
How do I know when im ready for psychedelics?

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I want to know a checkpoint from which i can use psychedelics for personal development.

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The checkpoint is in YOU. It's 100% subjective. When you feel like you're ready for that change of perspective, it's time. The fact that you started this thread is a good sign to me, the reader, that you're ready, but that's YOUR call, Hoss. What would you start with if you decided to go forward with it? It's OK to have no idea; just asking.   :)

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I was also wondering the same thing, if you are new to psychedelics and no one you know has tried it...

I am considering to try mushrooms some time in the future when i have done more research and read a book or two about it.

I understand that you have to start with very low doses and slowly work your self upwards, but how important is it to have a trippsitter in the beginning? Guess it depends on your level of maturity, both psychologically and how well you understand spirituality.


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You definitely don't have to start with low doses. In fact, it sounds counterintuitive, but a lot of people find the lower doses (2 or 3 dried grams) more difficult in some ways than a 5g-6g dose, because their ego is more able to resist it with a smaller dose. I made a loooooong post about this and other mushroom topics here recently. It was in another thread about psychedelics, and it was still on Page 1 last evening, so it should be easy to find.  Message me if you like. I enjoy helping mushroom newbies.   :)

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@IvanV21 Do you meditate every morning? Do you carry it through your day? Are you triggered much be the goings on of others? Those are the ‘signs’ imo. If / when you’re good there, take a trip. START SMALL. Slow & steady is best. 



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I want to add to what @Nahm said.

If you have OK control over your mind, if you aren't addicted to food, porn, relationships etc. too much, thats a good indicator you are not a slave to your mind. to use psychedelics for personal development, you cant have a scattered mind, you have to have concentration ability, you have to be detached enough from your thoughts, to know how to let go, which meditation trains.

that's for serious concentrated growth though. If you want to just face your fears, discover what you want from life, just to see what possible, you can do psychedelics without any mind training, though take a low dose. 

Edited by Viking

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When you are ready to die (from an ego perspective) not literally.

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