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Hand Reading Thread

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(ignoring sweat, i'm left handed)

Reading Osho's hands Article

(he was right handed)




The hands of Acharya Rajneesh (1931-1990), the man who called himself Bhagwan, and then later Osho, tell us of his weaknesses as well as his strengths. While his hands show some very good traits, they also reveal a dark side. There have been accusations against him, that he was a phony, and then there are those who swear by him and believe that he was indeed God on earth. The truth lies somewhere inbetween.

If one concentrates on the remarkable side of his personality, then what stands out is that he was a thinker. The shape of his hand and fingers, the finger phalanges, as well as his Head Line, tell us that he was not an ordinary thinker but an extraordinarily original one who observed life around him very keenly and found explanations and solutions.

His was a mind which
would constantly be on the go and could easily infect others with its enthusiasm and strong beliefs.

His magnetic personality is clearly evident from his Mount of Venus and Heart Line. When this aspect of his personality is combined with the wisdom shown by a strong Saturn finger you have a person who can inspire and lead others on a spiritual path. The shape of his fingers and their position, particularly the finger of Jupiter, shows that he was the kind who was very independent in his views and cared little for what others or society thought. It is not surprising that Osho tried to found a religion or cult and some would say he was successful.

His thumb and Jupiter finger show leadership qualities like determination, a strong will and the ability to command others. His Mars tells us that he was mentally strong and aggressive.

A mixed bag
He was strong-headed to a fault, shown by his thumb and Head Line. It is important to remember however that this did not mean that he did not listen to others. The shape of his thumb shows that he could be carried away and influenced by those who felt were worthy of his trust. More on this aspect of his character later.

His Venus and Heart Line shows that he had plenty of love and compassion to give but it was a limited love,  reserved for those he thought were worthy and this is clear from the shape of his hand. To be fair to him, this by itself is not a bad trait in itself and most of us are like this. In fact a lot of us may not even have the tremendous love this man had to give. In a spiritual person however one expects more. Rajneesh lacked the humanitarian kind of love, a love for all humanity irrespective for who they are, and this is probably one of the reasons why his band became known as a cult. This is shown by the placement of his thumb as well as the overall shape of his hand.

The desire to reach out and help those who are suffering, the humanitarian attitude, is evident in the hands of other spiritual leaders like Baba Ramdev,  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and the Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Another trait of Osho's, evident in the shape of his hand, is his suspicious nature. He would not find it easy to trust people in general.

His Mount of Venus, Mount of Moon and Heart Line if read in combination show well developed sexual passions.His Mount of Moon is highly developed but unfortunately it shows that Osho has more of the negative qualities of this Mount rather than the positive. It shows an unhealthy imagination, thinking the worst of others.

Not so pleasant
The shape of his hand and phalanges, thumb and Jupiter finger when read in combination show something quite disturbing - a despotic personality. A personality whose need for power and attention is out of balance. This trait is missing from his left or dormant hand. The right hand (if you write with your right hand) tells you of the current state of mind. Osho was right handed. His left hand or dormant hand does show a desire for power and fame but this desire is in normal proportions. He changed, and anyone familiar with Rajneesh's life will probably be able to tell when this happened. The end result is that Osho became a person obsessed with power to an abnormal degree. His Jupiter finger position and shape shows that he would do anything to maintain it. His innate shrewdness and tendency to manipulate people always did exist and this was enhanced as well.

Why he changed
Osho's hand gives us some clues as to why and how he changed. His sudden elevation to a high status could have played a part because as they say power corrupts. And possibly his innate suspiciousness and reluctance to trust people in general could have kept him isolated. On the other hand, his thumb shows that he could be carried away and influenced. He was of an impressionable nature.

His thumb, Jupiter finger, Jupiter phalanges, and the Moon Mount tells us that that he was a dreamer and if he wanted to build an empire (which he desperately wanted to do) he would have to have someone else to do it for him. He lacked the consistency that execution of plans requires, and as his Jupiter finger shows, he personally may not even have wanted the responsibility. 

My reading is that had he been more trusting, with more integrity and less impressionability, he could have retained the original balance of personality. His basic nature shows him to be someone with an extraordinarily personality and it shows him to be a good man. Something changed along the way.


Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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