
Determinism vs Dream

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Three years ago I had an enlightenment experience and I realized that determinism is an absolute truth. Life is a causal chain and no one is interfering with free will. 
But with more vivid dreams lately and the intuitive feeling that there is no background mechanism to my experience (just like there is no in dreams) I'm having issues to connect these two views. 

Could it be that the reason for an event will just reveal and manifest if we look for it? Just like zooming in and out of reality and finding no end, maybe a connected reason to an event has to appear, because we would look into nothingness otherwise?

Back then I saw that everything from the beginning of the universe lead to this very moment, but now I feel like there's just this moment and if I look for a reason why something happens, it will reveal itself.

Can these two views be reconciled?


Edited by youngshinzen

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@youngshinzen All things referred to with determinism are illusionary, not absolute truth. Everyone is maya also, so something that does not exist would by default have no properties, including fee will. The “background mechanism” , though not the term I would use, is absolute. There is nothing other than this. So it’s not really a ‘background mechanism”. There is only one reason for all events. If you zoom out enough, there is an “end”, which is also the beginning, and every “part” in the middle, because seperate parts are illusionary. 

Rather than everything from the beginning of the universe lead to this moment, consider that there is only this moment, and the “past” only serves to the self to convince the self it is other than the self. The illusion is deep af in this manor. 

Can these two views be reconciled?

This is not popular to say, but, when you have no inner discrepancy when saying you are God / Nothing / Everything / One / Love, there is nothing remaining to reconcile. 



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@Nahm Maybe I am misinterpreting my insight, because conclusions and attempts to vocalize came very fast. But in essence, there was a build up and I looked at my life much more objectively - from now to past. I could see the pattern and it finally clicked when I saw that everything stems from childhood. Thats when everything became clear and there was total peace and freedom from guilt. The sentence that came up was: "Of course there is a reason for everything!"
The next few sentences (even though I cant remember precisely) were: "Its like dominos, there is no finger coming in from the outside (out of nothing) to stop them from falling or changing the course. But the number of dominos is determined by the mind, the mind separates everything."

So that fits to your sentence:

34 minutes ago, Nahm said:

There is only one reason for all events.

Is the reason equal to the event? Can you even think about this in a logical way?

43 minutes ago, Nahm said:

The “background mechanism” , though not the term I would use, is absolute. There is nothing other than this. So it’s not really a ‘background mechanism”.

Didn't really get this part. A background mechanism for me is when I type these words, my macbooks hardware is working inside of it. So did you want to say that there is no background mechanism or that there is one? The sentence is a bit confusing.


42 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

Determinism assumes causality 

I hope the explanation above gives more perspective.

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