Marios Tsagoulis


14 posts in this topic

I swear this insight made me question every single teacher and person that exists including me.

Ok so...

Every single being on this planet has some characteristics.

(Childhood,family,school they went,and much much more)

And throught our lives we read,listen,have experiences that justifie beliefs we have and how we see the world.

And i am not talking about small stuff...i mean like some "spiritual beliefs that we take in order to have some guidance on where we want to go.

For example, recently leo made 3 videos about self-deception. Look now how easiiiilyyyy somebody can become inpacted in a negative way with this information OR the information sound compelling and justifies all your previous consepts.

In childhood we have a dynamic that its called "when its not ok to be ok" (teal swan video)

Which is basically when someone feels joy and at the same time someone subconciously wants to put him down by manipulating him in subtle ways (like saying....ohhh you dont have the responsibilities that i have or dont get so excited because you will be disapointed) and much much more examples


And now listen how the video (self deception) can have a negative impact.


Say that you feel happy and satisfied for who you are. And after hearing this video you subconciosly believe that whenever i feel happy or secure or you believe something hardcore that means that behind that there is something that TRICKS YOU.

The same happended with me with fitness.

I had soooooo convincing opinions about stretching and yoga and good it is to not be tight...anddd believe me you couldnt argue with me...and all of this happened because i was HYPERMOBILE and i was inclined to love stretching...but that made me get injured..and the same situation can happen with videos like self-deception. Because you have an inclanation to believe that something tricks you or something you feel is not true (childhood trauma)

What i am trying to say is that some things sticks to our conciouness because we have an inclanation to those things and that can trick us.


And the problem becomes more complicated when we talk about things like self-deception because the fact that we came across this idea is because we had an inclanation for it.

So self deception brought us to the idea of self deception.

And we cant escape this.

Its like accidentally you came across the idea about why beliefs are illusory and the exact same time you had a trauma in your childhood about not trusting your own beliefs.


I am sooooooooooooo convinced that even enlightned people can be influenced with this consept i am making.

And of course what i am saying is an inclanation i have on sticking these spesific dots and come to this conclusion.

So i am not escaping it.

So even if you have the most compeling idea in the world (even if paradoxically its the idea of self-deception) find out what MADEEEE YOU CAME ACROSS THIS IDEA.

BELIEVE me even the self deception idea can come across their lives because they ATRACT THIS KIND OF IDEA.

Paradox ,huh?

What made you question your beliefs?

What made you have an impulse that ego is illusory.

And am not talking about spiritual-bypassing here.....

I am tallking about why somebody will respond like

"Ohhh its just your petty theories"

"Oohhh you dont exist f*** you hahaha.

To close, even the fact that you believe such thing like "beliefs are subgective" watch out...

This information may have arrived to you because your mummy told you when you are young.

"Ohhh you are young unicorns dont exist" so you didnt trust your beliefs.


And dont be afraid i know that i am making bold claims.

Dont let my language fool you that i am 100% sure of what am i talking


Edited by Marios Tsagoulis

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I wish i know what are you talking about sum it up in 3-5 sentences explain me like im 10y old :P

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Marios Tsagoulis I think I’m hearing you. Like you say to someone, you can do it, you can do this too! And they start in on how “you don’t know what I’ve been through”, and for them, the idea of self deception is something very different than realizing they are viewing potential future through past experience. Unaware THAT is how they are deceiving themselves.   ?



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Hell yeah. Good job man. I like the way you wrote this, nice and straight-forward! What a paradox, trying to escape the paradox you may end up digging yourself deeper into it...



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On 16/2/2018 at 7:42 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

I wish i know what are you talking about sum it up in 3-5 sentences explain me like im 10y old :P

You had a trauma about not trusting your OWN beliefs

You come across the idea "beliefs are illusory"

You say "ohhhh so true." (Because you already did not trust your believes)

You shooting yourself in the foot because that information is NOT helpfull for this point in your life.

