
Raw Meat Diet

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On 2/27/2018 at 5:30 AM, Slade said:

Why is it that when you put plain broccoli in front of a child they don’t want to eat it? Yet they love milk. 

Our instinct to avoid vegetables is apparent from a very young age. But we’ve been brainwashed by “science” to think that eating it is healthy for us. I think we should trust our bodies natural instincts more. I mean we’ve only been on this planet for a few million years. ?

Try fruit and see what the child chooses. 10/10 times the child will choose the fruit. Broccoli needs to be slightly steamed and or boiled to be more palatable and digestible. We are more fruigivores than herbivores this is why we feel best on fruit than anything else and not because of "excess sugars".



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@pluto from what I’ve learned lately it seems that fruit is more for cleansing and detoxifying the body than it is for building and growing. It has its place in a diet but shouldn’t be what a whole diet is based on. The only reason people survive on fruit now is because we get shipments from all over the world. Unless you live in the tropics, you wouldn’t be able to sustain yourself on fruit alone without the help of our government. With that said it’s not a very natural diet. I would think from an evolutionary standpoint that our bodies would want to make our health dependent upon something that we have easy access to, like meat.

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@Slade I suggest checking this out which goes into detail and explains why we are mostly designed to consume fruit but you are right that it will be a challenge for most people to consume enough fruits and supplementing with some superfoods like spirulina, bee pollen, hemp seeds, sprouts is a wise option since our soils are very depleted these days but i know many people who thrive of only fruits as i do and done many times myself. Most of it is due to our conditioning and depleted soils cause every one i know that mostly eats fruits is very healthy and full of life,

From my understanding its the most natural diet for the human species as i have tried them all and never felt better than when 90-100% consists of fruit and whole "raw living foods" unheated/treated or processed in anyway in general and that i understand how nature and the human body works in sync although i must mention some people do function better on other diets but almost all the time notice a new level to health when more fruit especially when organically grown from rich soil sources is introduced into the diet/lifestyle.

Hope this helps

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Fruit isn’t in season year round so even if the soil was fine it still wouldn’t be a natural diet. I didn’t read that whole article but it seemed to be pretty biased from what I did read. Here’s some quotes from it that I think are debatable.

“Fruit is the easiest food to digest, which should right there, tip us off that we are biologically designed to eat it.”

- An Apple digests in about 40 minutes and raw egg in about 20 minutes. I’m not sure what they mean by the easiest food to digest. 

“We don’t have claws or hoofs like carnivores and herbivores. We aren’t equipped with sharp teeth and abrasive tongues for ripping apart flesh. In order for meat to taste good we have to cook it. What other species on Earth cooks their food?”

- we also have opposable thumb’s and are capable of making tools to cut our meat so I don’t think this is a very good argument. Haha I disagree with having to cook meat for it to taste good. Sushi Is delicious. I do think it’s unnatural to cook food so they got that part right at least. 


Have you tried a raw meat and raw dairy diet before? Everyone I’ve heard that’s tried raw beef, raw eggs, and raw milk has had extreme health benefits.


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9 hours ago, Slade said:

- An Apple digests in about 40 minutes and raw egg in about 20 minutes. I’m not sure what they mean by the easiest food to digest

It takes 4 hours to digest a protein of a caliber such as an egg. Protein digestion occurs in stomach with the help of Pepsin along with hydrochlorid acid which stops all fat and carbohydrate digestion. Afterwards you need a squirt of pancreatic juices along with the bile released by the liver to digest the remaining carbohydrates and fat in the egg. You are looking at the full scale all organ involvement digestion. 

Whereas with apple, the digestion starts with your mouth , compliments of salivary amylase and since it is mostly carbohydrate, your stomach cannot really digest it so it goes on into small intestine, pretty much absorbed by the time it reaches the colon. Being rich in fiber the apple is a nice yum yum for your colon bacteria unlike the egg.


Edited by Michael569

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12 hours ago, Slade said:

Fruit isn’t in season year round so even if the soil was fine it still wouldn’t be a natural diet. I didn’t read that whole article but it seemed to be pretty biased from what I did read. Here’s some quotes from it that I think are debatable.

“Fruit is the easiest food to digest, which should right there, tip us off that we are biologically designed to eat it.”

- An Apple digests in about 40 minutes and raw egg in about 20 minutes. I’m not sure what they mean by the easiest food to digest. 

“We don’t have claws or hoofs like carnivores and herbivores. We aren’t equipped with sharp teeth and abrasive tongues for ripping apart flesh. In order for meat to taste good we have to cook it. What other species on Earth cooks their food?”

- we also have opposable thumb’s and are capable of making tools to cut our meat so I don’t think this is a very good argument. Haha I disagree with having to cook meat for it to taste good. Sushi Is delicious. I do think it’s unnatural to cook food so they got that part right at least. 


