Ibn Sina

(Senti) Poem that I recited on valentine's day poem even

3 posts in this topic

In my room, alone as I lie 
I start to ponder about you and I
As two birds on a tree branch green
Like two puppies, a beautiful scene
Alas! I fear it's just a dream
I hold my tears, and try to scream
For I am brass, and you are gold
I fear those two cannot mold
I am a crow and you are a dove
I fear I am not worthy of your love
I see you when I see the stars
With tear in eyes and face with scars
Which were carved with years of pain
With years of sorrows, grief and shame
And I have but myself to blame
For keeping my heart, unwatched untamed
And yet I find peace in this game
Had I not loved I would have lived in vain
I am very guilty of this crime
For having loved, and sang this hymn
For keeping my love beyond the test of time
And yet in your beauty I meditate
I don't need enlightenment, I need you
Because You are my moksha, you are my Nirvana
You are my Meera, You are my Radha
So let me play you my flute
let me play you my tune
You are my temple, you are my mosque
So Let me worship thy name
Let me worship thy frame
This I must say with shame
I have a confession to make
Though a wretched man I may be
A deep love for thee, I confess
With you I want to flee
With you I want to rest
With you I want to age
Bearing that fire in life's every stage
Long after our youth is gone
Our beauty with wrinkles torn
Those youthful eyes, our sacred bond
That holy tune in our heart is sung
Cherishing those days when we were young

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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Thanks !

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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