
Can some people not be able to eat fruits?

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I don't eat fruits until I have to because whenever I do I get an upset stomach and a while ago I heard depending on the type of bacteria living in your gut your diet will vary so could it be that I can't process fruits well enough because of that and should I avoid them or should I push myself to eat them?

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I would say reduce the amount and listen to your tummy . If 1 apple is too much then maybe 1/4 is alright.

It's possible that if you heat the fruits up your tummy will digest it easier.

Otherwise replace fruits with vegetables.

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yeah tough call, it sounds like your stomach might be on the weak side.  i mean like the ultimate way to fix it is probably start looking into yogic techniques that help the stomach.  My ex had basically the same issues.  but maybe it was more from meat.  Your probs right about the bacteria.  and the bacteria that is able to survive in your gut is the worst.  h Pilori, to be exact.


So basically how i understand it.  we all have this bacteria.  and its a shitty one to have in large quantities.  This is usually the main culprit for most stomach issues.  but some people have weaker stomachs or immune systems support that they can dedicate towards their stomach.  so as a result the bacteria manages to replicate enough that it over powers the immune system.  so when certain nutrients that it likes, fructose(in your fruits) enters the stomach.  The bacteria will come out of its dormant state and start metabolizing and wreaking havoc on your system.  all its really doing is shitting, in a way.  The waste products the bacteria produces is usually what creates the pains and eventually will leak into your system once ulcers or anything like that start to develop.


So Your probably not even reading this anymore, but if you are.  The best things my ex found were the following.  She saw many specialists, took many drugs, all of which didn't really fix her, they all just temporarily reduced the symptoms.  But the yoga on the toher hand changed everything and permanently.  SO for starters, start trying to do  Varjasana(google it, its basically sitting with your knees bent on your legs), after meals.  This one is huge once u do it all the time after you eat, u might have significantly reduced, or completely rid yourself of the stomach pains..  basically what it does is redirects blood flow from you legs and hips and puts it in the abdomen and stomach area.  So if anything here is weak, than your body will start to heal itself, and ideally the bacteria will start to die, due to your immune system starting to get stronger, than the population of bacteria(H. Pilori) that has found a home in your stomach. 


The next thing i would recommend is check out broccoli sprouts.  Brocoli actually contains a compound called sulforophane. But this compound is only produced when the brocoli is in sprout form(its a defnesive mechanism)  So making a jar full of sprouts is like eating 5 pounds of brocoli, as far as sulforophane is concerned.  This could potentially be one of the easiest things you can do for your stomach.  its basically the most powerful antioxidant known right now.  But the huge benefit for your stomach is, its also got some major antibacterial properties.  Ones that don't seem to reduce in your stomach, due to the acidity either.  Usually the antibacterial stuff they prescribe isn't active in the acidic environment of the stomach.  also usually the stomach bacteria has lived long enough and been exposed enough to these compounds, through the diet, mostly in meat, it has evolved and no longer even dies from them.


The next crazy recommendation i suggest is, starting to look into fasting.  not gonna explain this, but its really huge and beneficial for your whole entire system.


Another quick remedy is doing salt water chugs.  This is going to be huge for your digestive system as a whole.  but you can also do the version where you drink like 2 litres of salt water(body temp, about 37C),(with 10 grams of salt, or 2 table spoons dissolved)  and u do some yoga stuff and force yourself to vomit.  Not going to lie, this one was the one that seriously fixed my ex's stomach. 


here check this video out they explain it in scientific terms


But yeah best of luck to you.  Hope your stomach gets better. And definitely it shouldn't be hurting by putting fruits in your tummy.  that's definitely a sign you have a damaged/sensitive stomach.  But it will get better, if you check into that stuff i mentioned.  the more you do, the quicker it can happen.

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You may be intolerant to sugar! 

I have a friend who has this condition (that developed on her 30s). She cannot eat anything with sugar or most fruits. You should get it checked out.

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@rothko Thanks a lot for writing so comprehensively it seems like a life savior I'll definitely do that but the third thing you mentioned about drinking salt water and vomiting sounds painful . I mostly get that problem after eating apples and drinking homemade apple juice makes it easier 

Edited by sarapr

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@sarapr I have a hypothesis. As my calorie intake currently stems from fuits (mainly ripe bananans), I have to reasearch the hell out of nutrition to be able to thrive on the fruitarian diet. 

