
How do you adjust to life after the "separate self" is gone?

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Ever since 2015, my conceptual self has been destroyed. It's hard to explain. For most people the usual path of life is to go to school, college, get a job, get married, have kids, and die. I don't feel the need to play that role. I could do that but I'm also okay with not doing that. I'm more flexible in how to live because reality doesn't have any rules. I don't have concrete goals right now. I just do whatever I feel like doing in the moment. I feel like I'm going crazy some times. 

How do you adjust to life after the "separate self" is gone? Is attachment to concepts necessary for success? 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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1 minute ago, Deep said:

Ever since 2015, my conceptual self has been destroyed. It's hard to explain. For most people the usual path of life is to go to school, college, get a job, get married, have kids, and die. I don't feel the need to play that role. I could do that but I'm also okay with not doing that. I'm more flexible in how to live because reality doesn't have any rules. I don't have concrete goals right now. I just do whatever I feel like doing in the moment. I feel like I'm going crazy some times. 

How do you adjust to life after the "separate self" is gone? Is attachment to concepts necessary for success? 

Adjust means future which means ego. 

Just be and see what happens? 

What ever life wants from you will arise. 

Your need to plan future or adjust sounds like ego to me. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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5 minutes ago, Deep said:

How do you adjust to life after the "separate self" is gone? Is attachment to concepts necessary for success?

There was no seperate self to begin with. 

No attachment to any thoughts are necessary. 

Whatever you mean by success, then what you want to do is relative. What is success to you? Do you want any thing, any experience, any particular job or career or company? Relationship? Any knowledge? This is all relative to what you want, if you want anything. 



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Sometimes this is the hardest part. 

One have to follow the heart and risk everything. Follow the heart no matter what and know that it will be alright. 

If nothing holds you back, why wait?

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41 minutes ago, Nahm said:


There was no seperate self to begin with. 

No attachment to any thoughts are necessary. 

Whatever you mean by success, then what you want to do is relative. What is success to you? Do you want any thing, any experience, any particular job or career or company? Relationship? Any knowledge? This is all relative to what you want, if you want anything. 

What if I want

You ?


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Deep  Even as separate self-identities and their attachments fall away, there remains a unique individual expression of awareness with natural inclinations -- but perhaps not attainment-oriented, or like some bucket-list.  Just trust and follow the wisdom of the heart, and whatever resonates with those heartfelt inclinations. Whatever path one may explore, if the heart is in it, the difference will be clear. Often, it can just be the simplest of pleasures. But it could also be some unimagined adventure. Stay open to whichever.

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1 hour ago, Deep said:


How do you adjust to life after the "separate self" is gone? Is attachment to concepts necessary for success? 

Adjust? Live with more passion still elevate your skills,knowledge..raise your conciousness help people with your lifes work explore,invent inspire there are infinite options...if its truly gone you wouldnt ask how to adjust because everything is good as it is...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Nothing changes.  You most likely never had any control over reality to begin with.  Reality just is itself.  It is most likely not controlled by an egoic self.  The egoic picture or story or belief of reality is very problematic and most likely false.  But the best place to get to is the art and practice of not knowing or suspending belief.  So, even the counter-weight paradigms, the enlightenment paradigms, are arms-lengthed.  This leads you to be able to just focus on being the Soul or Awareness or Atman in the moment and not clinging to impermanent things.  That's liberation right there!  Atman don't need no knowledge.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 hour ago, Deep said:

Ever since 2015, my conceptual self has been destroyed. It's hard to explain. For most people the usual path of life is to go to school, college, get a job, get married, have kids, and die. I don't feel the need to play that role. I could do that but I'm also okay with not doing that. I'm more flexible in how to live because reality doesn't have any rules. I don't have concrete goals right now. I just do whatever I feel like doing in the moment. I feel like I'm going crazy some times. 

How do you adjust to life after the "separate self" is gone? Is attachment to concepts necessary for success? 

You do not need to adjust.

You have seen that you are not (really) a separate self, a separate someone, a separate thing (entity); now there is no thing (object or concept) that is real - it is all a thought created world that can be believed in.

And you can consciously believe, belive, be alive in it, rather than unconsciously...

You can create your life along with all the other beings you encounter as a joy and gratitude filled unfolding. You (and the others) are not actually in it, you are just jointly 'making it up' or 'being it' or beliving it' 'as you go'. How's that for success... making a being and living wonderland that is here for the moment you are be-living it.



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4 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

Your need to plan future or adjust sounds like ego to me. 

Yes I'm trying to develop a healthy ego so I don't become dysfunctional. 


4 hours ago, Nahm said:

Whatever you mean by success, then what you want to do is relative. What is success to you? Do you want any thing, any experience, any particular job or career or company? Relationship? Any knowledge? This is all relative to what you want, if you want anything. 

I'm slowly discovering what I want. What I truly want is not of this world but I pretend to want worldly things. At the moment, I think being a research assistant would be the best job for me. I definitely want marriage. @cirkussmile Thanks!

3 hours ago, SOUL said:

Do you remember any memories of your life?

Yes vaguely but I can't imagine them. My imagination is weak. 


3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

..if its truly gone you wouldnt ask how to adjust because everything is good as it is...

Yes, I might be deluding myself. 


2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You most likely never had any control over reality to begin with.  

That's correct! I can try to do things but I have no control of the outcome. 


1 hour ago, dorg said:

You have seen that you are not (really) a separate self, a separate someone, a separate thing (entity); now there is no thing (object or concept) that is real - it is all a thought created world that can be believed in.

Other people still think I'm "Deep." lol 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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27 minutes ago, Deep said:

Yes vaguely but I can't imagine them. My imagination is weak. 

Though you can remember your name, where your house is, where you put your keys, the member name here and the password, right?

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1 minute ago, SOUL said:

Though you can remember your name, where your house is, where you put your keys, the member name here and the password, right?

Yes, I can remember all that. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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11 minutes ago, Deep said:

Yes, I can remember all that. 

Well, then your "separate self" still exists... haha.

Edited by SOUL

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46 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Well, then your "separate self" still exists... haha.

You might be right. 


The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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Do you still suffer? If yes you are not done. If you didn't suffer that question wouldn't even be asked on the forum

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