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Artificial intelligence

9 posts in this topic

I have been reading about artificial intelligence fo the past two weeks and I got really interested. What are in your opinion good books about artificial intelligence from the point of developing it( I prefer technical literature and not speculations). What programms should I learn to be able to be active in this area. I am not studying anything with machines so I would like to learn it on my own. Are you guys also excited about artificial intelligence as I am?

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If you want to dive right in and experiment with ChatBots, that actually talk then: is a great place to start.
Very friendly user interface, lots of resources and a basic bot is free to create and deploy on a variety of platforms.
Programming languages vary from platform to platform, Python is used a lot. AIML is used alot to create scripts.

I created a list of sites a person review to see how vast the field is, these are free sites (no or minimal cost to explore to find your niche.
Just scroll down the page to find the section.

WARNING... Once you start a bot you will find how quickly you'll get hooked! ;)




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what do you guys think is the future of careers with AI advancements?

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OBVIOUSLY, Programming, you will need to know the basics of A.I. as it starts to automate a lot of aspects in our lives. That skill will allow you to customize your world to your needs and not just on a mass scale. :)

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10 minutes ago, egoless said:

what do you guys think is the future of careers with AI advancements?

data science / machine learning.

this is what i'm doing for living.

unborn Truth

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