
My thoughts on Self-Confidence

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Let's put aside non-duality for a moment and talk about selfconfidence(maybe most important trait you can have)...Nobody ever told me clearly what it  is even google says something vauge like believing in your abilities(but dismiss deeper psychology) 

I came up with this after contemplation,:

- Thinking for yourself and see how much your thinking,actions are influenced by other people at large they influence your decision making,your beliefs, have to shut down the world and just be with what you think is best and just take what world say to elevate your ideas)

- Knowing where you are going,what you want and why, without letting anyone to make you change it(with negative thinking and telling you what is right for...they are just showing you that they dont believe in themselves).

-Finding your authentic self and embrace it-saying what you actually think(have your conversational style),wear clothes you like,and behave like you want to...

-In other words dont let others influence you, but you have your path and vision and take full responsibility for your actions...

-Now i can see why so few people have real self confidence they are like everybody else people with self confidence are rebels they look crazy and delusional to "ordinary" people because they do opposite of what they are doing...

Conclusion:people with self confidence are leaders of themselves and others they dont follow others they dont watch others how its good to live life or how to behave they are bold and look arrogant to the average eye because they dont follow social norms...

This is deep topic help me to expand it...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Well you said it all xD 

We live in a world where eating healthy, not being on facebook, meditating and reading is seen as boring and too hippie.

That says a lot about our current state of consciousness as a specie.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Self-confidence is where you don’t question reality so much.  Lack of confidence rests on the illusion of control.  Oh I need to control some thing!  No!  There is no you to control.  So, confidence is none other than just letting reality do whatever it wants to without trying to control it.  You’re just ok with whatever happens.  You don’t try to self-censor.  You don’t let your own beliefs and fears cause you to want to shoot a hole in your own boat when you are in transit on the waterway.  Lack of confidence is evidence of a huge Ego, paradoxically.  It’s a fear of being judged and rejected.  How Egoic is that?  There’s no you in reality!  How does lack of confidence even make sense?  See?  It’s predicated upon an illusion, a thought-story about reality.  Confidence is positively correlated with acceptance of reality without trying to interfere with it, judge it, or control it.  What appears on the outside as confidence is on the inside just acceptance and the resulting peace that comes from that.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Shin Why everyone can't see this we are nothing special 

@Joseph Maynor You come from perspective of enlightement i see what you are talking about true confidence is letting everything play out by itself ,but here im talking about illusion what is self confidence for someone who didnt hear about iawakening...even when you are enligtened you are not confident in navigating illusion of life...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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14 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

- Thinking for yourself and see how much your thinking,actions are influenced by other people at large they influence your decision making,your beliefs,behaviour...

It's hard to think for ourselves because our mind is susceptible to conditioning. 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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@Deep Thats why so little people truly grow and have confidence in their abilities....

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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35 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Deep Thats why so little people truly grow and have confidence in their abilities....

Depends of the brain chemistry mostly, some people just can't conform to society by default.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin BuT tHe BrAiN DoEs NoT eXiSt


Spirituality is any movement towards the Unnamable. Everything is spiritual.

The only true way out Resistance is going into it because any way out of it is staying in it.

The purest life possible is surrendering to the Absolute.

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