
Raw Meat Diet

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Does anyone here have experience with or know of any good sources for learning about raw meat diets or raw primal diets as some might call it? 

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No experience here but I would be careful with such an endeavour, there is a reason why humans cook the meat to kill whatever is inside of it. 

You would be risking severe infections by Helicobacter-Pylori, Salmonella, Shigella etc. Not to mention that our digestive tract is not designed to digest it. H-Pylori may cause you life-long digestive problems, inflammations even things such as Crohn's disease. 

 Just a heed of caution : ) 

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As humans we shouldn’t be eating meat at all, we are frugivores. Our digestive system isn’t meant for meat.

Try it if you want, but like, why? Your only gonna make yourself ill :ph34r:

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@Michael569 I’ve actually heard that eating meat raw is easier for our bodies to digest but I want to make sure I do it right so I don’t those bad bacteria. Haha @RawJudah there’s so much contradicting information out there I don’t think you can say for sure we’re meat eaters or not. I’m just experimenting to see what makes me feel better personally. 

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@Slade Eating raw meat would be a really openminded almost naive idea. There is a contradiction, no doubt about it, but if you check the empirical investigation meat doesn't help you whatsoever. The contradiction is a result of meat-industry propaganda and fraud docs. If you were designed to eat raw meat you would be drawn to it and you would have the teeth of a lion or a tiger accordingly. 

From my honest opinion, i think meat is still a thing because of culture and is an opiate of the masses in forms of junk food.

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@Socrates I respect your opinion however I have seen people in the best shape of their lives on a meat only diet and claiming to feel better than they have ever felt before. I’d be interested in seeing what empirical evidence you have found.

The funny thing is that I actually am drawn to raw steak. My mouth waters just looking at it. Same with sushi. 

Edited by Slade

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@Slade I am curious who these people are, also feeling good doesn't make someone healthy.

A roided out of his mind bodybuilder who is eating steak and chicken all day is feeling good but he is nowhere near healthy.

This is the same misconception with people that claim being muscular and shredded has something to do with health. 

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@Socrates There’s four that I know of on YouTube you can check them out if you’d like. 

Shawn Baker 

Frank Tufano




There’s claims of people healing from diseases on all meat diets as well. It’s really interesting I think we have a lot to still learn about health and fitness.

Edited by Slade

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@Slade I've got to be honest man, your openmindedness has gotten the better of you. First of all only the sv3rige clown out of these people eats raw meat, the rest eat it is cooked. 

Sv3rige the provocative loser, he is basically anti-vegan. He has t-shirts with "go vegan and die" and he goes with skulls of dead animals on vegan festivals and talks shit. His arguments have been refuted by vegan gains but no he is ideological. I don't think you can get any lower than that scum, kinda disappointed you mentioned him as a "healthy individual" LOL. 

Shawn Baker same story just more civilized. Weak arguments, not a doctor anymore, anecdotal claims, doesn't look healthy whatsoever.

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@Slade I watched this last night. You may be interested:

A.V. was afraid of eating raw meat for over a decade, even though it healed his body. And even if it is bullshit, his story is entertaining nonetheless.

The thing is, most people on this forum are vegetarian/vegan. Don't expect encouragement on this topic. The best way to find out if the diet works is to test it out yourself. 

You can start by going keto. I've had tons of success with a cyclical ketogenic diet. Mental clarity, satiation, alleviated depression, sustained energy, easy to fast.

Edited by jjer94

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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@Socrates Actually Frank eats raw as well and he’s a weight lifter. Whatever your opinions are of that other guy doesn’t change the fact that his skin disease was healed from eating raw meat. I can tell you haven’t done much research on Shawn Baker so I’m not going to get into that, but what I will say is he’s 50 years old and breaking world records in physical fitness. “Not healthy whatsoever”? Really? Haha 

I would say your close mindedness has gotten the best of you. No offense. Thanks for your input. 

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3 hours ago, jjer94 said:

@Slade I watched this last night. You may be interested:

A.V. was afraid of eating raw meat for over a decade, even though it healed his body. And even if it is bullshit, his story is entertaining nonetheless.

The thing is, most people on this forum are vegetarian/vegan. Don't expect encouragement on this topic. The best way to find out if the diet works is to test it out yourself. 

