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Flexflow, Natural Design, Yellow Thinking

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Hi Everyone, I’m sure you have read Thick Face, Black Heart.

“A Hindu priest lived across the street from a prostitute. Each day as he was going in to do his prayers and meditation, he would see men coming and going from the prostitute's room. He would see the woman herself greeting them or bidding them farewell. Each day the priest would imagine and ponder the shameful acts that were committed in the whore's room and his heart would fill with strong disapproval of the woman's immorality. Each day the prostitute would see the priest at his spiritual practices. She would think how beautiful it must be to be so pure, to spend one's time in prayer and meditation. "But," she would sigh, "it is my lot to be a whore. My mother was a whore and my daughter will be one too, such are the ways of this land." The priest and the whore died on the same day and stood before Judgement together. Much to his astonishment, the priest was condemned for his wickedness. "But," he protested, "my life has been one of purity. I have spent my days in prayer and meditation." "Yes," said Judgement, "but while your body was engaged in those holy actions, your heart was consumed with vicious judgements and your soul was ravaged by your lustful imagination." The whore was commended for her purity. "I do not understand," she said, "for all my life, I have sold my body to every man who has had the price." "Your life's circumstances placed you in a whore house. You were bom there, and it was beyond your strength to do otherwise. But while your body was performing unworthy acts, your heart was always so pure and forever fixed in contemplation on the purity of the holy man's prayers and meditation."

So I’m here to tell you, you’re the whore, and well, I’m no priest, but I have been “consumed with vicious judgements and my soul has and is ravaged by my lustful imagination for the future.” I just want to make you aware of the gardening lifestyle. I am currently designing my life, and one of the end goals that ties into my overall purpose is gardening, but not any type of garden. I’ve done that, and well as fun as it is, I’m still very hungry to achieving more! Why? Well because I can and I will, it’s simple really, and I have to make it come true, so there for I will keep it insistent consistent. I want to build the an amazing hamburger, which we have,


But If you have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad

“This is a common case of someone who can build a beautiful hamburger, but knows little about business.”

I know nothing about business!!! This is what I want to do, because I see great potential in this! I will be building my skills up, and applying my knowledge towards my overall purpose.


Which in this case, is the model of Spiral Dynamics!


Purpose, Profit, People, and Planet!

I fucking swear, Gardening is as natural as it will ever get, and then I will be adding much more, I have some pretty crazy dreams for this garden, because I see so much tech around me that I can use and apply towards my purpose and future! This will be fucking awesome, I guess they don’t see it, but I do, every tech company has been working for me for free!!!


But maybe I’m being cocky, but still, it’s all good, because all I’m doing right now is learning the mastery process of writing, and writing my own life story, but giving it structure! So this writing is a good reflection of my projected future! But these pictures are a good projection of my actual determined past! Everything in between is bendable!

(insert picture here)


So still, what I have to say from here on out is this simple truth, welcome to my life, this will be one awesome life! I wish to keep you in tune with what will be happening in my life! But honestly, If I had 10,000 in cash, I would invest in farm equipment… But I have to tell you something, I define all my words really differently. I try and keep my life as simple as possible, one word to me means an immense of different outcomes, but pictures are quite specific... 


The future requires our attention! And by the way this little one was born inside a garden life style :) no need to be a whore in this lifestyle!!! 

anyways i just want to make you aware that gardening is part of this life, this will be actual growth! You will literally see growth happen! Internally and externally, you are a plant! it's pretty cool! Anyways! Till next time

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I've been getting deep into my mind, questioning my own thoughts, and my personal identity, for I've come to realize that i'm just a piece of information that is bendable and transformable in many ways! Yet What i'm trying to do is simple, really truly, gain control of myself completely from one to infinity and transcend it towards my future. 

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realizing the simplicity is one thing, experiencing it is a new paradigm 

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I've been building a routine, This part of life is so fucking awesome! I have to say, 4 days in, and never going to end this up hill spiral of life, for I can already feel the amazing stamina i'm getting, the tracks are set, all i have to do is fallow the path, and stay on. Yes i get that i can go any way i want, and any direction i want, but honestly, if i'm on tracks, there is ground under neath me. So i'll be fine! ANyways, just wanted to give a head up on life and all!

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So, for those that actually for some reason read this, i'm going to be taking yet again a new leap of faith, please help me open up the gates of heaven and fully realize my dream of becoming this great and powerful individual i see myself becoming. I know i have the power inside of me to make anything i want a reality, and with these frame work of words running my life, they so much help me see and think ahead of time. So with out further a due, this mindset will go now and bring about what it needs to make a reality more then just a bunch of words. 

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So I haven't Wrote on this for a while, i will be UpGrading Soon to Video, sorry for the delay, I will Keep executing. I plan on making a video for this, yet soon maybe not... but in this months frame of time for sure... Please forgive my delay, yet i better late then never...

I will give an intention of what type of video i will be trying to create... i'm going to go to the fundamentals of who i am... hopefully Give you a minds sight of what I wish to accomplish...  

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Made the Video i was talking about, Today i take a big step forward in this Journey, and i'm excited to say i'm contently building myself to new degrees daily, focusing myself on a domain of mastery!

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I’ve been practicing and been making progress, here is one of the simple results that I’ve been able to come up with, I’m on path, actually enjoying the journey. I understand that the journey is the actual gift, being in this moment, is to me the joy of all things. I’m a very simple minded individual, one that still has a vision for his life as well as complexity, but right now, I’m focused in what is right in front of me. My future of where I see myself does indeed inform the present. This is why I love sitting down, and allowing me the time to look back on my own history, or look into the future and see how I can completely change and radically take control of my life.

Anyways I hope this inspires you in some way, Let keep going forwards in this journey of life!!! 

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