
A Buddha will always be misunderstood

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2 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

@Deep what do you mean by God?


The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Deep and what do you mean by that? :D

Don't come to conclusions yet... There is a long way to go.. The only sin that you can commit on the spiritual path is to coming to conclusions.. I am using the word 'sin' just to make a point, by the way. Don't conclude anything.. This is a rule of thumb you need to remember when it comes to spiritual path. You will come across many contradictions and confusions as you proceed further. There will be hundreds of moments when you will be tempted to conclude you are enlightened; and there will be hundreds of moments when you will be tempted to conclude that enlightenment is bullshit... You need to keep going non-stop, with no conclusions at all!

Truth, God, Brahman, Atman, Self, Absolute, Tao etc are just different words that mean the same... It is just your true nature hidden behind the veil of ignorance.

Edited by Shanmugam


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@Deep Of course a Buddha will always be misunderstood. To refer to as ‘other’ is already the misunderstanding. No one could prove this to you, because anyone trying to prove it to you, is you. If you don’t know what you are, and you don’t know they are you, then they certainly can’t convince you. There is literally nothing to use as proof, you’re already that - only direct experience matters. All the  philosophy and critical thinking, investigation, etc, - that all serves only to expand and calm the mind as a preparation to be able to even begin to accept the truth. It cleans the past off, that’s it. Enlightenment, specifically Buddhahood, is eons away from anything to do with thinking and reason. 



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11 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

What is the Ego?

modifications of the mind 

@Shanmugam It sounds like you're trying to convince me that what you know is more correct than what I know. I'm not here to prove you wrong or anyone else. I'm just presenting different ideas to facilitate discussion. Let's talk about this in more detail. The following is only my opinion not a fact. 

Some people's idea of enlightenment is detaching from all concepts and just living life (partially true imo). Some people's idea of enlightenment is being at peace with everything (partially true). Some people's idea is realizing you're not the ego (partially true). People have many ideas about what enlightenment is and it makes enlightenment complicated. My previous understanding of enlightenment was also like that. Now I think enlightenment is simply about controlling the mind. That's it! It's not even about finding God. 

The universe is a projection of the mind. When we see objects our mind is labeling them without us being aware of it. It's usually very subtle so we don't know that we are doing it. All of us have a similar mind, so when we see a chair, for example, we label it as a chair (except for blind people). When the mind holds still we don't see the objects as they appear to be, but we see the underpinning. 

In 2016, I was meditating one day. All of a sudden it felt like I merged with my surroundings. The experience only lasted for 5 seconds; but it was the most INTENSE experience I've ever had. If I experienced that for 5 minutes, I wouldn't even be here. 

Let me share some videos with you. This guy's name is Jay Lakhani. He is a physicist in London. He's not a non-duality teacher, but in my opinion, he's one of the only people who know what they're talking about, when it comes to enlightenment. 


5 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Deep No one could prove this to you, because anyone trying to prove it to you, is you. If you don’t know what you are, and you don’t know they are you, then they certainly can’t convince you. There is literally nothing to use as proof, you’re already that - only direct experience matters.  

I think you might be wrong about this. Some yogis have tremendous control of their mind; hence their able to transmit experience to others. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Deep There are no different kinds of enlightenment , there is only one kind. Paths may be different but enlightenment is only of one kind. Your opinion in this doesnt matter. Your definition of enlightenment doesnt matter. I might start calling taking a dump enlightenment. I dont care what anyone says, when you dont any more questions left and seeking is over, thats the accepted definition of enlightenment and true enlightenment. Your reading the so called effects of enlightenment. As I said earlier first become enlightened then you can talk about all the effects from your own experience. Im talking about this from experience, not by  mentally mastrubating about what other people have said. 

And yes, @Shanmugam knows more than you. Your unwillingness to listen shows your ignorance.

Edited by Saumaya

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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1 hour ago, Deep said:

I think you might be wrong about this. Some yogis have tremendous control of their mind; hence their able to transmit experience to others. 

...and how would you know if this is true?



Also, if you directly experience absolute, I can’t imagine you would refer to anything else as enlightenment. Furthermore, you’d never refer to yourself as enlightened. It would be nonsensical. It’s for ‘others’.



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1 hour ago, Deep said:

Some yogis have tremendous control of their mind; hence their able to transmit experience to others. 

This sounds Egoic to me.  There is no you controlling anything.

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1 hour ago, Saumaya said:

@Deep There are no different kinds of enlightenment , there is only one kind. Paths may be different but enlightenment is only of one kind. Your opinion in this doesnt matter. Your definition of enlightenment doesnt matter. I might start calling taking a dumb enlightenment. I dont care what anyone says, when you dont any more questions left and seeking is over, thats the accepted definition of enlightenment and true enlightenment. Your reading the so called effects of enlightenment. As I said earlier first become enlightened then you can talk about all the effects from your own experience. Im talking about this from experience, not by  mentally mastrubating about what other people have said. 

People claim all the time (on this forum) that they are enlightened, and or, their seeking has ended. The irony is obvious, right? 



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48 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

This sounds Egoic to me.  There is no you controlling anything.

What he might meant was that they let go so much it MIGHT SEEM that they have control but they dont control it, its just a habit they made

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5 minutes ago, Outer said:

Person A: I'm god.

Person B: No you're not god.

Person A: No, really, I am.

Person B: I'm not god.

Person A: Ok.


Person A: I'm god.

Person B: I'm god.

shakes hands.


Act 3

Person A: I'm god *puff up chest*

Person B: No, I'M god *points to self with pride*

They fight. Mortally wound one another. Both die.

Edited by TheEnlightenedWon

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25 minutes ago, Nahm said:

People claim all the time (on this forum) that they are enlightened, and or, their seeking has ended. The irony is obvious, right? 

For many people, 'enlightenment' becomes something that they want to identify with.. They want to be called or labeled as 'enlightened', because the word has a positive connotation and sounds like a status.

Spiritual path involves getting rid of identifications. So it is indeed an irony when people want to derive a sense of identity from enlightenment itself. This happens a lot and this has been always happening for ages. 


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2 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

For many people, 'enlightenment' becomes something that they want to identify with.. They want to be called or labeled as 'enlightened', because the word has a positive connotation and sounds like a status.

Spiritual path involves getting rid of identifications. So it is indeed an irony when people want to derive a sense of identity from enlightenment itself. This happens a lot and this has been always happening for ages. 

yes, i notice that, something my mentor has stressed a lot.


if i reached enlightenment, i wouldnt called myself enlightened, i would just be.


Did Buddha call himself that? Did Tolle? No.

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2 minutes ago, Ether said:

yes, i notice that, something my mentor has stressed a lot.


if i reached enlightenment, i wouldnt called myself enlightened, i would just be.


Did Buddha call himself that? Did Tolle? No.

Dang dude, you'll be just like Buddha. What a god damn saint.

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Just now, TheEnlightenedWon said:

Dang dude, you'll be just like Buddha. What a god damn saint.

nah, im just tryna be myself. Live trying emulating others, you will always be in their shadow

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