
It Goes Deeper Than You Might Think...

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Of course enlightenment is permanent, “binary”, and then there is so much more.   Until more consciousness is experienced, that binary change is of course referred to as “enlightenment”. Yes, the “seeking” is done.


Whats more after enlightenment?

Also are you saying that consciousness is an access to Self(you)?

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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@Saumaya There’s no separation between all and self, I’m using the word consciousness.  Enlightenment is an entry point, not an ending. There is so much more. . 



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Just now, Nahm said:

@Saumaya There’s no separation between all and self, I’m using the word consciousness.  Enlightenment is an entry point, not an ending. There is so much more. 

Yes, what is this more?Can you give an exampe?

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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@Saumaya For starters, the rest of this life is left, and what it can be. Integration has not started yet. Embodiment has not started yet. This is because you have ruled them out, as assumptions, with thinking like, what more could there be after enlightenment. I understand, I was there. 



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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

@Saumaya For starters, the rest of this life is left, and what it can be. Integration has not started yet. Embodiment has not started yet. This is because you have ruled them out, as assumptions, with thinking like, what more could there be after enlightenment. I understand, I was there. 

have u awakened?

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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

@Saumaya For starters, the rest of this life is left, and what it can be. Integration has not started yet. Embodiment has not started yet. This is because you have ruled them out, as assumptions, with thinking like, what more could there be after enlightenment. I understand, I was there. 

What do u mean by integration and embodiment in this context?

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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Freedom from a before and after. Freedom from action according to time ‘thought/duality’ 

Complete action from wholeness ‘timeless action’

The realm without measure 


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Either way this must be seen on ones own. Any explanation is conditioned. ‘The word is limited’ 

This comes about in the action of  insight/perception. 

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The words 'more' and 'less' can be applied only to the limited...this 'more' and'less'  is only in the realms of duality...

You can't say to infinity that there is 'more infinity'... How can there be a more infinity?

I agree that there is lifelong deepening to enlightenment; But this deepening is not something that can be controlled, manipulated or made to go faster or slower! There is absolutely no choice when it comes to this! Is this very difficult to understand? xD..

@Nahm you are still talking about doing something.. Let me be very honest with you. Whenever you bring up this topic, it really sounds like you are still living in duality...;) 

I told you already that the merger of the experiencer, experiencing and experience is the Absolute! This is my experience and you also agreed to it.. It is the way I experience the reality every moment.. But now you are talking about something, which gives me a strong indication that you are still not experiencing the Absolute!

Let us first ask 'Why enlightenment' before asking 'What is enlightenment' and 'How to get enlightened'... The point of enlightenment is to seek to end the psychological sense of lack.. It is this sense of lack which craves for 'more'...

Also, this doesn't mean that there is no growth; this doesn't mean no improvements are made.. The growth is happening every moment and there is not even a choice to stop the growth... before enlightenment, there was a choice to postpone the growth; before enlightenment, there was a choice to grow faster.. But after enlightenment, growth happens with the maximum potential..

Imagine that an enlightened person is running at his maximum speed; he is able to run at his maximum speed because he has transcended some barriers which were stopping him from realizing his highest potential... The only thing is, even though he is running at the maximum speed, he doesn't feel like he is doing anything at all.. the sense 'I am the doer' has completely disappeared. What you are saying here sounds like saying to that person 'Why are you not doing anything? Why are you sitting still? You have to run!" xDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxD xDxDxDxDxD xDxDxDxDxD xDxDxDxDxD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is usually a first 'glimpse' of enlightenment or a satori, and then there is enlightenment... Sometimes I suspect if you are using the phrase 'experience of no-self' for the Satori and the 'experience of Absolute' for enlightenment!



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@Shanmugam Also he is recommending samadhi after enlightenment. Enlightenment is more like a permanent samadhi without any high. The only reason one feels high from samadhi is that they have a seen a glimpse out of false self. In enlightenment false self is not taken as true self so there is more high to it anymore. The subject and object have completely merged.

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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Just now, Saumaya said:

@Shanmugam Also he is recommending samadhi after enlightenment. Enlightenment is more like a permanent samadhi without any high. The only reason one feels high from samadhi is that they have a seen a glimpse out of false self. In enlightenment false self is not taken as true self so there is more high to it anymore. The subject and object have completely merged.


@Nahm you still need help.. You are a nice guy! But don't ask a person to run, when he is already running and can't stop running... :) 

Let me quote what I said again so that you understand it clearly:

 The growth is happening every moment and there is not even a choice to stop the growth... before enlightenment, there was a choice to postpone the growth; before enlightenment, there was a choice to grow faster.. But after enlightenment, growth happens with the maximum potential..


Imagine that an enlightened person is running at his maximum speed; he is able to run at his maximum speed because he has transcended some barriers which were stopping him from realizing his highest potential... The only thing is, even though he is running at the maximum speed, he doesn't feel like he is doing anything at all.. the sense 'I am the doer' has completely disappeared. What you are saying here sounds like saying to that person 'Why are you not doing anything? Why are you sitting still? You have to run!"     


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Also Nahm says integration and embodiment comes after enlightenment.

I can agree to integration to a certain extent because after enlightenment it is like learning everything from scratch

But I dont agree with embodiment, You embody only what you lack

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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1 minute ago, Saumaya said:

I can agree to integration to a certain extent because after enlightenment it is like learning everything from scratch


Yes! As far as I know, the only person who talked about 'learning from scratch' more clearly was U.G.Krishnamurthy! I think you mentioned somewhere that you have read him.. He refers enlightenment as 'calamity'.. He didn't choose to use the strong words like 'enlightenment' ,'teaching' 'guru' etc and he didn't associate himself with those words! I was never able to under U.G. Krishnamurthi before July, 2014. I thought he was completely pissed off with something... Only after some integration, whatever he said made sense to me. :) 

Thats why I often refer to it as 'rebirth'.. Osho also used this word.. It is in this sense, people say that enlightenment is a new beginning..


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@Saumaya My journey was too long.. 

When I was about 10 years old (the year 1993) I was reading and trying various things... It was mostly about yoga and meditation that is taught in Patanjali's ashtanga yoga.. But I couldn't get to focus my mind. I spent a lot of time in contemplation about the existence during 1999 and 2000. I was already experimenting with many things and I came across Osho's books in 2002. That changed everything and it indeed led me to have my first glimpse.. Next 6 months were so peaceful and my time was spent in meditation. It was almost felt like enlightenment was very near and I was absolutely convinced that its going to be over..  But I was extremely wrong..  After about 12 years of seeking, reading, meditating etc, the seeking completely ended in July 2014. (Also did Shambhavi Mahamudra course and Bhava spandana in Isha yoga in 2008 .. Went to Ramana Maharshi's Ashram a few times during those days, to meditate there ..)




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10 minutes ago, Ether said:

@Shanmugam Non-awakened: Rebirth? The Lil Wayne album?

Just another word for enlightenment...



John 3:3

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."




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