
Self mastery when there isnt a self

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Sometimes i struggle at getting this. Work to self actualization or self mastery when a self doesnt exist.

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1 hour ago, IvanV21 said:

Sometimes i struggle at getting this. Work to self actualization or self mastery when a self doesnt exist.

houston we have a problem... ;) either way or another, If you realize that the "self" does not exist, there is no need to actualize nor master it. check your "self" realization.


Edited by Patang

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@IvanV21  A self-identity exists insofar as an idea exists. So insofar as ideas can be mastered it may be valid. I suppose the idea of a masterful self-identity is preferable to a crappy one. ;)  But there is only ever this locus of Awareness, never not present, masked by those self-identities, no more, no less. It is as close as close can be. No add-ons required. No other destination.

Edited by snowleopard

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Just because you're not the Ego doesn't mean traditional self-help is not a part of your reality, if it ever was.  If it wasn't, then it wasn't.  I notice that having traditional self-help in the background does help awareness a lot of times -- but obviously most traditional self-help is in error.  It's predicated on the belief that we have control.  Traditional self-help is irrelevant to me at this stage of my enlightenment, but whose to say it didn't get me here?  I don't know, and that's why I'm reluctant to pooh-pooh traditional self-help.  I'm glad I was exposed to it, but it doesn't really help me now.  I have no idea how it might affect another person well or adversely.  Putting my speculation hat on -- I think traditional self-help is useful for those stuck in the Egoic Paradigm before they go through their Awakening process.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I agree that the self (ego) doesn’t exist. It's only fiction. So, ask yourself, how can I live "selflessly," using self-mastery?

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@IvanV21 There’s the everyday experience of  “self” in reality, then reality is realized to be illusion and “no self” is realized (you are all of the reality / illusion not just the person), then there’s what the no self is, which is the only Self that Is. This is the Self we all are in reality (actual reality, not the illusion/universe)

So the term Self Actualization is used - as in, the actual self. It’s pretty fuckin awesome. Don’t tell anyone I said that though. 



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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@IvanV21 There’s the everyday experience of  “self” in reality, then reality is realized to be illusion and “no self” is realized (you are all of the reality / illusion not just the person), then there’s what the no self is, which is the only Self that Is. This is the Self we all are in reality (actual reality, not the illusion/universe)

So the term Self Actualization is used - as in, the actual self. It’s pretty fuckin awesome. Don’t tell anyone I said that though. 

I'm losing the everyday experience of the "self" in reality.  Most of that has gone bye bye for me.  I'm resting as Awareness most of the time, or being the Soul.  I'm just being that which doesn't change.  I don't really buy the 2 Level Theory of Truth that some Indian Philosophers seem to dogmatically accept as true.  There is only one truth and it's the non-changing Now.  Everything else is just erroneous belief about reality.  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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19 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Shin that one’s priceless dude. Nice. 

It's Cetus in his prime, before he settle for a zen devil who don't even get " " jokes !

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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@Joseph Maynor That’s great to hear! And, me neither.  I’ve found ‘don’t believe anything’ is sound. Never been into philosophy. I like it all direct. Even into & data, like qm’s, neurology.



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3 hours ago, IvanV21 said:

Sometimes i struggle at getting this. Work to self actualization or self mastery when a self doesnt exist.

When you have realised that the self does not exist...you kind have mastered the self already. As far as mastery in dream goes like with body or techniques and skills...thats a separate issue

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24 minutes ago, Saumaya said:

As far as mastery in dream goes like with body or techniques and skills...thats a separate issue

This raises an interesting point. Does mastering the piano, for example, require some self-identification as a 'master pianist'? Maybe this explains the integral role of self-identification, to master the art of 'playing' ... pianos or otherwise. Without a self-identity, what would the motivation be? Is it imperative that Consciousness lose itself, so to speak, in its dream of selfhood, for the Moonlight Sonata to ever be conceived ?

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@IvanV21 I think the biggest obstacle you will face in self-actualization is not becoming enlightened. Instead, it is the part regarding life purpose, becoming financially independent, and living the minimized lifestyle.  

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1 hour ago, snowleopard said:

This raises an interesting point. Does mastering the piano, for example, require some self-identification as a 'master pianist'? 

I don't believe so, becoming a master pianist and identifying with being a master pianist are separate things

There's Only One Truth!

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@Saumaya  Well the point is, why the dream of self-identity? There's this intuiting that it serves an integral role. That it's not a random mistake. 

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