You can start by going keto. I've had tons of success with a cyclical ketogenic diet. Mental clarity, satiation, alleviated depression, sustained energy, easy to fast.

I’ve been vegan for the last six months so I get it. I drank the koolaid too. Haha I’m going to try Keto for a month and see what happens. 

I just watched that video and wow that was a MIND FUCK!

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14 hours ago, Slade said:

I’ve actually heard that eating meat raw is easier for our bodies to digest but I want to make sure I do it right so I don’t those bad bacteria.

Your life, your decisions friend. No argument here, just make sure you know what you are doing. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@Slade Do whatever you want just keep in mind that you may hurt yourself with eating raw rotting flesh, that's all.

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No experience or sources on such here, but below is some stuff I wanted to talk about anyway for your benefit hopefully. I had been on a Primal/Paleo diet for 3 quarters of a year, which did nothing for my eczema condition, but now I've found a new approach after careful consideration also with holistic health in mind. I'm seeing if it works out, just begun recently.



I've found this issue of good health and diet requires some careful epistemological consideration, also knowing well what this health you're going for is all about.

But we can all kind of agree on what health is in general, longevity, feeling good, looking good etc. So how to determine what's healthy? What are the best sources of Truth for this matter?

In my personal experience, there's so much data and conflicting scientific data out there that it's impossible to analyse all of it. So I started to look more inwards for answers, own experience, what makes sense in tackling this question. It made sense to me to assume that the diet my body is designed for is the one that would let me run most smoothly and give me the best health. From the question "what food is my body best designed for?" then followed some introspection from the little data that I could collect.

The conclusion so far is that we're best designed to be frugivores. From what I know of history, it seems to me that our evolving species were eating fruits and other plants much longer than meat. Then at some point we became more adventurous, started eating meat, exploring and actually relying more on meat because we had to in colder climates. Given that the period of time we've been eating meat is much shorter than the period of time we've been eating plants, it makes sense to place more weight on plants for health. I actually see meat now as a kind of emergency food, much inkling to how we might cannibalize each other if we started to starve. There are other insights to gain from personal experience too. For example, the lack of desire to attack and eat animals raw when sighted, whereas I have some desire to go after colorful fruit.

I'm still kind of new to this plant-based whole foods diet I've adopted, so I've still to truly see if it gives me positive results in real experience. If it does, I know this is the truest direction. I'm fairly confident though since I've taken the approach of investigation that I took. So, I just want to give food for thought in case you haven't thought about it much. It's important to take responsibility for how you derive truth, your definition of truth what sources of truth are valid etc. It's easy to get trapped in the Matrix without knowing it.

Here are recent conflicting book sources that I've been using:

- The Detox Miracle Sourcebook (Robert Morse)

- The New Primal Blueprint (Mark Sisson)

- The Vegetarian Myth (Pierre Keith)

Edited by Huginn

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On 2/15/2018 at 7:24 PM, Socrates said:

vegan gains


On 2/15/2018 at 7:24 PM, Socrates said:



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Honestly, that's kind of gross. Wouldn't you much rather cook it, throw some salt, red pepper, and lemon juice on it?

I do not know of any sources and am actually surprised to have found sv3rige's channel.

I personally think this is extreme, at least eat some veggies and fruits with the raw meat. There are important nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, and more that we get from vegetables and fruits. 

but yeah man try it if you want. I would interested in hearing an update if you ever do.

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1 hour ago, SgtPepper said:

Honestly, that's kind of gross. Wouldn't you much rather cook it, throw some salt, red pepper, and lemon juice on it?

I do not know of any sources and am actually surprised to have found sv3rige's channel.

I personally think this is extreme, at least eat some veggies and fruits with the raw meat. There are important nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, and more that we get from vegetables and fruits. 

but yeah man try it if you want. I would interested in hearing an update if you ever do.

Today I started with eating only meat and raw milk. If it goes well over the next few months I’ll probably switch to raw beef too but for now I’m cooking it. 

I’ll make another post to keep you guys updated.

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Oh god ready how not to die amd ull see how fuckedup a diet like that is u need fuckon vegetables brop

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32 minutes ago, mikeyy said:

Oh god ready how not to die amd ull see how fuckedup a diet like that is u need fuckon vegetables brop

Oh gahd yuh need uh fahking gramer teecher brap 

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