Deepak sadhwani

Eating to much raw Spinach? Is it safe ?

15 posts in this topic

Hey guys  i keep eating spinach all the the in morning , lunch amd dinner time with brown rice , oats and some times raw in huge amount , is it safe ? 

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@Deepak sadhwani it’s probably safe, but aren’t you shitting all the time? Too much fibre isn’t good. Balance your intake of it. Saying that, I love spinach and try to eat it at least once a week. 

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Be careful of kidney stone, this can be avoided by boiling the spinaches.

Too much brown rice may be bad too, alternate with white or half-brown rice.

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Edited by Soulbass

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While spinach is great, it does miss out on many nutrients. It would definitely be worthy introducing more variety to your diet to get a whole balance :)

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@Michael569 Which greens would you say are  good replacements of spinach? 

Right now I switch it up with Broccoli and Arugula

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@Max_V kale, rocket (rucolla), watercress, broccoli, red/green, cabbage, bok choi are quite common. I wouldn't say "replace" just mix them up a little bit :) 

Arugula is also great !

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Silverbeet and chard are quite similar as well and very healthy and yeah should be fine if its a phase it will pass. listen to your body :)

Edited by pluto


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Hi there, I have heard that most of them try spinach juice.

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On 2018-02-23 at 10:20 AM, RawJudah said:

@Deepak sadhwani it’s probably safe, but aren’t you shitting all the time? Too much fibre isn’t good. Balance your intake of it. Saying that, I love spinach and try to eat it at least once a week. 

I don't agree on the fibre part. How much fibre do you mean is not good?

Edited by sgn

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@Deepak sadhwani At the very least make sure it's all organic spinach.

Why do you eat so much of it? Why not diversify your diet more?

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@Deepak sadhwani You ask if its safe, because you eat it because you want it, and not because you necessarily need it. I only eat leafy greens when I crave them, or else they do not taste too good. Here in Sweden, they are pretty expensive to be eating overall.

  • The risks:
  • Inorganic spinach... Toxic sprays.
  • Essential mineral toxicity, e.g Iron.

The thing is that you cannot eat enough spinach to be intoxicated by any of these factors... it's just too much fiber that will make you feel full. Fiber is not dangerous! It's as dangerous as drinking water, and as you pee more (from water), fiber will make you have larger bowel movements.

The reason your poop might get green is because your intestines cannot and will not assimilate the green pigment in the spinach, or other green vegetables. It's not dangerous in any way.

Keep eating spinach, its a good source of fiber, which combines well with everything you eat, thus impossible to cause indigestion. It's especially good with the starches, as the fiber slows down the glucose absorption into the blood, which reduces that unhealthy "white rice" insulin response, that causes diabetes in the long term.

Edited by Igor82

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@Igor82(Essential mineral toxicity, e.g Iron.) is misleading. The human body will excrete or urinate what it doesn't need and you would need to eat multiple kilograms to even come close especially from whole foods.

Edited by pluto


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@pluto Hah, sorry for that.

Yeah, it's like dying from psilocybin when eating magic mushrooms... it's virtually impossible.

You are right. I tried to magnify it by mentioning the fiber intake, but you said it well in concrete words. 

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On 3/6/2018 at 11:20 AM, victormac said:

Hi there, I have heard that most of them try spinach juice.

Juice for all day?

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