
Raw Meat Diet

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Due to internet data limitations I will not give you the link, but you can search in youtube "joe Rogan experiens with Jordan Peterson" ,open the latest interview and at about 2:12:00 he talks about diet and his and his daughters experience with 'greens and meet'. Its mind blowing story.

Hope it gives you some sense of it ;)

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3 hours ago, Slade said:

Today I started with eating only meat and raw milk. If it goes well over the next few months I’ll probably switch to raw beef too but for now I’m cooking it. 

I’ll make another post to keep you guys updated.

oh boy, you are asking for a scurvy

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3 hours ago, mikeyy said:

Oh god ready how not to die amd ull see how fuckedup a diet like that is u need fuckon vegetables brop

dude :D sounds like you watch too much Durianrider 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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6 hours ago, Michael569 said:


oh boy, you are asking for a scurvy

According to this website by Dr. Axe, raw milk contains Vitamin C

Not saying I am in support of this diet, I am wfpb person myself for my own reasons. I think a diet of raw milk and Meat could work considering humans probably have had to live in this condition before especially during the winter. 

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13 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

According to this website by Dr. Axe, raw milk contains Vitamin C

Not saying I am in support of this diet, I am wfpb person myself for my own reasons. I think a diet of raw milk and Meat could work considering humans probably have had to live in this condition before especially during the winter. 

Booyah. There’s small amounts of vitamin c in meat too. 

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6 minutes ago, Slade said:

Booyah. There’s small amounts of vitamin c in meat too. 

It makes sense since animals eat plants, that is where they get their vitamin C.

I am curious, are you just eating grass-fed cow meat? or will you include chicken and pork?

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37 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

It makes sense since animals eat plants, that is where they get their vitamin C.

I am curious, are you just eating grass-fed cow meat? or will you include chicken and pork?

I’m just eating cow meat. I don’t think it’s grass fed, that stuff is kinda expensive, but if this goes well then I’ll end up getting grass fed and pasture raised. The milk I’m drinking though is grass fed, pasture raised, raw milk.

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2 minutes ago, Slade said:

I’m just eating cow meat. I don’t think it’s grass fed, that stuff is kinda expensive, but if this goes well then I’ll end up getting grass fed and pasture raised. The milk I’m drinking though is grass fed, pasture raised, raw milk.

I would say go grass-fed to go as natural as possible, but I am sure you have done the research. Good luck man!:)

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humans are not meant to eat raw meat, seriously dont do it, its actually dangerous,

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1 minute ago, MM1988 said:

humans are not meant to eat raw meat, seriously dont do it, its actually dangerous,

You must be a doctor. 

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7 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

I would say go grass-fed to go as natural as possible, but I am sure you have done the research. Good luck man!:)

Yeah I definitely want to go grass fed at some point. I heard that’s the safest bet for raw meat as well as I’d like to know the animals I’m eating are pasture raised on a good farm and are healthy. 

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19 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

According to this website by Dr. Axe, raw milk contains Vitamin C

Not saying I am in support of this diet, I am wfpb person myself for my own reasons. I think a diet of raw milk and Meat could work considering humans probably have had to live in this condition before especially during the winter. 

Not based on 10 cups of whole grassfed cow milk has 0 vitamin C. There is very little vitamin C in meat as well. 

You guys are seriously going to mess up your health beyond repair with with all that cholesterol and fat :D good luck and have fun :)


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

Not based on

Because surely cronometer is right 100% of the time. :)

(E.g. The vitamin A in carrots is not that bioavailable.)

By the way, raw milk is a completely different food from pasteurized homogenized milk. The former has enzymes and actual nutrition, the latter causes a mucus response and destroys the gut. But you probably knew that already.

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“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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41 minutes ago, jjer94 said:

Because surely cronometer is right 100% of the time. :)

(E.g. The vitamin A in carrots is not that bioavailable.)

By the way, raw milk is a completely different food from pasteurized homogenized milk. The former has enzymes and actual nutrition, the latter causes a mucus response and destroys the gut. But you probably knew that already.

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Yeah I don’t think a lot of people are aware of the power of raw milk. You could literally live off raw milk and get all the nutrients you need. 

