Max Xiques

The Habits and routine

3 posts in this topic

Hey Guys,

Hope everything is going amazing, wanted to ask u guys ur opinion on building a routine and the habits it has involved in it.

Right now im planning it, but I just dont know if it is a good Idea to add several things I want to do in the day to grow, Leo said to create a backbone for it, but I think I dont know how to really.

Im an insurance broker, so scheduling my time for work is kind of complicated since I have to visit my prospects and clients so Ive just been able to plan some morning rituals and the gym which are quiet simple to do because they´re as I said in the morning.

Everything else im doing it on a ´´planner´´ so I wake up, do my visualization and gratefullness rituals, then I get into the planner (is called panda planner or something like that) so I can really schedule the day and the things I want to do so I dont mess up because of my insurance appointments with clients

Do you guys think think it will be effective to build habits even If I do them at different hours of the day?

Is it possible to build several habits at the time, or should I stick only to a few?

(Guys sorry if my english is kind of odd sometimes, Im from Costa Rica and we speak spanish over here and I dont practice english that often :( )

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I would recommend to build one habbit at a time and if possible do the habbit at the same time each time you have to do them so you minimize the willpower you have to use to go in the habbit. it's should definitely be an effective method to be productive in what you do :) 

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1 minute ago, BjarkeT said:

I would recommend to build one habbit at a time and if possible do the habbit at the same time each time you have to do them so you minimize the willpower you have to use to go in the habbit. it's should definitely be an effective method to be productive in what you do :) 

Thanks BjarkeT, the problem I got with doing it at the same time is because of the appointments with clients, sometimes they just cant make it at another hour, so I have to cut the routine to meet em.

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