
isn't shadow work an ego thing?

35 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, snowleopard said:

@Faceless  There is not yet a definitive understanding of how psychedelics work to circumvent the egoic complex. Not that it matters, as there is recent evidence in clinical trials that they are vastly more effective in curing ptsd, depression etc, than any of the conventional therapies, so much so that mdma and psilocybin may be approved for clinical use by 2021.  Not claiming that's so-called enlightenment, but if it relieves suffering, that's surely vital.  

I understand. There is a temporary relief of conflict. Cuts away at the branches, but can’t get to the root of conflict. Which is where all conflict manifests, self/thought. 

I see where you are coming from?

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And seeking the idea/projection of enlightenment in any form is still a movement of self. 

The seeker or demand is the barrier 

the self 

sneaky bastard isn’t it 

Edited by Faceless

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5 minutes ago, Faceless said:

And seeking the idea/projection of enlightenment in any form is still a movement of self. 

The seeker or demand is the barrier 

the self 

sneaky bastard isn’t it 

Yep.  That's why seeking comes to an end.  Once the unchanging Soul is located, there's no more seeking needed.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Faceless They are getting at the root of shadow identities and their emotional attachments, and exposing them to the light of Awareness. Otherwise it would not be curative. However, the eventual resolving of the subject/object dichotomy is another inquiry altogether.

Edited by snowleopard

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31 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Yep.  That's why seeking comes to an end.  Once the unchanging Soul is located, there's no more seeking needed.

I’m don’t know this what this word soul implies?? 

Yeah I got you....The thing is seeking may not come to an end. From what I see people seek there entire lives. 

Big problem seems that people are not aware  that they seek. This correlates to not being aware of thought to. 

Edited by Faceless

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4 minutes ago, Faceless said:

I’m don’t know this what this word soul implies?? 

I think that the Soul is the thing that erases what the mind writes.
Some people don't see it for the process it is and accept the Soul for their being.

They go to the other side, but they don't accept that they can go back and forth.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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This is an excellent question, Markus.

The best way to explain it is to say that your current LOC is the limiting factor in how much shadow work can be done, but also it's good to do as much of it as it will allow you.

When you get to LOC 1000, i.e. "full enlightenment", the shadow work will still not be complete, but the process of shadow integration will proceed on its own, effortlessly and spontaneously.  This is why no I-thought doesn't mean "sahaja."

See, the basic idea is that the more "ego" you have (i.e. the lower the LOC) the more the ego resists integrating the shadow.

The ego is all about safety, defenses, maintaining boundaries.

The ego is "what we THINK we are"

The shadow is "what we THINK others/'everything not us' is."

(And by this I do not mean intellectual understanding or belief, but actual existential frame of reference: how you spontaneously, unconsciously perceive.)

Since full enlightenment is Everything is The Self, i.e. no separation, that realization will work towards full integration.

It just doesn't bestow it automatically.


Edited by Haumea

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Hehe to answer the title it's like "isn't trying to become enlightened an ego thing? If you were you wouldn't have to". Shadow work is something very helpful for becoming enlightened since the step to enlightenment is the step where all shadows are removed. You can do plenty beforehand.

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22 hours ago, snowleopard said:

@Faceless They are getting at the root of shadow identities and their emotional attachments, and exposing them to the light of Awareness. Otherwise it would not be curative. However, the eventual resolving of the subject/object dichotomy is another inquiry altogether.

There is only one thing that needs to be got at, and that the self. To learn about the whole of the self. To see that the accumulation of memory, knowledge, and experience has created this self and that the self will cling to that accumulation and project according to all of that content. Thought will do what ever can to create a sense of security and permanence for itself. But ultimately this security and permanence is short lived and only leads to the ever present fact of impermanence therfore insecurity. 

Since thought with it’s fragmentary nature creates impermanence and insecurity ‘disorder’,, to use thought to patch up those wounds by cutting everything to pieces will only lead to further fragmentation. If a problem is caused by fragmentation any means to fix that same problem with fragmentation is an impossibility. Only a action that is whole can approach this problem of the self/thought. We have to come at the problem holistically. Get at the root, not cutting branches. The root is where all these problems arise, in thought. 

If one looks for themself without the accumulation of there own bias and prejudices ‘the self’ it will be obvious. 

Thats the trick though. Does one know when this self is in movement?? 

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21 hours ago, tsuki said:

I think that the Soul is the thing that erases what the mind writes.
Some people don't see it for the process it is and accept the Soul for their being.

They go to the other side, but they don't accept that they can go back and forth.

I don’t know. Sounds like a programmed idea. You think?

i think it’s healty to just break down walls and stay with that insecurity, face it, than to break down walls and through the movement of fear start to build more. 

You see what I mean? 

Do you see the trap of creating a positive?

its like being in a constant state of demolition. Because thought will continue to try and add to as that is it’s function ‘defense’...To subtract haults continuity. Keeps thought from fragmentating...That make sense? 

Edited by Faceless

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2 minutes ago, Faceless said:

i think it’s healty to just break down walls and stay with that insecurity, face it, than to break down walls and through the movement of fear start to build more. 

That is fine as long as the ability to break walls doesn't become an insecurity in itself. At some point the breaking of walls may turn on itself and you have to let it go.

3 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Do you see the trap of creating a positive?

Yes, in a sense. It sees black and white and doesn't accept black and white contain all colors, including themselves.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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1 minute ago, tsuki said:

That is fine as long as the ability to break walls doesn't become an insecurity in itself. At some point the breaking of walls may turn on itself and you have to let it go.

The walls of thought ‘psychologically’ will always try and construct themselves. These walls provide security. Where these ‘walls’ exsist there can never be joy,beauty, creativity, compassion, love, because thought divides and is a movement of duality....To stop these walls from forming is always going to be scary and there will be reasons thought will introduce not to do so. 

I like to think of cutting off thoughts at there root. Like the game Tetris is an example. Does that make sense?

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10 minutes ago, tsuki said:

Do you see the trap of creating a positive?

Any type of positive must be investigated objectively. We have to question everything we create. This is how illusions arise. 

Tricky self lol

Edited by Faceless

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All I see is thoughts thinking themselves. Cycles. A cycle cannot contain itself and breaks to form a new one.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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