Have you tried a raw meat and raw dairy diet before? Everyone I’ve heard that’s tried raw beef, raw eggs, and raw milk has had extreme health benefits.


Raw dairy yes when i was younger we were brought up straight from the cow and boiled much better than processed dairy. Meat no I'm not that silly lol Although now that i am much wiser i do not bother with animal products whatsoever. I never felt more alive and better in my life as do 90% of people who go plant-based or at least mostly plant-based and the others that fail are usually not educated enough beforehand.

Beans & Rice are much better for you than Meat & Dairy for example (raw or not) our bodies do not have the adequate hydrochloric acid to digest and absorb properly let alone many other factors but you do you i just hope you don't poison yourself and severely shorten your lifespan i am only here to help people and share the truth.





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On 2018-02-27 at 5:11 AM, Slade said:

I think if a child was hungry and you put meat in front of it, it would eat it. 

The only reason I don’t run after a pig and kill it for food is because I’m not starving. I can go to the supermarket and feed myself. If I was about to die from starvation and I saw a pig, ya damn right I would run after it. 

Yes raw meat looks appealing especially sushi. I love raw tuna and fish eggs. 

Idk who would eat insects when they can have steak. 

@Slade Fuck I wasn't gonna answer but I feel like I have to call out bullshit when I see it.

No I really don't think a child would want to eat raw flesh if you handed it to him.
If he do it's probably a learned behavior. Not natural instinct. It would gladly choose a fruit instead.

You we're talking about that we should trust our natural instincts more and yet you would only run after a pig if you were starving.
Does going to a supermarket to buy meat sound more natural? 
Only reason you think it's so natural is because you have learned to like meat.
If you were to choose between raw meat and fruit as a child before you learned it it's obvious what you'd choose.
You say raw meat looks appealing because you remember how it taste like all the time you have cooked and eat it and make associations to it. I don't think if you are really honest here that you actually can admit you like the taste of raw meat. Forget sushi, tuna and fish eggs lol. What about the TASTE of RAW (and without salt and spices) cow, pig, chicken, lamb?

It's not me who started talking about what's natural. I think it's kinda ridicilous but now that you brought it up I wonder why you contradict yourself.


I didn’t say anything about better tasting foods meaning they’re healthier. However, the first thing babies want when they come into this world is milk. Not veggies, not fruit, good ol natural milk. 

You're not a baby anymore!
A baby that want's milk from it's mother is a bit different than an adult drinking from other species.
The later part sounds natural to you?
And yeah I'm sure it's important for a baby to be fed in an easy way. It doesn't have teeth either so. And if there's no food around, the baby will always have the breast milk. So I'm sure evolution took care of that part.
If it's so natural why don't you still suck on your mommas tittes and nothing else?

I'm gonna write my responses in blue here:


Do you think the medical industry really wants you to be healthy?
No but the world isn't ruled by them.
Do you think the meat and dairy industry really wants you to be healthy?
The medical industry makes money a lot because of the lies of meat and dairy industry.

You’re worth a lot more money to them if you’re sick.
Yes and the same can be said about meat and dairy industry.

So it makes sense that any scientific studies funded by such corporations would be biased to show the health benefits of toxic foods and the negative effects of real healthy foods. If they can brainwash you into thinking you’re vegan diet is “healthy”, then you’ll never question it because all of your peers are doing the same.
Again that can also be said about meat and dairy industry. Lol. Can't you see the irony?

And as your body slowly begins to become malnourished and your brain shuts down, your medical bills will begin to add up.
Should I post some pictures of VEGAN bodybuilders, strongmans, top athletes, world record holders etc or is it even necessary?
Why would I become malnourised and why would my brain shut down?

Why am I even wasting time on trolls...
I just think it's sad that some people actually believe what you say so I guess I'm trying to help them.
Please stop spreading lies.

Edited by sgn

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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@sgn it’s crazy how much you defend your diet as if it’s like your religion or something. Haha it evokes compassion my friend. Maybe I’m wrong and I’ll stand humbled if that truth ever comes to me but as of right now it’s very clear to me that vegans and fruitarians are mislead into thinking their toxic diet is healthy. A lot of the foods you eat are man made hybrids. You wouldn’t survive on real raw fruits in nature. Close your mind if you want, but that won’t stop me from spreading what I’ve learned. ??


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@Slade Don't have compassion for me. Have it for the animals. :)
It's pretty sad to see people desperately defend their meat eating. Although some admit they have no excuse.
It's not just about diet. You're supporting unnecessary abuse, slavery, rape and murder of animals.

You admittet before that you like to play the devils advocate. Why? You really hate animals that much and wish them to suffer?
But I'm absolutely sure you don't realize how much suffering there really is so I guess I can't really blame you. Few people do.
I didn't know before either, before I researched it.
I go to great length in these discussions with you because I think it's important to stand up and fight for the animals.
They can't do it themselves.

