
is learning/education a value?

9 posts in this topic

I am wondering this as I gather my values. Do you think someone could have one of their values be education/learning? 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Of course that can be a value! It's one of the best values to have. ^_^

Just don't fall into the academia trap. Value learning/education for the purpose of growing yourself, not for grades, degrees, or anything like that.

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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@Flowerfaeiry Yes. Of course. Expand the mind. There is truly nothing one could learn which is not learning more deeply of one’s self. Things working out is very hard to avoid. Quite possibly, impossible. 



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It’s absolutely a value, and actually what I consider to be my top value. Well, learning/understanding is among my top 3 or 5 values, but I would say curiosity about the world, which I consider to be rather similar, is my top strength. This is according to multiple personality, value, and strength tests I’ve taken online. Plus I clearly know that in my free time there’s nothing I’d rather be doing than learning about SOMETHING. I’m just so curious about so many things, it could be history, philosophy, spirituality, astronomy, exercise, nutrition... you name it. For me its really just a matter of figuring out how to align this value and strength into a career or life purpose. 

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Learning is a value, we learn something all our life

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On 18/02/2018 at 6:15 AM, Flowerfaeiry said:

I am wondering this as I gather my values. Do you think someone could have one of their values be education/learning? 

Yes undeniably . Think of the mind as an elastic rubber band. In order for it to expand it must go beyond its present position, that being any pre-existing conditioning. One way to do this is to engage in deep and purposeful learning. Learn about what excites you, challenges you, inspires you and frightens you. Most of all learn about your epistemology - what you know and how you came to know it. The mind must be displaced from its usual centre of gravity for growth to occur.

Remaining in a position of comfort becomes a homeostasic adaptation which only inhibits your ability to deeply understand yourself.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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We actually never learn anything. We are all that is and all knowledge is in us. We just realize what we already know. 

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If it is a true expression of you then yes. 

That is why I think spirituality and shit if useless and should be avoided until you can express yourself in your life. 

At least for me spirituality didn't do much good until I could express myself in my life. In my case education was a great expression. 

Edited by StarStruck

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