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i have aloooooooooooooooooooooot of reealllllllllly potent mushrooms. Im gonna share most of it and keep some for myself. Have any of you guys micro dosed for a period of time? if so how often, how much and the do's and dont's?

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Yeah, I microdosed for a period of 2 months last year - although I did it with 1P-LSD. 

Look up James Fadiman - he's the leading authority on microdosing.

Considering how much: a microdose is usually about 10% of a recreational standarddose - so in the case of LSD it would be somewhere between 5-20 mcg. For me personally 7mcg seemed to be my sweetspot. 

Considering how often: it is said that it's best to leave at least 2 off-days between dosing days. So day one you dose, day 2 and 3 you don't.

Do's and don'ts: Be extra careful when driving. Also I would suggest you only take a microdose on special days - not on ur regular workday. For example I used to take them on days where some kind of unusual activity or event was planned that did not really require me to function or perform at my highest level. And I would also suggest you take them with the intent of staying mindful all day and using the enhanced cognitive and emotional sensitivity and the increased creativity for therapeutic or spiritual purposes. 

And just don't overdo it - still treat the substance with respect. 

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