
The soul as an array variable

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Hello folks, long time follower, first-time poster here. This past summer, thanks to following the path laid out by Uncle Leo (That's what we call him in my home, although he's younger), I woke up.  I see and experience the unity daily and at times become so zoned out while meditating, I tear up with bliss but still have many old remnants and still have issues with the idea of a soul. Here is something that I have been contemplating off and on for a little while now, I hope I can explain my thoughts. If things are as I see them now, there is only one soul, but if things are not as they seem, I would consider the soul to be an array variable, as is used in software such as this very Forum and any program that is not extremely basic.

For those who are not familiar with programming, here's a copy/paste of what an array variable is.

"An array is a variable containing multiple values. Any variable may be used as an array. There is no maximum limit to the size of an array, nor any requirement that member variables be indexed or assigned contiguously. Arrays are zero-based: the first element is indexed with the number 0."

By combining Buddhism with software practices and throwing nonduality out the door (or at least seeing the soul as a many-sided coin as the base of everything), perhaps the soul can be considered an array variable.  All of our thoughts, experiences, and actions are smaller variables which accumulate over time and become a part of the larger variable -- the array/soul.  The first element "0" could perhaps represent our birth/death/purpose/anything of utmost importance to the variable. When the functions that make use of this variable end (this existence), the variable would either be wiped clean and freed up, or recycled and embedded into a new function.  This could explain both transcendence and reincarnation.

This idea might not be a new concept but figured I'd share my thoughts and say hello to you fine people.

Hello! How ya dooooooooooin?

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It looks like I made this account in 2016 and don't actually remember making it but I wouldn't have picked PrintMan if I signed up today haha.   Move over Superman! xD

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@PrintMan  It certainly seems like an unique analogy, so points for originality. I can imagine it going over well at a satsang full of math geeks. ;)


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Hahaha Thanks @snowleopard! This is true @Nahm, thank you for your reply. It took a long time for me to grasp that concept, it just seemed so absurd and egotistical, while I was there "working" on losing my ego.  Regardless, the conflicts dissipated and it finally hit me (thanks again to Leo/me/you).  I became very,  VERY lonely but after a couple of weeks, the loneliness & passion which I briefly lost to run my businesses, returned and I've never been more creative, effective or driven.  Only now, I see it all as a hobby, masturbation if you will hahaha.  Maybe thinking the soul is a variable is remnants of back in the day, before wiping my memory, when I/you were the best programmer in the Universe?

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