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Psychedelics /Qoutes

2 posts in this topic

/On Psychdelics , i will be adding those which i like here for me

"you really want to dissolve the boundary you don't want to integrate it into this world , you want to have an experience which you can integrate into this world after the trip" .mckenna


"psychedelics disolves boundaries, that what they do , the boundary within nature and society within mind and body, self and other, and this is what love does..." .mckenna

"Pychedelics are a mirror of the state of the individual and the colective psyque" .mckenna

"Rather than prohibiting the drugs, what is needed is to produce drugs which lead people to samadhi, which give an indication: if a chemical drug can be such a blessing, what will the real thing be? It is just a dewdrop in comparison with the real oceanic feeling, the oceanic ecstasy." .Osho



One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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