because people have started to almost worshipping him.. No one questions him!

Osho says the same thing too:



"Jesus says, "Come follow me. "It is not only Jesus who says it: Krishna says it too, Buddha says it too. All the old religions of the world are based on that statement. But that statement is a psychological exploitation of man. I cannot say, "Come follow me. "First, those who have said it have crippled humanity, have made humanity helpless. They certainly fulfilled a certain need. People don't want to be on their own. They don't have the guts to create their own path, to walk and create it. They want to be led. But they don't know that if you are being led, slowly slowly, even if you have eyes, you will lose them. You will be seeing through the eyes of Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed. Your eyes will not be needed; in fact your eyes will cause a disturbance..."

- From Unconsciousness to consciousness




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@Shanmugam Yes, thats whyi follow my own path even doe a lot of people used to hate (or still hate). But if i dont live my own life living yours

Edited by Ether

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6 minutes ago, Ether said:

Did any apprentices of Buddha reached enlightenment in his presence?



No one can say! Who knows the entire past? But there are always people who get liberated/enlightened.. Not all those people who are enlightened become well known! 


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