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Good discussion here. I have spent the last few days watching sv3rige's videos... heh.

Still, I do not see the benefits of being so extreme and eating only raw meat, raw eggs, and raw milk, especially considering the risk of contracting harmful bacterias.

There is evidence that humans have eaten both starches (root vegetables), meat to survive, and that cooking food helped us evolve. Our body and brain use glucose for energy. Not to mention the kind of actions one has to commit on a weekly basis to sentient animals to sustain that kind of diet. Yeah, it is natural to kill, to survive as carnivores argue, but it is also natural to have empathy and make friends with sentient animals. Would it not be more balanced to include both vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, and meat/fish in the diet? milk and cheese seems debatable since its a recent food in human diets or perhaps was not eaten on a weekly basis all year.

Unfortunately, I have not experimented enough with my diet or explored the research enough to be convicted in one place (still need to check out Westen A. Price's material). 

Also, I have seen sv3rige argue that Vegan diets lack vitamin A, but then why do we not see vitamin A deficiency in vegans? why aren't people going blind? When I look up 4 oz cooked meat like pork chop or chicken on cronometer, not even 5% of vitamin A RDA is met. I have never eaten raw meat in my life, but I have great eyesight (No glasses or contacts). 

Edited by SgtPepper

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@SgtPepper Yeah I don’t think there’s anything wrong with including some veggies and fruits in your diet. What’s really intrigued me is the stories of tribes living to be 150yrs old living mostly off of raw fish and other raw meats, with the occasional fruit or veggie. 

Your body can live off of fat by the way. They call it ketosis and a lot of people claim to have way more energy when they use fat instead of glucose. Ketogenic diets focus on this. But even if you’re not in ketosis you can convert protein into glucose.

From what I’ve studied the risk of getting harmful bacteria only comes when you are eating an unhealthy animal. If you’re eating ones that are raised on a pasture, wild caught, and eating what they’re meant to eat then there seems to be no risk. I wouldn’t eat raw eggs or meat from Walmart. Lol

Something I’m reconciling with is having to kill animals in order for me to survive. I love cows and all animals really and I wouldn’t want any suffering to come to them, let alone at my hands. I’m not religious but before I eat now I say a little prayer hoping that the lives of the animals I’m eating live on in some way and I wish them well and thank them. Joseph Campbell’s work has helped give me some peace of mind. He talks about how you cannot have life without death and vis versa. When something dies, it is reborn. 

If you want to do more research on this you should look into the guy that started it all. His name is Aajonus Vonderplanitz. His story is incredible. He was sick and projected to die at 21 years old but raw food saved his life. He’s spoken with multiple tribes and seen how they live off of raw meat and well into 150yrs. What’s really insane though is that he was an activist for raw milk consumption and because of that he had death threats and was kidnapped one time and almost killed. He died in 2013 when his balcony at his house in Thailand collapsed. I saw in one of sv3riges videos that Aajonus’s friends think he was assinated. Normally I’m not that interested in conspiracy’s but Aajonus said once, “whatever the medical industry tells you to do, do the opposite and you’ll be healthy.” This struck me because I remember Leo saying once something along the lines of, “whatever mainstream society tells you to do, do the opposite and you can guarantee your success.” 

Another person to look into his Melissa Henig. She’s still alive and is a big advocate for raw foods and she does include some raw fruits and veggies. 



Edited by Slade

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Please be careful and remember you are not a cat.



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@Slade  Interesting. Might look into that guy later. He seems to contrast with one of my main sources: Robert Morse (who points out what @pluto just did), in that he especially used raw animal products and not just raw fruits/veggies. Also stories of 150 year old tribe members remind me of a quote from Robert Morse's book: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook:


“The ancient Greeks, before the time of Lycurgus, ate nothing but fruit,”
(Plutarch) and “each generation reached the age of 200 years.”
— Onomacritus of Athens

Then there are people like Dave Asprey aspiring to live to 170, and he has his hacky ways.

Wish I could live that long to see who's truly right. :P

Edited by Huginn

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1 hour ago, pluto said:

Please be careful and remember you are not a cat.



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@Huginn There’s so much controversial information out there I hope we can all find the truth someday. Thanks for sharing.

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