
Non Duality/ Life purpose

4 posts in this topic

balancing non-duality work and life purpose work has been a little tricky. Im at a point where I wanna grow my consciousness but learn about business and learn about love etc. Then there's my other side that wants to perfect my craft and learn about it to give more. Right now it's like, for me to completely give, I must dig within myself. Wait, if I do that when will I have time to balance improving my craft? How do y'all do it?


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What is you make your life purpose what you are doing already?  Can you see a core in what you are doing already that you can make a life purpose out of?   Reality is already doing exactly what it wants to do.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Shakazulu Schedule it out on paper, in just 5 minute increments for each practice, work, learning, etc. Just so it’s out of your head and in front of your eyes. Then increase those 5 minutes to what you can and put what time you’d like to do them. 

Everyday morning meditation works great for me.  Self inquiry is well suited for a little bit each day. Exercise in the morning gives a lot more energy all day.        Looking at your sleep schedule can be very helpful sometimes. A change of sleeping, say, 10-5 instead of 11-6, is helpful for me to get it all in, in the morning. Takes a few days or so to adjust. 



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