I passion when i was writing the topic made me talk like an angry chick. Its not your fault

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On 16/2/2018 at 11:13 PM, Samuel said:

Hell yeah. Good job man. I like the way you wrote this, nice and straight-forward! What a paradox, trying to escape the paradox you may end up digging yourself deeper into it...



EXACTLY! you got the point man?

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On 16/2/2018 at 9:57 PM, Nahm said:

@Marios Tsagoulis I think I’m hearing you. Like you say to someone, you can do it, you can do this too! And they start in on how “you don’t know what I’ve been through”, and for them, the idea of self deception is something very different than realizing they are viewing potential future through past experience. Unaware THAT is how they are deceiving themselves.   ?

Im so sorry but i didnt understand what you are trying to say...its just that im not so good in the english language

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You say- What i am trying to say is that some things sticks to our conciouness because we have an inclanation to those things and that can trick us.

Yes, you have stumbled upon a profound idea about how beliefs are formed, and undergoes multiple confirmations as we go on through life. Yes, someone who experienced some events that planted in him the seeds of the idea of self deception, can go on later to embrace that idea of self deception. Even the idea of self deception is nested in a large network of ideas about spirituality which Leo had been putting out in his videos for a long time, and  some one who accepted those videos is very prone to accept that video about self deception too.  And your idea also explains why there are those who do not accept the idea of enlightenment and spirituality but only about science. It is because as you have said- they have had multiple instances of confirmations  of their preformed beliefs. But here is something more interesting. Lets keep on going backwards and see where it ends. So someone who has a belief on self deception might have it because he has beliefs about spirituality. Now, why would someone have the beliefs about spirituality? Why would someone accept this idea , and  others do not accept? And you have given the answer which is a slight inclination of the consciousness. Now, in THIS CASE, what is this slight inclination of consciousness? What determines this slight inclination? I will say level of awareness. What determines that? May be luck.

My question to you is- so what? How is your idea important? (You weren't suggesting this, but still)Does it make the idea of spirituality less valid because those who accept the idea of spirituality are those who are slightly inclined to accept the idea of spirituality? No. Just examine this idea- those who can listen and  enjoy music are those who are inclined to hear, their ears work. Those who do not hear music are not inclined to hear music so music doesn't exist for them. Does that mean music doesn't exist? Only bats can hear ultrasonic sounds, so does that mean it doesn't exist? People of all kinds of consciousness exist in this world. Sir Isaac Newton had an extraordinary kind of consciousness and he could see things that no one could see. When a chess grandmaster sees a board, he is not seeing the same things a layman sees. Likewise the spiritual dimension is also something which is more omnipresent for some people than others. From the very dawn of human history till now there have been billions of people who have been inclined to this dimension and have lived in this mode of consciousness, and it is likely this will go on forever. Why does this idea  even exist? Why? The answer is because as a species this mode of consciousness is embedded in our gene pool in varying amount and in varying depth. Both Dawkins and Jesus Christ are from the same species , yet have profound differences in their consciousness. One gets it, the other doesn't. One is freed, the other is trapped. One knows God, one denies God.  The difference is in consciousness. 

And it's not just about spirituality, but other ideas like some poems, some profound idea  in mathematics, science or philosophy. No dog will ever grasp these ideas, and same is the case for vast majority of people. There are poems, passages, ideas which very few in human history will ever grasp, but that doesn't make them less valid.

Edited by Ibn Sina

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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On 2/17/2018 at 1:42 AM, Nahm said:

@Marios Tsagoulis I think I’m hearing you. Like you say to someone, you can do it, you can do this too! And they start in on how “you don’t know what I’ve been through”, and for them, the idea of self deception is something very different than realizing they are viewing potential future through past experience. Unaware THAT is how they are deceiving themselves.   ?

Yes you are on point! Even the idea of self deception for some people is different because their life is  different so their consciousness is different so even if you tell them the idea of self  deception their consciousness will interpret in the it in the  wrong way and this in turn will make them deceive themselves even more because they are unaware of that they are interpreting in the wrong away which in turn is determined by their initial inclination of consciousness.

