
What would you do if you met Buddha?

23 posts in this topic

@MiracleMan Ya I hear you man. This is a new thing in my life, I’m understanding more each day. I have experienced this, but I don’t think it’s anything I’m doing in a direct sense. I’m starting to think it’s about what I’m not doing, internally. It started around 6 months ago, when I went to see a psychic. We sat down, she was taking some deep breathes, and then she looked up at me very wide eyed and like incredibly sad and just started balling. Like snot hitting the table balling. Uncontrollably. For maybe 10 minutes. I just knew something, but there was no content to it. It was as if I was just supposed to be there, though before hand I thought I was going for me. When she started talking, she talked about how she had not ever realized that she had internalized the traumas of her childhood, feeling ashamed of herself. She said she felt like me when I walked in, felt like how it felt to be me,  and that I don’t see shame in people, and it brought 30 some years of her self-shaming into her awareness immediately. It was really interesting and weird. The coolest part was that there were probably only 20 words said between us in around 30 minutes, and somehow I knew that I had known her forever. I’ve felt a kindred spirit thing with people before, but that was the first time I felt forever. 

I appreciate your conversation. It pulled this out of me in a clearer light. Thanks. To be honest, I didn’t do anything for her or with her, but this big thing just happened. 



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Spending time with these kind of questions will probably make you miss a Buddha.

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I would say "Hi, good luck with your life" (I'm working right now on lower chakras, independance & power).

Edited by Soulbass

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