You say that veganism is bad but you don't really say specifically what's bad about it.
You say it's lacking. But not of what. Now you say it's toxic. Exactly what is toxic?
You pull things from your ass then I prove you wrong. You avoid it and change to something new . So selective. ;)

If people eat meat I'm not instantly going to attack them. But when they're spreading lies about veganism and act like it's justified to support animal abuse then I react.
Again don't talk about what's natural or not or man made.
It's not like all of the animals that exist now would exist without humans or that they would have the same size and taste etc.

What are you trying to say with the picture? :SThat some children eat raw meat? Of course they do. If I try to find pictures of children eating sand, or poo, or whatever, I can probably find it. Doesn't say anything about if that's what they actually prefer over anything else or if it's the natural instinct to choose that over other foods. Maybe they have no choice either.
There's pictures on WHATEVER you'll google.
Should I post a couple thousand children eating fruits? vegetables? potatoes? beans?...

Yeah do whatever you want of course and eat meat I don't expect anything else.

Fuck once again my post became longer than I was thinking :/

I realize this doesn't lead anywhere and I hope in the future you can extend your compassion to animals.
They are really innocent and helpless. They have traits just like dogs and cats and is VERY similar in many ways.
They have friends. Likes to play. Cuddle and all that.
They just happened to be born looking a different way. Unlucky.


Edited by sgn

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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@Slade I can see by your comments that you have a lot of influence from sv3rige, but I am not convinced of his beliefs. I don't think all studies are bullshit nor are they run by the New World Order. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes partially agree, and sometimes I disagree. Sv3rige straight up says fruits, fiber, and vegetables are bad or useless and are toxic for your body, but it makes no sense. Japanese people are some of the longest living people and they live off grains and vegetables with minimal meat. It also doesn't explain that vegans in general have less rates of diseases like atherosclerosis. I am not even vegan, but I found vegetables, seeds, nuts, and fruits to be excellent addition to my daily diet.

Regarding your last comment, I am aware of the keto-genic diet too, I have a friend who got good results with it but found it to be unsustainable. 

All people who want to understand Slade, need to understand the paleo movement as well as the fear of nutritional deficiencies in veganism long-term.

Videos like this help understand the slade's fear or dislike of plant foods/vegan movement: 


and he has more where he points certain nutrients are not received from animal products such as Creatine, Taurine, B12, Carnosine, K2, D, "True" Vitamin A, and more that I am forgetting.

In a way, sv3rige has definitely made me hesitant about going vegan, so at the moment I will stay eating Whole Foods, mostly plant-based.

Still he does not answer how individuals like Paul McCartney who has been vegetarian and recently vegan (2013) for over 30+ years, but still look and act healthy. 

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@SgtPepper The poor guy has some serious mental issues and is a danger to himself and others who follows him.
It's like he just always have to do and believe the opposite of common sense.
The guy promotes sungazing. Believes the earth is flat. Got seriously sick because of his diet.


"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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sv3rige is unique, no doubt, but not the only one who promotes raw meat, so his promotion of raw meat has nothing to do with mental illnesses; Cultures do it, Bruce Lee tried raw meat, and many find benefits from it It has been shown scientifically to carry a lot of nutrients as well, but I am just not interested in it, given the risks. However, my move towards removing cooked meat and fish has halted, I think I will keep meat seeing as there is not enough evidence that removing meat is healthier than keeping meat. 

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This video brought tear to my eye

I also think this video is quite important to watch explaining why "whole food-plant-based" is superior to every other diet.

sv3rige is mentally ill lol every one knows that..

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Sin started with an Apple. Adam and Eve ate the apple and that’s when shit went downhill. Would’ve been different if they ate raw meat. ?

Don’t take this too seriously, but there is some truth to it. A sick life and mind begins with eating sickly food. 

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Will not take the bait.

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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On 02/03/2018 at 6:05 PM, SgtPepper said:

I think I will keep meat seeing as there is not enough evidence that removing meat is healthier than keeping meat. 

There are mountains of evidence. Thousands of pre-reviewed and published research papers in the archives of US National Library of Medicine. Largest ones being Harvard Nurses Study, Fremingham Heart Study and China Study conducted over decades on hundreds of thousands of people. These have unfortunately been twisted and prostituted by various people to promote their ridiculous diets. 


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On 3/5/2018 at 8:18 AM, Slade said:

Sin started with an Apple. Adam and Eve ate the apple and that’s when shit went downhill. Would’ve been different if they ate raw meat. ?

Don’t take this too seriously, but there is some truth to it. A sick life and mind begins with eating sickly food. 

"eating" was the problem. We are water beings, we thrive more on liquids than anything else. More liquid food the better we feel. Try fast on distilled water for 30 days your whole life and level of consciousness will shift. You will literally feel evolved, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Food is an addiction if you want the absolute truth.

Edited by pluto


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