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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@Ibn Sina OMG yes. We get more of what we focus on. So simple, hardly anyone can realize it. We’re all too busy being smart for that nonsense. Lol!

The only thing I’ve seen “work” for this, is helping someone realize when they changed the relative point from themselves, to anyone else. 



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On 20/2/2018 at 7:42 PM, Ibn Sina said:

You say- What i am trying to say is that some things sticks to our conciouness because we have an inclanation to those things and that can trick us.

Yes, you have stumbled upon a profound idea about how beliefs are formed, and undergoes multiple confirmations as we go on through life. Yes, someone who experienced some events that planted in him the seeds of the idea of self deception, can go on later to embrace that idea of self deception. Even the idea of self deception is nested in a large network of ideas about spirituality which Leo had been putting out in his videos for a long time, and  some one who accepted those videos is very prone to accept that video about self deception too.  And your idea also explains why there are those who do not accept the idea of enlightenment and spirituality but only about science. It is because as you have said- they have had multiple instances of confirmations  of their preformed beliefs. But here is something more interesting. Lets keep on going backwards and see where it ends. So someone who has a belief on self deception might have it because he has beliefs about spirituality. Now, why would someone have the beliefs about spirituality? Why would someone accept this idea , and  others do not accept? And you have given the answer which is a slight inclination of the consciousness. Now, in THIS CASE, what is this slight inclination of consciousness? What determines this slight inclination? I will say level of awareness. What determines that? May be luck.

My question to you is- so what? How is your idea important? (You weren't suggesting this, but still)Does it make the idea of spirituality less valid because those who accept the idea of spirituality are those who are slightly inclined to accept the idea of spirituality? No. Just examine this idea- those who can listen and  enjoy music are those who are inclined to hear, their ears work. Those who do not hear music are not inclined to hear music so music doesn't exist for them. Does that mean music doesn't exist? Only bats can hear ultrasonic sounds, so does that mean it doesn't exist? People of all kinds of consciousness exist in this world. Sir Isaac Newton had an extraordinary kind of consciousness and he could see things that no one could see. When a chess grandmaster sees a board, he is not seeing the same things a layman sees. Likewise the spiritual dimension is also something which is more omnipresent for some people than others. From the very dawn of human history till now there have been billions of people who have been inclined to this dimension and have lived in this mode of consciousness, and it is likely this will go on forever. Why does this idea  even exist? Why? The answer is because as a species this mode of consciousness is embedded in our gene pool in varying amount and in varying depth. Both Dawkins and Jesus Christ are from the same species , yet have profound differences in their consciousness. One gets it, the other doesn't. One is freed, the other is trapped. One knows God, one denies God.  The difference is in consciousness. 

And it's not just about spirituality, but other ideas like some poems, some profound idea  in mathematics, science or philosophy. No dog will ever grasp these ideas, and same is the case for vast majority of people. There are poems, passages, ideas which very few in human history will ever grasp, but that doesn't make them less valid.

I like how you wrote this.

I am not trying to say that some ideas are not valid.

The idea of self deception its great.

As you responded correctly to nahm its that people will use this idea in the wrong way.

And i am not saying it from a point that they misinterpret the idea of self-deception.

Im saying it from a point that its not something that will be helpfull to them IF for example they do not EVER trust them selfs.

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@Marios Tsagoulis I don't think everyone shares this trait. 99% of people absolutely trust their beliefs, and simply suggesting that their beliefs are wrong will not cause the collapse of the belief structure. Not in the slightest.


Try telling a stranger on the street that they are literally walking on themself because the footpath is them, because they are absolutely everything, including the footpath. See how that turns out.

On 21/02/2018 at 1:53 AM, Marios Tsagoulis said:

You say "ohhhh so true." (Because you already did not trust your believes)


God and I worked things out

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Very interesting, so this could apply to escaping from your problems? And detatching/liberating from thought? 

Edited by MisterMan

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@Marios Tsagoulis It’s conditioning. Programming. The story we tell ourselves. And you just offered a new story about the old story, just like I am doing now.

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