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Sahil Pandit

Overly Intuitive? Do this.

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I found myself painting my downstairs room today.

Im a very kinesthetic, left handed person. What I noticed is, when I started to paint with my right hand, a lot of internal cognitive changes started to happen, and I felt different and began to think much clearer. If you feel ungrounded in your life, and you are LEFT HANDED, develop the left side of your brain ASAP. I vow to develop mine from here on out. 

Does anyone else feel ungrounded in their logic, reasoning, and rationality? (No Truth wars pls)


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Seems like the benefits you're experiencing are a side effect of becoming more aware. I don't think swapping brain hemispheres is the reason you're thinking clearer, it's because you're giving more attention to what you're doing.

God and I worked things out

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Awesome.  Aristotle's Epistemology is based on Intuition too I just found out.  Way cool!  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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