
the ego/mind is false, and should be thrown right out of the window!

51 posts in this topic

Still storytelling, huh..... it's a radical deed! Agonizing! No relief! A committed quest! A full time job!

Now you want me to tell a story about it? Ok... I will, last night I met a young woman, a beautiful black woman, mid 20s-ish, very smart and curious about life. She was saying how she has lived in various places from a small town to a big American city to even a big European city, a seeker of experience for sure.

She was telling me how she didn't feel comfortable in this place she's living now and how she's thinking of moving away, she's searching for something more meaningful, more culture. After we talked about some places and attributes about those places I spoke about the place to visit that would change her whole life, inward.

I said find comfort in that inner place, be at peace with being in the moment, find that presence of being, with joy, fulfillment and love of life. Then every place she is, with whoever she is with and everything she experiences will light up to be amazing and special. That savoring the moment and being present in it is enjoying life not just the activities that we are doing.

As we spoke about being present in the moment her energy level rose up, mine did, too. This wasn't at a satsang in an ashram, or a meditation circle, it was some random spot not a place of "spiritual significance". It was a casual setting in an awkward in between chance meeting of two strangers passing in the night sharing some authentic part of themselves.

The energy in and around us was vibrating intensely, we could feel the hum of it, this moment of awakening was opening up to us and our eyes lit up with knowing, laughing that 'divine laugh'. As it were I had to move on, so did she but before we parted ways she said she had no idea that she would feel this way tonight, even that she could feel this way.

She reached out and grasped my hands holding onto them, we looked at each other and continued laughing at the moment. We went our separate ways and I hope this was an insight for her that would inspire her to seek the inner space more often, it's a great place to visit, it's an awesome place to live....haha.

I like story time! Baha


Edited by SOUL

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Oh the mind. The meaning-making machine. 

Why do you keep it, if you can make it?
Why do you make it, if you want to keep it?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@SOUL thank you for the lovely story, i love it!

28 minutes ago, tsuki said:

Oh the mind. The meaning-making machine. 

Why do you keep it, if you can make it?
Why do you make it, if you want to keep it?

@tsuki oh the mind... it is not there anymore, to keep something or do anything. but allow me to rephrase the above just a bit:

Why do you keep it, if you can make it?
Why do you keep making it, if you don't want to keep it?

thanks to you too.

Edited by Patang

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@Patang As my mind plays itself and your mind plays itself, the Forum plays itself. :x

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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14 minutes ago, tsuki said:

@Patang As my mind plays itself and your mind plays itself, the Forum plays itself. :x

11 hours ago, Patang said:


Noooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Making an enemy within our self doesn't bring peace so create your spirituality wisely.

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@SOUL Man, you are so peaceful that I can't even argue with you for your own good. I love you so much :x

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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13 hours ago, SOUL said:

Making an enemy within our self doesn't bring peace so create your spirituality wisely.

wisdom is revealed, and peace of mind is achieved, so to speak, only after the "self" is gone.

Edited by Patang

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@tsuki Wait.... argue with me for my own good? Haha, well thank you for letting me be. 

13 minutes ago, Patang said:

wisdom is revealed, and peace of mind is achieved, sort of speak, only after the "self" is gone.

If that separation and unrest is what you choose to believe then so be it, I choose to have it all in unity and harmony.

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6 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Wait.... argue with me for my own good?

@SOUL Yes, we need opponents to keep playing the game. With others, or by ourselves.
Funnily enough, they always seem to pick themselves for us. haha.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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3 minutes ago, SOUL said:

what you choose to believe then so be it, I choose to have it all in unity and harmony.

we agree not to agree and that is just fine.

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7 minutes ago, tsuki said:

@SOUL Yes, we need opponents to keep playing the game. With others, or by ourselves.
Funnily enough, they always seem to pick themselves for us. haha.

Seeking opponents is creating more separation, seek people to play with not against.... that's a game worth playing.

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4 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Seeking opponents is creating more separation, seek people to play with not against.... that's a game worth playing.

I'll keep that lesson in the mind.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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2 hours ago, tsuki said:

Oh the mind. The meaning-making machine. 

Why do you keep it, if you can make it?
Why do you make it, if you want to keep it?

What causes meaning problems is clinging to thoughts in ignorant ways.  It's that simple.  It's common-sense really.  You don't even need a theory of the Ego to try and tell a story to explain that.  We can use our more mundane and less sexy common-sense storyBad ideas, bad outcome.  Every culture in the world probably understands an equivalent story such as this.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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8 minutes ago, Patang said:

we agree not to agree and that is just fine.

I agree with you.

You choose to create separation from wisdom and peace by making an enemy of your 'self' so are left with ignorance and unrest until your own imposed stipulations to have it are met.

It's really that simple.

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@SOUL "my self", i nearly forgot all about it ;) and yes, it's really that simple, and cannot be simpler.

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8 minutes ago, Patang said:

@SOUL "my self", i nearly forgot all about it ;) and yes, it's really that simple, and cannot be simpler.

Baha yea you can try to fool your self but I see clearly the genuine nature of it.

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