The most popular reason why many people are ”fruit intolerant” is not the fruit itself, its what is  combines with in your belly. Food combinations are a bit tricky, but you cant eat whatever and expect to thrive. For example, if you eat proteins and starches at the same meal, it will cause disaster in the belly... how? Starches needs an alkaline enviornment to digest, where the amalyse enzymes (What turns starches into sugar) can digest it. The problem is now, that protein, needs an acidic enviornment to be able to be digested. Acid + Alkaline = Neutral. Boom, nothing happens. If your body cant digest the food, then the gut bacteria will. This can lead to all kinds of problems.

Now, lets say that you eat meat and potatoes as a dinner, you go to sleep, and then decide to eat a watermelon for breakfast. The watermelon is gonna reach the rotting mixture in your belly, but not get any further. Here is where the watermelon (rich in fiber and sugar) will start to ferment and produce alot of nasty stuff, mainly gases, thus pain, fatigue and  sluggishness. 

Its not the fruit itself... Fruit is exellent if its digested properly. 

I want many people to look into food combinations, its one of the most fundamental concepts for thriving on a diet. If I would eat alot of oranges with bananas, I would have to go to bed right after.

And if you really want to transist, then I recommend a 3day fast to eliminate most of the waste that lies still in the belly.

Please do your own reasearch on this, if you dont, you might aswell take my words with a grain of salt.

Edited by Igor82

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Sounds like interesting for me. I even didn't heard that fruits can be harmful. 

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Which fruit cause an upset stomach?

It sounds like you may be blood type A or AB and thus need to avoid certain (but not all) fruit.

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The highest cause of premature death and disease in the world is always linked to the patients eating little to no fruit in their diet.

Dr. Greger has many scientific studies to back this up and he agrees himself. Even more deaths than those who eat toxic processed meat/foods as a base of their diet but still manage to throw in fruits in their day.

Fruit is extremely important for the human body as we are frugivores by design than anything else even more than vegetables. Fruits move the system and lymphatic system like no other food does. If circulation flows efficiently, health is vibrant. If no circulation, acid forms and disease grows in acidic environment.

Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich, active/alkaline environment.


Edited by pluto


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If you get an upset stomach after eating certain fruit, you cannot ignore that.  That is your body telling you what not to eat.

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Maybe this can be of help. Notice that it mentions fruit in several places in the lower section so you don't miss that.


Edited by sgn

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On 2/24/2018 at 8:40 PM, sarapr said:

drinking homemade apple juice makes it easier 

I've seen fresh juices used for inadequate digestion, then when digestion becomes better, one can transition to whole fruits. I'd find a fruit juice you handle really well, then experiment from there depending on feedback from the body.

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The only issue that comes to my mind when talking about an upset stomach from fruits is the food combination. You shouldn't be combining most of the fruits with anything else. Especially the sweet ones, like bananas, persimmons, dried fruits. Eat them on an empty stomach.

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Where exactly do you feel the pain/bloating? What people commonly refer to as stomach pain is intestinal pain. 

Because fruits are mostly carbohydrate they do not get digested in the stomach, only proteins do. Do you mix them with other foods such as high protein meals? Fruit on its own starts digesting in mouth and continues once it enters the duodenum (first part of small intestine)

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if i chew any kind of fruit i have a instant reflex of vomiting since childhood. I like smoothies but i cannot bite into an apple

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1 hour ago, ElenaO said:

You shouldn't be combining most of the fruits with anything else. Especially the sweet ones, like bananas, persimmons, dried fruits. Eat them on an empty stomach.

You sure? :( I like mixing fruits and berries in my cereal. That's what makes breakfast taste good for me.

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16 hours ago, sgn said:

You sure? :( I like mixing fruits and berries in my cereal. That's what makes breakfast taste good for me.

Research food combining :) Fruits are always best alone like melons and usually before other meals because they digest much quicker. Something to do with fermenting in the body if i remember correctly.


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Second that on the food combining. I typically eat my fruit on an empty stomach, 30-60 minutes before the main course, and digestion is perfect. But whenever I eat fruit as a dessert after the meal, I visit Bloat City. It's fun to visit every once in a while, but man, that place is stuffy...

A second note: eat melons alone; eat acid fruits alone; but you can combine sweet and sub-acid, such as bananas and strawberries.

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